question time

I've heard Toshiba was bought out by a company called Lenovo, can anyone out there verify this?

My old laptop is a Toshiba Satellite, sweetest little laptop I ever owned, but when shopping for a new one, I was told Toshiba no longer make computers.
I looked around the store and all I could see were dozens of Lenovos, a brand I had never heard of,  a few HP, and a couple of Acers with a couple of Dells mixed in. 
And everything was black.

I bought what I could afford, an older model HP, on sale. No CD/DVD tray 😒

It hasn't got a smooth scrolling system and absolutely everything is covered in advertisements. Especially songs on youtube.

Does anyone else out there have an HP laptop? Are you happy with it?
I'll get used to it I suppose, but I don't think I'll ever like it. 
Definitely can't see myself becoming attached to it like I did with the Toshiba.



  1. My desktop is HP and my laptop is Acer and then I have two Kindles. No Toshiba's. Sorry:-( Hope you can find what you need.

    1. Granny Annie; I saw Acer laptops and thought of one, but the $$ price was too high. I should have saved longer, or started saving earlier. Or something.

  2. Lenovo is a good brand. The company I worked for had Lenovo on almost every desk.

    1. only slightly confused; that's good to know. I only learned Lenovo was a good brand after I'd bought this one and no-one was helping me get it going.

  3. I bought Emily a Lenovo, on the recommendation of my computer guru. She used it constantly her last year of high school. I don't know about HP. Can you find out about ad blockers. Do you have Windows or a different operating system. I know there is access to change settings. Maybe some help there.

    1. Joanne; more good news for Lenovo. I settled on the HP because the price was within what I was carrying at the time. I'm definitely going to save for something better. I'm running Windows10, it's what the computer came with and what I had on the Toshiba too. Looking into Ad Blockers is at the top of my weekend to-do list.

  4. My first laptop, many years ago now, was a toshiba. I remember feeling just as you do when it bit the dust. But then my granddaughter insisted I buy Apple and I've been there, ever since. I guess I've never heard of Lenovo but I always dread it when it's time for a new computer, even though I've stayed with Apple.

    1. Belva; I've like Toshiba since I bought a Toshiba walkman cassette player back in the 80s, it had the best sound I'd ever heard. It lasted me for years, then someone borrowed it "just for a day" and dropped it :(
      I won't switch to Apple and their Macs, I'd get too confused after so many years on Windows.

  5. I can find no information about a Toshiba buy-out. Lenovo and Toshiba are generally reviewed together. There usually are adjustments you make for smooth scrolling - I don't use Windows so have no idea where they would be - somewhere in "settings" - and of course that is no help at all.

    I hope you are NOT using IE (or whatever the Microsoft browser is called these days). I have all the major browsers installed (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera) and have found Chrome to be the fastest. With Firefox, Chrome and Opera you can install an add-on called 'Ad Block Plus' - should take care of most of the pesky ads.

    1. Grace; I'm not sure about a Toshiba buyout either now. Last night I was at ebay looking at laptops and there's dozens of beautiful brand new Toshibas. All well above what I can afford, but they're out there still.
      The scrolling problem I'm having is this: on my old Toshiba, I used one finger on the keypad to scroll the page in either direction, on this I have to use two fingers together and quite firmly, or nothing scrolls anywhere. It's hard to get used to.
      I'm using Firefox, it's been my favourite for about ten years now. I'm looking into ad-blockers first thing tomorrow, before I get busy scheduling my Sunday post.

    2. Easy-peasy - Here you go -

    3. Okay - that won't work, you need AU - but you get the idea....

  6. I am clueless, but hope you find some adjustments which work for you.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm working on it. Adjustment number one is buying a lotto ticket, ha ha.

