Sunday Selections # 310

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Let's begin today's selection with :

agapanthus, the white variety which is finally blooming at the end of my path

Sir Sleepyhead, taking up valuable table space

how can I say no to a face like this?

here's something unexpected, a large cobweb growing from my ceiling down into the smoke alarm. I can't believe I didn't notice it! And I wouldn't have if one loose strand over by the cornice started blowing in the breeze from the fan.

a row of hanging pots, each with cuttings of Christmas cactus, standing tall and strong. As soon as they show evidence of growth, I'll hang them somewhere.

this strong little jade has grown from a single leaf tossed into this pot some time last year. It's about four inches tall.

my pelargonium cuttings got off to a good start but seem to be at a standstill, tiny buds of green have disappeared on some while others now have tiny leaves. Possibly I let them dry out too much😕

my porch pots are beginning to resemble a small jungle

the pot at the bottom of the steps has a bunch of self sown marigolds doing well

the white geranium cutting in the same pot took a battering from rains

but another tiny piece of stem has set down roots and now has plenty of leaves.

moving inside:

an unusual shadow on the inside of the front door

made by this windchime; the shadow is thrown by the kitchen light which now has a new glass shade,

which throws a really pretty pattern

this fabric was option #2 when I was shopping for fabric to make a bathroom curtain.

option #1 was the eventual choice for the curtain, because the teal and white matches her shower curtain, while the grey squares are the same shade as her towels. But she also really liked the striped fabric,

and asked if I could make her some pillowcases.

"of course," I said, "just let me try to remember how." I haven't made a pillowcase since this child of mine was a baby. Turned out well, didn't they?

I even got the stripes to match up really closely 😀

Angel has a new placemat, I wondered if he would shy away from it at first, being new and having that "new" smell, but he came inside really hungry and couldn't have cared less. 

here's my tea infuser, I've named him fishducky 

and my minions mug. some of you may remember I posted this cartoon as a Whimsical Wednesday entry and said at the time I was going to have this printed on a mug. And here it is, the print is on both sides, because the cost was the same for two sides as one.


  1. I envy you your pots of beauty and I'm liking the looks of that gold light!

    1. S.J.Qualls; I only take photos from the good side of the pots :)
      The shade is amber coloured glass and the kids took it down in favour of a clear shade. I love this one, so they let me have it.

  2. This reminded me that I once had a Jade plant and I was able to keep it alive. Perhaps it is time to try another. I might have something for Sunday Selections but that is several hours away for my time zone.

    1. Granny Annie; Jades are tough, really hardy and like hot dry conditions. The ones in my garden are fast becoming hedge sized.

  3. I love when plants like your marigolds self sow, and you inspire me to buy another Christmas cactus. Succulents are great too, the way you can grow more easily.

    1. Terra Hangen; the idea of my succulents was to divide and grow more, but several of them disappeared altogether, either died or got stolen, and most of the others turned out smaller than I thought they would. Those marigolds you see there are now covered in seed pods and I'm going to scatter the seeds in an empty pot.

  4. Replies
    1. Joanne; thank you. I noticed this morning while watering,a lot of the pots have very little soil left in them. I'm going to have to top them all up.

  5. Love the porch pots, fabulous job matching the stripes on the pillow cases!

    1. Grace; matching stripes is tricky, usually I buy random patterned fabric where the seams don't need matching, so I was pleased when these pillowcases turned out so well. I like my porch pots too, they're very low maintenance.

  6. LOVE your tea infuser!!

    1. fishducky; I knew you would, he's named in your honour, since you are both quirky and fun.

  7. Lots of interesting to look at other peoples bits and bobs, always great to look into someones home, a bit like a visit

    1. Merle; that's what I love about the internet, seeing other people's homes and gardens and lifestyles.

  8. It's a great pattern thrown by the light, and the wind chimes. Food, sleep and play, a good life for a cat.

    1. Andrew; I've thought about coming back as a cat next time round, but since I retired, I have pretty much the same lifestyle already. So I'll come back as a tall, shady tree instead, in an area where I won't be likely to get chopped down.

  9. Yes, the wind chime shadow is cool. Have to say, that is one fluffy kitty!

    1. joeh; I love the different shadows thrown by things. Angel is less fluffy today, he went to the vet yesterday and got an understory shave, lots of matted daggy bits needed removing.

  10. Cobweb! Oh! Dear! The spiders have won the battle here! No sooner do I get rid of their webs, they're back again...spiders and webs! And in this heat we're experiencing at present the cobwebs can stay...I just do not care about them! They're impossible to control.

    I hope you have a great week, River...cuddles to your furry mate. :)

    1. Lee; I think the spiders abandoned that web, I swept it down and haven't seen any of it returning. Yet. I'd prefer it not too, I don't want my smoke alarm compromised in any way.
      Angel is less furry today, took him to the vet yesterday for a belly/tail shave, way overdue. He used to let me snip off the matted bits, but those days are gone.

  11. Love your garden displays. And Angel. Spider webs here too. More outside than in I think. I hope.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm happy with my garden, there's been some growth so things are looking good. Plenty of spider webs outside here too, none inside, none that I can see anyway.
      Angel got himself a haircut yesterday. He's free of matted daggies. For now.

  12. My mom use to make the curtain for our home when I was young.
    I had a cat the same color as your Angel but his name was "Flash"
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; my mum was a dressmaker, so she sewed curtains for our home as well as clothes for the neighbourhood ladies and school uniforms for their kids.
      Flash is a good cat name.

  13. What a fantastic selection you've given us today.
    I don't have a white geranium, must try and find one.
    Cats will sleep where it suits them it would seem even if no convenient to others!
    I've not made a pillow slip for years and as long as you remember which side is the outside you can't really go wrong, well not often anyway.
    That mug...Wow! Guess it says it all.
    Hope you are managing to stay cool.

    1. Mimsie; Angel has slept on the table almost since day one, but he was much smaller then, he used to fit between the crook of my elbow and my hand. Now he takes up half the table.
      I had to think a bit about the pillowslip, and ended up turning one of mine inside out to check I was doing it right. The mug has become my favourite.

  14. .. hello River... Your garden is looking beautiful.. love Angel... great mug... xxxxxx .... Barb xxxx

  15. Barbara, thank you, I'm happy with the garden and Angel, and the mug has become my favourite.

  16. Fantastic selection of photographs to look at and enjoy, thank you.

    Your agapanthus looks nice and I love your pots too, so nice to see them.

    All the best Jan

  17. GREAT post! The cobweb really looks like thick smoke on your detector. You know, I miss stuff like that as well and I would like to think I keep a relatively clean house, you know?

    1. Happy Elf Christine; I like to think I keep a clean house too, just don't get too close to the floors. That's where the dust and cat fluff lands (*~*)

  18. It's so nice to see flowers and "green" anything as we are so gray and gloomy here in middle America.

    Angel is so cute...I wouldn't ever be able to say no to that face.

    Love the fabric choices. Such pretty colors.


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