Sunday Selections #99

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm continuing the Christmas theme that is spreading throughout the blogosphere. 

The following are photos of this year's tree, which I had to take twice because the first lot showed images of my kids in the photo board behind the tree. 
I had to hang up a towel to cover it.

Here it is.....My Tree 2012.

The tree, the whole tree, nothing but the tree :)

the bottom,

the middle,

the top.
No accidental photos of any kids in here.
No, no, no. 

oooh! shiny.

I do love sparkle.

finally, the sleigh filled with baubles.
another idea I copied from Kelley.


  1. Wow..beautiful...what a classy collection of ornaments.

  2. I love love love your tree! So exquisite! My Sunday photos will publish in about... 12 hours!

  3. Thumbs up! Nice photos too, to capture the shine and sparkle.

  4. Simply gorgeous. I love your tree, and I love your ornaments. Thank you.

    Sunday Selections 99!!!! I do hope lots and lots of people join us next week.

  5. You've certainly gone all the way its really jam packed with decorations. The only things left are the presents.

  6. Very pretty and I like the way you did not think 'less is more' but instead 'more is better'.

  7. Hi River,

    What 'treemendous' photos and at this rate, I might actually give in and demand my human put up the tree. That way I can knock it down. No, not really. Arf! Arf!

    Pawsitive wishes, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  8. Wow! Your tree is SO impressive!!! But how long does it take you to pack it up after Xmas?!?!?!

  9. Delores; I've collected a few at a time over the years, i think I have enough, then each year I see something else...

    Cindi Summerlin; thanks, I'll be sure and look at yours.

    drb; capturing sparkle is easy, just turn on all the lights then turn off the flash.

    Elephant's Child; I hope lots of people join us next week too.

    Windsmoke; I don't display presents before Christmas Eve, I like to keep people guessing.

    R.H. it's great isn't it!

    kelley@magnetoboldtoo; then my work is done :)

    Andrew; simplicity is great but overdone is good too.

    klahanie and Penny the Jack Russell; I hope you do put up your tree.

    Red Nomad OZ; it's a small tree, so probably will pack up in the same amount of time it took to decorate.

  10. Lest there was any doubt...Christmas is here! Hope you have a great one...

  11. Wow, your tree sure is decked out in fine fashion. Beautiful!

  12. I posted that I had one ornament up but then I remembered I had a bowl full of lime green, gold and burgundy baubles that I didn't put away 3 years ago because it looked so nice. It counts.

  13. Tempo; Christmas is definitely here. As evidenced by the amounts of mince pies and giant hams going through my checkout.

    Susan Flett-Swiderski; I decided to go foe a "full" look this year. Every ornament I own is either on the tree or in the fruit bowl and sleigh.

    JahTeh; of course it counts! Shiny baubles on display is Christmas in my books.

  14. Every year I end up not resisting buying an ornament or two - even though I have not had a tree for over a decade (the cat's fault!) but now I am sans felines and have decided to get a small table top tree about the size of yours. Now, I am thinking I need even more baubles - your tree is luscious!

  15. Your tree looks gorgeous! For some stupid reason I used to always get frustrated when decorating a Xmas tree and then I figured out it was because I knew how I wanted it to look and I could never achieve it, far too fiddly for me so I just gave up on the whole idea... Merry Christmas to you!

  16. VioletSky; welcome to drifting. And thank you. The tree does look good with almost every branch filled.

    gaby@727m2; here's a tip, find a picture of a tree you really like the look of, blu-tac it to the wall next to your tree, then copy the ornament placement as closely as you can. I did that last year with my "all gold" look.

  17. what a beautiful tree. I do love the sleigh

  18. The Wicked Writer; the sleigh is lovely and delicate looking. Can you believe I got it from one of our "cheap" shops for only a very few dollars?


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