Sunday Selections # 628

 Long ago, Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to their blogs and have a look.

Elephant's Child is still on a break and it's possible Andrew is too this week.

A short selection today, beginning with a "blast from the past"

November 2013, when I was still riding my bike and had short hair

Back now to last Tuesday, this is what happened when I put some apples, brown sugar and cinnamon to simmer, then got distracted painting a picture frame, oops.

this "mural" is on a utility box on the corner of Hutt Street and South Terrace, I believe it holds the connections for the traffic lights.

another city mural, I don't remember where this one is, I was wandering around looking for murals and got a bit lost

this one is done in pastel shades and is in a street fairly close to the one above

this one I remember is in Grenfell Street in the city. I didn't get close enough to any of them to see artist names.

Here is Genevieve enjoying feeding herself, look closely and you will see her first tooth

Anastasia also had fun feeding herself, little chunks of potatoes and carrots in gravy.

All finished Mum! That's Ana poking her tongue out.

and now for something very special: *drum roll* I have permission to post this>>>

my great-grandson BK, 10 days old here and very happy with life so far. He is a very calm little boy, eats well and sleeps well. His daddy plays guitar to him 😊 which I am pleased about, all children should have music in their lives.


  1. I like BK's groovy blanket! Those are some nice murals, too.

    1. Steve Reed; BK has artistic creative parents, his life promises to be very colourful.

  2. With the exception of the spillover this is a truly delightful post - from past to present.

    1. Elephant's Child; the spillover was easy enough to clean up and I caught it before the apples burned so they are okay too.

  3. What a delightful little boy. I agree about music. He's a lucky baby to have a personal guitarist.

    1. jabblog; we all like music in our family and in-law additions also enjoy music so the children are all lucky that way.

  4. A most entertaining bunch of shots! I love your bike! AND your babies! Music is essential- at every stage.

    1. Linda Sue; the poor bike is gathering dust in the shed now and the tyres have perished. If I ever move somewhere that has only flat streets I may ride again. I love all my babies too and I agree music is very essential.

  5. Your family is number, too! :) You are fortunate to have a lovely family around you, to love and love you in return. :)

    The last time I rode a bike was in 1974, when I was staying with my Nana, at Slade Point, a beach-side suburb of Mackay. My mother had just passed away, and I'd flown up from Brisbane. I borrowed the bike from the neighbours and went off alone for a ride.

    I hope your week ahead treats you kindly, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; I spent many childhood days, weeks even, riding alone, having time to think or get something "out of my system". it helped a lot. Cuddles to Shama too.

  6. It been a long time since I rode a bike.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I think I stopped riding about 2015 when I couldn't manage the slight slope uphill and had to get off and push the bike.

  7. Children are a delight to see. Oh dear with the pot on the stove, hope all was well inside.
    All the photos are lovely.

    1. Margaret D; all was well inside the pot :). the children are adorable aren't they?

  8. Too funny, you join "me" already!!
    Oh. My bike stand to my left since... months. I feel unsure on it and prefer to walk! Also better for taking pics - and you burn more calories. And time... Well, nothing is perfect!
    Hmmm, my sweet tooth wakes up! Apples and cinnamon...

    I hope to see more butterflies this year. Last year I saw but one and I was on the balcony often! Scary...
    Beautiful murals.

    Wow, you´ll be one busy(Great-) Granma!! Haha, just wait till their teens, LOL! Enjoy as much as you can. Big Congrats! Happy Sunday! And yes to music, that is so sweet of the Daddy...

    1. Iris; I won't see much of this little boy, they live and work in Melbourne, so it will be Christmas visits mostly.
      I have lived here almost twelve years now and seen less than five butterflies in all that time.

  9. I think it's a magic trick that wall mural painters can stand back and picture what they are going to do and then walk up to the wall with their nose right in front of it and still get the perspective right.

    1. Mike; definitely magic. I know for sure I could never do it.

  10. Cooking apples do rise kind of like bread, It sounds delicious, and I'm pleased to know it did not scorch.
    I hope to soon get my bike out - it needs riding (or maybe I do).
    Soo cute little ones :D and colourful murals. Thank you for these happy photos.

    1. Charlotte; the apples smelled so nice while they were cooking, but I forgot to check on them. They didn't scorch so they are still edible. My bike will remain in the shed until (or if ever) I get a place with flat streets all around.

  11. I'm glad the apples weren't burned, home made applesauce is a delightful thing.

    The murals are quite good, i'm glad you have the colorful spots in the city.

    Those girls are so special, and thank you for sharing BK. He's precious.

    1. messymimi; these apples were destined for apple pie, but in the end I just froze them in single portions for eating as dessert. BK is very precious and the girls are forging ahead in leaps and bounds. I almost expect them to be walking next time I see them. I don't often find murals, I don't go to the smaller side streets often enough.

  12. That's a big bike! Maybe a mess, but I bet the kitchen smelled delicious. The girls seem proud of their feeding accomplishments. BK is a beautiful boy, and looks like a serious little dude!

    1. Val; the bike is not that big, it is me that is so small, only five feet tall. The girls love their food, just like their daddy, and are happy about feeding themselves. BK does look serious, I think he is watching, listening, analysing and think he is going to be very smart.


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