Whimsical Wednesday # 261

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

Designer Dogs. 
What type of dog do you have?


  1. Hahahaha...good laugh
    I have the type puppy fast growing into a dog that broke my arm. She's a blur when she runs...side swiped me and sent me flying. Not a perfect landing.

    1. Belva; ouch! Maybe you could stand back and let her run until most of the energy is gone, then join her.

    2. In spite of the arm, that she didn't mean to do, it's so much fun to watch her grow and decelope into an obedient dog. I love the herding dogs because they are soooo smart. Almost immediately she understands the word, "wait" and doesn't push ahead of me as in doorways, getting in or out of the car, at curbs, etc. That side-swiping was ONE misfortunate accident and now when we walk I use a walking stick (or poles) for stablilty but mostly I keep an eye on her when she is behind me. Haha
      You came up with a very good idea and also, that type of dog is usually great with the frizbee and she shows great promise there too. I can stand still and throw and she runs..... but I have to wait a little longer until the arm is stronger.

      She is such a good dog and dang.... I promised myself I would not let myself become so attached again but I'm afraid I was hooked from the beginning without even knowing it.

  2. I have the 'nonexistent' type. I like it. So easy to clean up after.

    1. only slightly confused; mine is stuffed and soft; no feeding; no walking necessary. She was a toy for Angel who didn't want her.

  3. I have no idea as to Jack and Jill's ancestry. Vet has Jill as 'boxer mix' and Jack as 'fiest mix' I would love to do their doggy DNA. (Like that's gonna happen any time soon, ha ha)

    1. S.J.Qualls; mixer bitsers are often good dogs, they get good bits from all their ancestors.
      The deliberately designed puppies are the ones I object to.

  4. Australian healer, and she one smart cookie.

    1. Dora; heelers are very smart and they love to work and run. Out here they are used as cattle dogs, sometimes for sheep too, although sheep dogs are more usually kelpies or border collies.

  5. Good one. The mind boggles at what it might look like.

    1. Andrew; that's what gets me about "designer" dogs. People demand a mix of this and that, but there's no guarantee the puppies will have the most desired features of each parent.

  6. I hope no-one feels obligated to try that mix.
    I prefer my dogs to be designer free.

    1. Elephant's Child; definitely designer free here too. I once had an accidental mix of border collie and german shepherd, a really fantastic dog, border collie sized but black and tan instead of black and white, and so intelligent, very easy to train.

  7. I don't have a dog, but good friends of mine have a Labradoodle and have had "Shabby" aka "Shabby Chic" for nigh on 10 years now - thereabouts.

    Shabby is absolutely beautiful. A wonderful dog with an equally wonderful nature.

    1. Lee; your friends got lucky. Most puppies turn out good, but what happens to the ones who don't look like they were expected to? That worries me.

  8. I'm glad I read this post I was sure today was Tuesday.

  9. Like this ... thanks for the chuckle

    All the best Jan

  10. .. great giggle River...
    My fur baby, Kyton, was a Jack Russell dog... he was wonderful but sadly he died in Monday from an aggressive virus. He was 14 years old.
    I think it's a lucky dip however you choose your dog..... Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; I've mostly owned German shepherds apart from one shepherd/border collie mix. I choose my puppies by sitting down where they are playing and waiting for the one that comes to me willingly and wants to play.

  11. Ha! Good ones...we had a Lab and a Shih-Tzu at the same time...the large and the small....

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I've only ever had one dog at a time, I don't think I could handle two.

  12. The "designer" dogs here are the rage. Everyone seems to have something that ends in "poo". While they are all adorable, I worry for the poor little pound puppies that are just as sweet without the added component of being a specific hybrid.

    1. Cheryl; I worry for the designer puppies that don't have the wanted qualities when they are born, what happens to those? Hopefully they are not just put down, but instead are sent to a pound where people can go to choose a cheaper puppy.

  13. Yes it would be best to use caution when mixing breeds. LOL

    1. Granny Annie; caution is the name of the game for most things, especially breeding animals.


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