Happy New Year!

To everybody out there!

get used to seeing these numbers...they're going to be around for a while

it's almost time

*clink* *clink* *clink*  cheers, mate!


my wish for all of you is peace, love and laughter, and prosperity in 2013.

thank you google images


  1. Oops! this was supposed to go up at midnight. Oh well.

  2. Wishing you a bright and sparkly New Year full of joy and health.

  3. What a fun post. And happy new year to you, too.

  4. Cheers River. Back at you. Peace, love, laughter and prosperity are great things to aim for.

  5. Happy New Year! I did read it after midnight!

  6. Happy, happy New Year to you and yours. I hope it is filled with health, wealth, love and laughter.

  7. Cheers to you too, mate!! Happy New Year!!

  8. Delores; thank you, and the same to you.

    Joanne Noragon; thank you too, I hope you have a good 2013.

    Andrew; I think the peace and laughter have my priority, although a little prosperity wouldn't go astray.

    drb; I should have checked the scheduling date, but at least it's here now. Happy New Year

    Molly; happy new year to you too.

    Elephant's Child; I hope you have a great 2013 too. Health and wealth for everybody, that's my main wish along with peace.

    Red Nomad OZ; cheers! *clink* That's a glass of water....Happy New Year.

  9. Happy, happy new year, may the coming year bring you many joys, much laughter and blessings.

  10. 40Plus Teenager; thank you and the same right back at you. Happy 2013.

  11. Belated New Year greetings River.

    I hope 2013 is fab for you.

    I would have commented earlier but I was away for New Year in the sun - not as hot as I believe it is down under but better than the dismal rainy cold misery we have to endure here in the UK at this time of year.

    Oh bugger! There goes a resolution ("cut down moaning!").





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