Calendar Tuesday

it's Tuesday! January 3rd.
That means the first Calendar Tuesday for 2017

this year I don't have the Country Homes Ideas calendar, either one wasn't printed or I missed the magazine issue it came with.

I do have Life of Teddy,

 probably more for children, but let's begin with that:

Back to School. In January. I do like seeing teddies dressed in costumes though.

On to the Violent Veg calendar:

Would you like me to tickle your nuts?

And now for Suzy Toronto, which I bought, but can't hang anywhere because the pages are too heavy:

 Don't Let anyone Dull your Sparkle

and here is what it says:

 Don't Let Anyone Dull your Sparkle

Is it genetics or a simple fluke of nature that makes some people shine so bright?
I think it's that some of us are just born with glitter in our veins.

Whether we're sparkling like the noonday sun or overflowing with so much enthusiasm that we leave a virtual bubble bath in our wake, the whole spectacle is out of our control.

However, it's a condition that those of us who are affected have come to embrace.

We know that if anyone tries to dull our sparkle, asks us to "tone it down", we only have one recourse: grab a can of spray adhesive with one hand and a jar of glitter with the other, and proceed to cover them with a lavish coat of sticky, sparkly, iridescent bling.

That should do the trick!

The bottom line is that we simply love the sparkle, glitter, and glow that makes everything around us twinkle and shine.
Don't you?



  1. Cute calendar pages - I couldn't sparkle today if I fell in a vat of it though.

    1. S.J.Qualls; I started out sparkling, but now I'm just occasionally twinkling. A nap should fix that.

  2. My wife hates all the cards we got this year with "glitter"... stuff gets all over the table. We don;t have much to complain about.

    1. joeh; I still like the glitter and it's easy enough to shake off the tablecloth. I don't think I had a single glitter card this year, although I sent a few.

  3. You get the greatest calendars. I love the 'sparkle' one.

    1. only slightly confused; it's a great calendar, but impossible to hang as the pages are heavy and the weight just tears the hanging holes right through.

  4. Keep your calendars coming; I love them!!

  5. .. Love the Sparkle, River.... I hope to spread a little sparkle day by day this year.. xxxx
    The Teddies are great ...
    ... Barb xxxxxx

    1. Barbara; I hope to sparkle more this year too. I love dressed up Teddies.

  6. People who sparkle constantly can be exhausting - but still good to have in this world. Love the teddies and the Violent Veg too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I think constantly sparkling might wear me down too, down time is always good. Got to recharge the sparkle batteries sometimes.

  7. Have to have a variety of people in this world but I'm similar to Elephant's Child, those that sparkle too much constantly has me wondering what's wrong with them!

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; they do tend to cheer up a dreary day though. Just between you and me and EC, I'm glad I don't live with a 24/7 sparkler.

  8. As usual I am amused by the Violent Veg calendar.

  9. We all shine in our own way...I once got my son and his wife a calendar called "Dogs under water"
    Coffee is on

  10. Dora; you're right, we do all shine in our own way. Dogs under water would be fun to see.

  11. Haha, I love the idea of spraying glue and dousing glitter on someone but suspect it wouldn't be appreciated.

    I like glittery cards as well and typically pick out "sparkly" types of Christmas cards to send. AND I love the envelopes to have shiny foil lining. Bright and shiny works for me.


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