Sunday Selections #176

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant's Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in.
There are a couple of other participants too:
Jackie K at WorkingThrough It

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections but this week I'm a little pressed for time, so you get just a few photos of what is happening on my front porch.

we all know that bulbs are not supposed to grow at the beginning of winter, but nobody told these bulbs, so here are some freesias popping up....

starflowers, aka triteleia, these are the pale mauve shade,

and grape hyacinth.

Since taking these photos a couple of weeks ago, more bulbs have shown their greenery above the soil, anemones, sparaxis, just a couple of each, and one shoot from the upside down ranunculus bulbs.

also for your viewing pleasure I took photos of...

early morning sun on the jade, if you look closely or enlarge the image, you'll see a few tiny flowers on this, along with more buds which have now opened.

and the same morning sun on this pelargonium cutting which is looking a little lopsided, because a neighbour said "Oooh, I've always wanted one of those" so I broke off a piece and gave it to her.

She'd come to meet Angel (who didn't like her and took off like a rocket) and is very unsteady on her feet so can't get out much to get cuttings from other gardens.


  1. Welcome back. I am thrilled that you got your internet sorted. And have done similar things myself.
    Isn't it exciting watching as the bulbs grow? Love your jade and your pelargonium too.

  2. Elephant's Child; I'm more excited than I thought I'd be by the bulbs. When they are flowering I'll move some of the pots out into the garden, because they are largeish and getting up and down my steps is a little tricky with them there.

  3. How wonderful. You make me wish I'd planted some bulbs but guess I'm a little late this year. I have an ideal shady spot for them and I'd see them from the kitchen window.
    I have several of those 'jade' bushes. One huge one in the front garden and a few in pots. They are just coming into flower and they are the daintiest flowers I've ever seen.
    Thanks for sharing your garden and look forward to pics of beautiful flowers.

  4. Does this mean your internet/computer problems are solved?

  5. Kath; I used to think I had the black thumb of death, turns out I was always trying to grow the wrong stuff for the area I was living in. but really, one just can't go wrong with bulbs. Plant and forget, get a surprise when they pop up.

    Mimsie; most bulbs prefer sun and it may not be too late to put some in if you have a few empty pots or a space in a sunny garden bed. My jades are cuttings from a big plant I used to walk past in my previous home, it was about 2 metres by 2 metres and there was a row of them lining the driveway in a house on the way to my local shops.

    Delores; I left an explanation in the comments on the previous post. Problem was of my own making and won't be happening again. For sure.

  6. For as large as jade trees can grow, their flowers are so tiny.

  7. It looks like you have a good touch with growing things! Unlike me. Very pretty and lovely to see in the middle of winter.

  8. Joanne; but in ideal conditions the flowers can cover the bush. I've seen one in full bloom, it's quite stunning.

    Jackie K; I'm learning as I go. I've been trying to grow vegetables for years and the only success I've had is green beans.

  9. I was wrong about our jade bushes. The ones in the ground out the front are in full flower now but the one in a pot out the back only has buds so far. Don't ask me why that is.


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