Words for Wednesday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by Susan Kane and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 1. steam 2. overview 3. bury 4. foundation 5. survey 6. reveal and/or: 1. headline 2. fling 3. hand 4. emerald 5. safe 6. vein

use either list or both, or mix and match, just have fun.

If you wish to include Charlotte's colour of the month it is salmon pink for March


  1. I´m looking forward again to read yours! Wish I was more creative...

  2. Iris; you are creative, just in a different way, your drawings are great.

  3. Sorry I am on a bit of a soap box today. Here is my take - and I am with Ruby and Emerald.
    Ruby and her sister Emerald both got steamed up when they read the headlines in the local paper. They didn’t need any survey to reveal that constantly focusing on the negative was bad for them (and everyone else). As they saw it, they had two choices, they could fling the paper aside or open a vein.
    The second option wasn’t safe, and didn’t change anything for the world. It might bury the issue for them, but would add to the grief and despair that their family and friends were already burdened with.
    Hand on heart they made a promise to each other. They would see/read just as much of the news as was necessary to get an overview of what was happening. When they could make a positive difference (for example by donating to an environmental foundation) they would. If they could change nothing they would step aside, and look to the kindness and beauty that still existed, and was too rarely reported…

    1. That's what I do. We get a paper, no TV. I read headlines in the paper, and on occasion, online. I do what I can to make a difference in the world. What happens, happens, letting myself get despressed or despondent won't help.

      Excellent take on the words.

    2. Elephant's Child; excellent story. More people should focus more on what is good and what good they can do to help things improve, instead of getting hyped up on the negative.

  4. I'm working on it, and will be back.

  5. Steam was coming out of my ears when I read the overview by Tim Bury. The foundation of his argument was the Adelaide-wide survey which had seemed to reveal and support the headline news that everybody enjoys a secret fling. I caressed my emerald-studded Rolex before placing it in the safe. Looking in the adjacent wall mirror, I noticed that the throbbing vein on my left temple had turned salmon pink.

    1. Yorkshire Pudding; good story, although I wonder how widely this Tim Bury researched his article.

    2. good use of the prompts, and I'm glad I'm not an "everybody"

    3. It sounds like Tim Bury is going to cause someone apoplexy if he doesn't do better at researching.

    4. Yorkshire Pudding: I suspect Tim Bury was justifying himself.

  6. Soon I will be having Friday's off.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. Dora; you might find time to join us with a story now and again.

  7. Sue's story is excellent. So much happens these days. I'll be back.

    1. Susan Kane; it is excellent. I'll pop back later for your story.

  8. I hope you have fun with this prompt!

  9. Helen felt settled by the foundation of her beliefs, knowing that God would reveal to her the heading she should go. He would guide her to the destination He desired for her.
    He had surveyed over her lifetime, giving Helen an overview of His plans. She feared no evil, being in a safe place, for God held her in the palm of His Hand. She would fling doubts and fears away, knowing that her being was cleansed by His blood from His Son’s own veins.
    Misty steam roiled from emerald valley where Helen could bury all doubts and fears; this was God’s universe and creation.

    1. That's the peace which passes all understanding.

    2. Susan Kane; this is very nice, I hope Helen does bury all her doubts and fears.


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