Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Susan Kane and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. steam 2. overview 3. bury 4. foundation 5. survey 6. reveal 


1. headline 2. fling 3. hand 4. emerald 5. safe 6. vein

also including Charlotte's colour of the month which is salmon pink for March

Here is my story:

The steam from the spa was dense enough that I could barely see my boss, Charles Kritzvek, which was fine with me. The less I saw of that overfed blubberhead the better I felt. 

“Don’t bother with details just give me the overview for now” he said, sliding lower into the water. I read from my notes, “the survey has revealed the foundation you had laid is not safe, being neither strong nor stable enough to support a twelve story apartment block.” 

“What!” he screeched, flinging his bright salmon pink body skyward. I closed my eyes tight and turned my face away, but not before noticing the hand closest to me now wore a giant emerald ring on the pinky finger. I wondered when he had bought that. 

He reached for a towel and waved away some steam as I turned back. He glared at me and I noticed a vein beginning to throb at his temple. 

“Get me that contractor!” he thundered, “and that soil test report. And the concrete supplier!” he yelled to my retreating back. “If any one of them has been cutting corners to grab extra profit for himself I will bury him so deep in paperwork and lawsuits, he’ll never work again. I remember now the concrete supplier was arguing about the depth necessary for the pilings, if he shorted them I’ll make sure he makes the headline of every newspaper!”


  1. At least the blubberhead seems to care about the safety shortcomings...

    1. Elephant's Child; yes he does, he's building apartments for low income people and wants them to be safe.

  2. Mr. Innocent in person. I'm happy I'm not your protagonist. Well written.

    1. Charlotte; he's a good person, just annoys his secretary a lot with his manners.

  3. An overview of the survey showed someone tried to bury the foundation but workers used steam to reveal it.

  4. Good story, not someone i'd be wanting to work for, at least not for long.

    1. messymimi; he's a good person, just rough around the edges, a bit like a bulldozer when something seems wrong with plans he's made.

  5. I haven't heard "blubberhead" for a while.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora; I haven't either and I don't know why it just popped into my head.

  6. Replies
    1. Val; one head in particular and the ones working for that head will suffer a bit until things are made right.

  7. Oh.Sadly I can imagine that guy. When working at an architectural office one boss was the same. The giant emerald ring was a red sports car and all he did was yell at his staff. The other had a language error, but was the nicest. A strange partnership. I am glad I did not stay in that business (architecture in general).
    At least he takes care about safety.

    1. Iris; he is actually a nice person, just socially awkward and annoys his secretary with his "bull in a china shop" approach to things. Which generally means "barge in and get things done."

  8. I have had fairly decent bosses, luckily. This guy was ripe for a mugging and theft. He would deserve it.


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