the tide of time

washes away the old and clears the way for the new. (thank you, google images) I don't do New Year resolutions, but I have said to myself that I should try to take back control of my time. Perhaps I should say try to make better use of my time. Do more of the doing and less of the sitting on my bum thinking I should be doing (going, finishing, starting). Even less of the lying in bed thinking I really should be getting up now, there's things to do..... Of course, I know those statements will both fall flat on their face with the first hot day. If I don't have to get up and go to work, I'm likely to just stay where I am, whether it be bed, couch, or chair on the porch. And take my time about getting things done. After all, there's no real rush. Not anymore. The washing can wait , there aren't kids uniforms that need to be cleaned and ready for school. Cooking can wait, there's no one here constantly asking when's dinner, I'm ...