Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Susan Kane and can be found here

I haven't managed to use Charlotte's colour of the month this time, salmon pink

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. oppose 2. child 3. mind 4. kitchen 5. foundation 6. excavation 


1. exceed 2. exploration 3. enterprise 4. escape 5. entertain 6. efficient

Here is my story:

The excavation site was buzzing with excitement. For weeks the senior archaeologists and several students had been slowly and efficiently uncovering much of the foundation, then this morning Barbara had unearthed some broken earthenware pieces and what appeared to be blackened stones indicating a kitchen had been much nearer than first thought. “This find exceeds all our expectations,” said John Brighton. “Surely the investor cannot now oppose an extra few months of exploration here.”

“I shall entertain him with thoughts of being in the Archaeological News, most people like to see their photos in the media,” replied Barry King. “There’s no escaping the fact this is a much bigger enterprise than we first thought.” “I shall have to have a chat with my mother-in-law,” said Barbara. “I’ll need to know if she can continue to mind my child for a good while longer, she has been happy to do so until now.”


  1. I just love how you always make me smile and feel better with your stories. Thank you!

    1. Charlotte; thank you, I do try to make my stories happy.

  2. Superintendent Stubbs began to oppose my theory like a child with a stubborn mind. However, I was certain that the murder had happened in the salmon pink kitchen and that it should be the foundation for the forthcoming excavation.

    I was painfully aware that we were beginning to exceed our budget but any police exploration that becomes a successful enterprise should not be allowed to escape one's grip, nor should we ever entertain the notion that efficient accounting is the hallmark of effective policing.

    1. Good points, sir. To protect society from murderers being on the loose, well, what price tag do we put on that?

    2. Yorkshire Pudding; another good tale with a lesson in it. Efficient accounting should never take the place of effective policing.

  3. Archelogy what exciting subject.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I sometimes thought about being an archaeologist when I was younger and my youngest son also thought about it. but we got regular jobs and had families instead.

  4. Digs are always unpredictable, i'm glad this one is turning up plenty of unexpected artifacts.

    1. messymimi; I love reading in the newspapers and seeing on TV about new and unexpected finds.

  5. The Pony used to aspire to be an archaeologist, but then considered how difficult it might be to find a job working on actual digs.

  6. Nicely done! (Again, what else? ;-)...)

    We just had huge discussions with Spain and the translation company about the word "shall", btw.
    As in if someone crosses the rails don´t use "should", the driver "shall" as in "must" stop the tram.
    They really in both languages "suggested" the driver´s job is stopping...

    1. Iris; I grew up with English so it is easy for me, but must be so confusing for other nationalities with things like shall and should, where should is what the driver should do, but shall is what the driver must do. Although both can be seen as a suggestion, shall definitely means must (will) in this case.

  7. Nice... I got nothin' this week.


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