Ha Ha! I'm a genius!

Well, maybe not quite, but I feel like one. 😎

I solved my i-tunes problem all by myself on Sunday evening. I'd been staring at my computer in frustration, reading chapters of the book beside me, glancing up at the TV where I'm currently watching old Star Trek TV episodes from the 60s, and made a decision.

I would go to the uninstall program and uninstall not just the stalled download/ installation, but everything with the name "apple".  I'd tried to uninstall it several times, but just didn't notice the second "apple" program right under it. So when I did, I uninstalled that one first and had my "Eureka!" moment.

Once uninstalled it was an easy matter to simply start over and I now have i-tunes on the new computer and I started transferring my playlists right away. I didn't get very far because I kept falling asleep, so I'll continue for the next few days until done.

Now I can once again listen to this or that playlist while I surf around the real estate pages, looking at fancy $1m+ homes. Some of which are really, really nice and others make me wonder what on earth the designer/builder was thinking.
My current favourite is right on the waterfront, ocean views for miles, but close to $3m.

Still, dreams are free 😊


  1. Well done you.
    Success like that is a lovely feeling.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm still feeling a bit chuffed.

  2. Clever girl, you! :)

    I don't yearn for a big, fancy home...just a small house/cabin with a view of the ocean...somewhere quiet, with no visible nearby neighbours. :)

    1. Lee; I no longer yearn for a big fancy home either, that option went out the door once the kids were gone. Near the ocean and a bit bigger than what I have will do nicely.

  3. You are clearly a genius!!

    1. fishducky; if only the 'genius' would wake up more often.

  4. I had to do the same when I wanted to update the car sat nav by downloading the free update. I tried a number of times, then eventually uninstalled every thing with the name Mazda, and started again and it worked.

    $3 million in Adelaide? Where? Glenelg or somewhere quieter.

    1. Andrew; West Beach. Two storeys, the downstairs room that looks over the ocean has bi-fold doors onto the verandah and is roughly the same size as my entire flat, an upstairs bedroom is fitted out as a home theatre. Also upstairs is a small section of the hallway fitted out with fridge, sink, microwave and a shelf for plates, cups etc, so if you're watching TV you don't need to go all the way downstairs to get a cuppa.

  5. I salute you, computer genius. It makes my head dizzy just thinking about it.

    1. Belva; it turned out to be so simple; if only I'd realised straight away.

  6. There is nothing more satisfying than a mere human beating the computer. WooHoo!

    1. Granny Annie; I certainly was satisfied, grinning from ear to ear.

  7. Good for you. They never make these things easy do they?

    1. only slightly confused; it actually was easy, I just couldn't see the step I kept missing. That's something those who work in IT would have seen right away.

  8. Well done you ... can you hear me clapping?
    You should enjoy your reward with a nice cup of tea

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; a cuppa sounds really good right now, I haven't had tea in a long while, let's see now, chamomile? sage? ooh, liquorice, that'll do :)

  9. Ah, the old uninstall/reinstall. Seriously, I know less than nothing about computer behavior.

    1. Joanne; I know very little myself; but now I know to try the same again if I have a similar problem.

  10. I bow to you for figuring that out!

    I like to look through those waterfront homes and dream as well, but then I think I'd have to live next to obnoxious rich people.

    1. joeh; I would hope any neighbours aren't obnoxious, but I suspect most people would be not super rich, but instead working long, long hours each week to pay off a heft mortgage.

  11. This late in the game, I would not have a clue how to fix anything. Good going!
    Those real estate shows - I like looking at them, but couldn't take care of a single one of those houses.

    1. S.J.Qualls; that's what the internet is for, to help others fix things; that and a knowledgeable daughter :) I would have gone to her eventually if I hadn't figured this out.
      I don't think I could properly care for some of the houses I look at either, they're so huge I'd have to hire a cleaner.

  12. Hi River,

    Welcome to my job!


    Well done!




    1. Plasman; you're a computer programmer? Software installer? IT fixer-upper?

  13. wow when it comes to tech stuff...I'm usual I'm praying I'm making the right choice.
    Coffee is on

  14. ha ha! Dreams can be very costly if you chase them too hard. You're pretty safe looking at $3M houses tho. (Most of us are)

  15. Good for you. Sometimes those frustrating computer glitches are maddening but such a relief when a solution finally works. Yay for you!!!


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