Sunday Selections # 309

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

I usually have a theme for the week but now I'm thinking a random approach might be a better idea, so today is the last day this sentence will appear. Sometimes my photos might follow a theme, sometimes not.

let's start the day with breakfast:

one blender, a cup of vanilla yoghurt, a tub of strawberries, a half cup of milk

mmm, bubbly

add a straw and drink your strawberry smoothie breakfast 😀

before Christmas I bought plenty of apricots, also as breakfast food, usually chopped and stirred into my yoghurt. I let the seeds dry for about a week, then soaked them in water:

after a couple of days, the water had turned yellow. I've never seen this happen before.

a few days later, four of the seeds had absorbed enough water to grow heavy and sink. When the remaining seeds also sank, I took them outside and planted them in the same area as last time where only one seed (ONE!) out of 27 had sprouted and is now a tiny tree ten inches high. I'm hoping these new plantings will do better, they're certainly fresher.

Here's something not commonly seen around here over the Christmas baking period:

an empty, clean sink. Woo-Hoo!

"Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"
yes, I talk to myself sometimes (*~*)
You stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
yes, I did.
Was it delicious?
yes it was.
Well alright then,

add biscuits to the blackboard shopping list.
 This is a stick-on, peel-off, vinyl "blackboard". I suspect it might not stay straight enough to re-stick properly if I ever peel it off, so it's there for the life of the fridge.

a much more common sight around here:

a sleeping Angel

look at that adorable face

a quick stretch of the paws

and settle down again. I soon followed him into napland.

See you next week!


  1. The smoothie looks good. Hmmm yogurt...have to try that.

    1. joeh; yoghurt, fresh fruit and a drizzle of honey which I forgot to add, has a lot of nutritional requirements all in one package.

  2. Apricots! You're lucky, I haven't had a decent apricot in decades. They pick and ship them unripe, when they get to the stores they are super expensive and taste like a cotton ball...Oh I envy you your fresh apricots!

    1. Grace; decent apricots are hard to find, so when my local supermarket has a seasonal delivery of local fruit, I buy them by the dozen.And those are the ones I save the seeds from, to try and grow my own. So far I've had no luck and if a tree does eventually grow, it could be three to five years before it gets a decent sized crop. I buy dried apricots throughout the winter and chop them into my breakfast porridge.

  3. Nice clean sink, wish ours was.
    Time to make more cookies!

    1. S.J.Qualls; no more cookies! I have thirty pounds to lose.

  4. Hi River,

    I'm not a fan of apricots at all. They are not as bad as rhubarb - but pretty close.




    1. Plasman; I like most fruits, with apricots the favourite and I love stewed apple & rhubarb in the winter. I don't like oranges, they hurt my teeth and give me hives, but I can eat mandarins.

  5. I love apricots, and only get them fresh from the tree in August, when the peaches and apricots are ripe. They are soooooooo good.

    1. Joanne; I've been trying to grow my own apricot tree for about twenty years. I could cheat and get one from the nursery, but that's no challenge at all. But I will do that if my latest batch of seeds doesn't produce any trees. I once lived in a rented place that had an old-fashioned Golden Queen peach tree in the back yard. It had the sweetest, juiciest peaches I ever ate.

  6. I do love apricots. And wish I had a tree.
    Angel is beautiful. Really beautiful. But you (and he) know that.

    1. Elephant's Child; You'll have to buy a tree from the nursery, like I'll be doing next year if these seeds don't grow. I'll plant it in a half wine barrel, so if I ever move again, it will go with me.
      Angel is getting quite vain, sometimes he will sit in the kitchen and not eat until I walk over there with his brush, he likes to be brushed as he crunches his dry food.

  7. Amd a great breakfast smoothies are, too, I say as I'm presently munching on a banana!

    The beautiful Angel looks so angelic while sleeping!

    Have yourself a great week, River and cuddles to your lovely furry mate. :)

    1. Lee; yoghurt is my usual summer breakfast, sometimes as a smoothie, more often in a bowl with chopped fruit, either apricots or banana. Angel is an angel during the daytime while he sleeps, and a devil at night when he wants to go out, come in, go out, come in...last night I think I got two hours sleep and not all at once either. There'll be a long nap this afternoon.

  8. Angel looks contentedly sleepy. I didn't know that is how to grow apricots from seed. You smoothie sounds nice. I have never really had one.

    1. Andrew; all fruits will grow from seed, that's how the trees did it way back in the stone age and if you leave a tree neglected so the fruits drop on the ground for years, you will eventually have a small forest of trees around the original. A lot of nursery trees are grafted onto stronger root stocks, but I prefer a naturally grown tree.
      You need to try a smoothie at least once, they're a quick and easy, nutritional breakfast or lunch.

  9. I can tell you one thing I don't have an empty sink. But it been a lot worst.
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; my sink is not often empty. It always is when I leave the house because I don't like to come home to waiting dishes, but once I'm home things start piling up.

  10. My sink is clean at the moment and the cookie jar has screwdrivers in it, the ants moved in and ate all the biscuits well bits of them.

    1. Merle; good idea to throw the ants off track with screwdrivers where they are expecting biscuits :)

  11. I rather like your random selection so keep up the good work.
    My sink right now is empty so I'm being good. My mum always said if the bed is made and the dishes done then the house always seem neat and tidy. She was not fond of housework and yet kept our home always looking nice. The thing is though that back then we didn't have many belongings, either clothes or 'things'. These days we seem to accumulate so much that we don't really need.
    Our biscuit are kept in a Tupperware lunch box and keep ultra fresh, in fact two lunch boxes for different types of biscuits.
    That Angel is adorable. Do you ever think back before you had him? How different is your life now you have him?
    Keep cool. We are in for 37 on Wednesday so prepare for more warmish days.

    1. Mimsie; my mum said the same things, also to always shine the taps because that makes a bathroom look better right away. I remember our house always being clean and neat and did the same when I had small kids.
      I don't often buy biscuits, usually around Christmas and New Year to have them on hand in case people drop in for a cuppa. It will be months before I buy any more.
      I do often think back to life without Angel and when he is driving me crazy with his come in go out routine, or when I run out of cat food and $$ at the same time, I have sneaky thoughts about wishing I hadn't brought him home. But then he licks my fingers and snuggles up to my pillow and purrs and all is forgiven. Life is different with him around, I do a lot more sweeping and vacuuming for sure.
      We're in a somewhat cooler spell right now, so much more comfortable.

  12. .. hi River... I like your breakfast smoothie... I love apricots too....I hope you getr some trees from this lot of seeds.... Barb xxx

    1. Barbara; I enjoy the smoothies, but washing the blender is a bit of a hassle, so I don't have more than a couple a week.
      I really hope I get apricot trees this time, if not, I'll buy one from a nursery.

  13. It is nice that you enjoy your own company but are you sure that you're not talking to the cat instead of to yourself? Nothing like a napping animals to bring sleepy eyes to us.

  14. Granny Annie; I was talking to myself, Angel was so sound asleep he didn't even twitch when I dropped a saucepan lid.

  15. I make smoothies just as you do with yogurt. Really good!!!

    I haven't had a good apricot in ages. I hope you get some of those seeds to grow for you.

    Angel is quite adorable.

  16. I didn't know you could actually grow a tree from an apricot pit. My mom did that a few times with avacados, but that's it. Yay for baby apricot trees, yummy cookies, and your adorably furry napping kitty!


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