  7. I didn't buy my computer my son in law to be did, who knows what I would buy if it was up to me.

  8. Our very very old lap top is a Lenovo. It is a large and respected company, but we were not overly fond of the lap top. Our newer note book is Toshiba and it now has an unchargeable battery and only works when plugged in to power. We don't use either now, favouring tablets for portable computing. I am puzzled about your You Tube comment. I thought the ads come from You Tube, but localised for Australia. We certainly have the ads and you have to pay for YT to remove them. I believe as Grace says, you can block the ads. So that we don't have to log in and out on the desk top, I use Chrome, R uses Firefox and the parental filters are switched on for Microsoft Edge for Little Jo to use. I quite like Chrome. Our newish printer is an HP and it is terrific. I've never understood what smooth scrolling is. As you suggest, I think you will get used to the new laptop

    1. Andrew; not fond of the Lenovo laptop? Why? Anything specific that I should know about?
      I don't want to get a tablet, for me they're too small, I like a nice big screen.
      The ads probably do come from youtube, but I didn't see so many on the Toshiba, probably an adblocker was in place. Certainly I didn't click on a song to listen to and have to sit through an advertisement before the song would play; I'd never seen that before.
      The smooth scrolling was the shiny smooth keypad which scrolls in any direction using just one finger, on the old Toshiba. This thing has a matte surface and scrolling requires two fingers on the keypad. I read it in the instruction book when I couldn't scroll the old way.I'll get used to it for sure, but I won't like it. I'll give it just long enough for me to save for a new Toshiba which I have learned are still out there. ebay has dozens of them, new and used, but of course I want a new one and they're between $1600 and $1998 for a good sized screen with lots of GB storage.

    2. Ah, I never realised you don't use a mouse. I really struggle without a mouse, but I suppose you get used to it. Gosh, that is expensive. Our desktop without a screen and keyboard was about $800. The Lenovo always seemed so slow, no not seemed, was so slow. Slow to start up, slow to respond. However, it did serve its purpose at the time.

  9. I am very happy with my far. I don't think any of the new computers have that cd slot. I don't know why. I suspect if you are more techno savy you don't need them any more...I want mine back too.

    1. joeh; I'm disappointed about the CD slot, it means I can't watch DVDs on the computer in bed if I'm resting because my back is giving trouble. I guess "they" assume most people download their music from itunes or places like Spotify.


    My laptop, that I don't use much...I bought it purely as a back-up for if/ when something went wrong with my an HP Compaq. I like HP products and this laptop is a good little one...and it has the disc tray.

    1. And here is another site for you to peruse, River...

    2. Lee; thank you for all that information, which i will check out tomorrow. It will be a long while before I can even think about another computer now though. All my available cash went to buy a replacement freezer for one that died (not mine) and replacement couch cushion for someone whose cushions were literally disintegrating into dust, being 34 years old and getting slept on often.

  11. I've seen a Lenovo also and I'm wondering where now. I should imagine all the brands are pretty much the same but it's all about processing speed and RAM or something?

    1. Happy Elf Christine; speed and RAM are important, but the laptop has to look and feel good to. This one is black, as most are, with a matte surface and ribbed lid, vastly different to my shiny pearl white Toshiba. I do have a slightly bigger screen now, so that's one plus for the HP. Speed here in Australia is something most of us can only dream about.

  12. I have never had an HP or a Lenovo so I am no help at all.

    I have, however had a number of Dells, Sonys and Toshibas. We run a small business and buy a crazy amount of laptops. I have had to have more repairs done on the Toshibas than the Dells or Sonys. BUT Sony has also quit making laptop computers.

    I recently bought 2 new Dells and both have been awesome so far...knock on wood.

    I am sorry that you didn't get a DVD drive with your computer. I think I would miss that.

    Ultimately, I think that the quality of laptops is a roll of the dice. Seems that some are just lemons and others are awesome...even within the same brand. I have a Toshiba that I've been using for about a year and haven't had one iota of a problem but my last Toshiba didn't work from the very start and even after it was sent back for repairs never worked right.

    1. Cheryl; I've had a few Toshiba appliances, cassette walkman, dvd player and the laptop, all lasting several years with no trouble, the laptop was over five years old before I started having trouble, and the dvd player is close to six and has been no trouble at all.
      I think most new laptops don't have the dvd drawer, I didn't see any on the ones in the store, they do all have an SD card facility and 2.0 usb slots as well as 3.0 usb slots.
      I agree that some things are just lemons and every brand of every machine has at least one lemon. Not getting one is the luck of the draw. I recently bought a 1TB storage drive and it didn't work, so off I went back to the store with it and the girl said I've never heard of one not working before, so she plugged it into a display computer and of course it didn't work, so when she got me a replacement, she plugged it in to check that it worked before I left the store.
      I've known people out here that had Dells and they weren't happy with them, so I didn't even look at them in the store. They were out of my price range anyway. I refuse to go into debt for something which for me is essentially a toy, since I don't have a business.


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