I'm eating salad while my tastebuds are crying out for mashed potatoes

With gravy. 
And onions. 

I don't remember how long ago I started on this latest attempt to lose a few kilos, but I'm sticking with it, (sort of, there's been a lapse or three), and the weight is coming off.

Very slowly, to be truthful, but that was my plan.
I'm too old to be crash dieting, and I certainly don't want metres of empty skin hanging like drapes from my body.
So slow is the way to go and hopefully the skin will adjust and not look too baggy.

I stepped on the scales on Sunday morning and for the first time in a long, long time, the needle stopped below the 70kg mark.


It helps that summer fruits are now in the shops.

Yes, I know they have been in the shops for a while, but first pickings are usually a little too unripe (sour) for my taste. I always wait a couple of months and get the riper, therefore sweeter,  second and third pickings.
Nectarines now are nicer than they were six weeks ago, when they were more like cricket balls. Rockmelons are juicier, and Australian cherries are now in Coles, rather than the Californian ones we had a while ago. They're smaller, but sweeter.

And instead of mixing one salad then having a separate plate of fruit for dessert, I mix the sliced fruit in with the lettuce and tomatoes, the cucumber and capsicum.
Add some sliced red onion, a little dressing and there it is.
Dinner and dessert on one plate. 

But my tastebuds are still crying out for mashed potatoes.
With gravy.
And onions.

Imagine how delighted they'll be when next winter rolls around.


  1. Theres a hidden price for every extra mouthful and sooner or later we have to pay....

  2. I adore fruit - and will make a huge fruit salad for my Christmas lunch (and dinner). But I hear you on the mashed potato front.
    Well done for sticking (mostly) to your diet and congratulations on your weight loss.

  3. I dunno River. I am not sure it is a good idea to deprive yourself so much. Just make a very small serve of spuds, onions and gravy would not make a big difference. It is all about the size of the supposed bad things you eat. But I am the last person who should advise anyone.

  4. I've not had mashed spuds for yonks and I LOVE them. Of late we've been doing a potato in the microwave and having half each other with some margarine or low fat cheese on it. With that we have a small amount of protein and salads of all kinds. I also love fruit but have to watch how much I eat as it too has calories. I have put on 5kg since beginning using insulin (all round my middle) so just have to try and eat less if I can. Can't exercise much at all so it's the food intake that has to do the job...everything in moderation. Good luck and glad to know you are having success.

  5. Good on you, River!!! I recently read that if you are eating food, keep thinking of words such as 'yummy', 'delicious', 'tasty' etc with every mouthful even when it isn't, it will actually help you not to crave for the real yummy food.

  6. Maid River.
    Though onions make thee cry
    Tears can verify
    A potato love that's true
    Mashed, me and you.


  7. You have one heck of a dose of will power there girl. Good job.

  8. Good for you. The fresh fruits and veggies of summertime do make it easier to eat healthy, but I still have to have my potatoes, too. When our daughter is dieting, she substitutes cauliflower for potatoes, and mashes them. Not bad. Not bad at all. (Alas, no onions and gravy, though.)

  9. My body regularly cries out for mashed potatoes and gravy. It is, after all, winter here, and I've been conditioned to smother this particular season with gravy.

    And biscuits.

    Proud of you for sticking with the diet. The food will be here tomorrow, and who's to say you can't indulge in a bit of taters in a couple months? What a treat that will be!

    In the meantime, GOOD JOB and keep us apprised.


  10. Hi River,

    Good to know the summer fruits are now in your shops. I know you will maintain that positive focus and I sure wont mention mashed potatoes or gravy or onions....

    Pawsitive wishes, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)

  11. Whoo hoo, indeed. Nice and easy does it every time. You'll get used to what it takes to stick to the mark, with a side of mash.

  12. Tempo; we pay and we pay and we pay.

    Elephant's Child; I love most fruits, but hate mango and passionfruit. People (customers) give me strange looks when I mention I don't like mango. Fruit salad for Christmas lunch sounds fabulous. I may even indulge in a little cream with it.

    Andrew; I'm not depriving myself too much and I may do a potato salad one day soon. That should take care of potato cravings for a while.

    Mimsie; I forget sometimes that fruit has calories too, so it's probably good that I mix it in with green salad, so I'm not eating too much of it.

    drb; the salads are yummy, I don't need to convince myself of that. I actually enjoy eating them. it's just been soooo long since I had mashed potato. Close to four months I think.

    Lord Rochester; potato poetry.

    Delores; not too much willpower, there's been a few lapses. A cinnamon swirl pastry, a doughnut, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.

    Susan Flett-Swiderski; potatoes are healthy too, just too yummy to stop at a couple of mouthfuls.
    I've been meaning to try mashed cauliflower.

    Pearl; Enjoy your mashed potatoes while you have your winter, eat a spoonful with my name on it, okay? But no biscuits.

    klahanie; strawberries, cherries, plums, grapes....mmmmm, watermelon.

    Joanne Noragon, nice and easy means a lengthier "dieting" time, but it will be worth it in the end. An unexpected bonus is that my cholesterol is coming down too.

  13. The needle under 70 kg? I haven't seen it for nearly 20 months. Good on you!

  14. Well done... it's so easy to put weight on and so bloody hard to take it off. Summer definitely helps, not just for the fruits and salads but the weather makes you want to get out and about more. Keep up the great work, only you know when you feel comfortable in your own skin.

  15. I wish I could get the needle under 70, that's not easy peasy for me!

    Good on you though, I love Summer and the availability of fresh fruit and salads!

  16. Alex aka WHOA MUMMA! for me it' been about 5 years. So very glad to see it dropping back.

    gaby@727m2; the trouble was I didn't really notice it creeping on, since I wear most clothing loose. It does seem harder to lose than when I was 30 something though. Maybe I should try some of that "out and about".

    Fenstar deLuxe; most of my trying was pretty half-hearted. This time I'm putting in much more effort.


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