Sunday Selections # 312

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today I'm going to  focus on my computers, the new, hmmm,  and the old luv luv luv, but dying. She keeps turning herself off several times a day even when plugged in to power source.

So I bought this new one:

hp. You probably can't see it, but it has a ribbed lid, not a smooth one. Maybe it will show if you enlarge the photo.

it's matte black, with the only shine being

these few stripes on either side of the keypad. And the hp logo on the lid.

The keypad has an annoying two fingers swipe to scroll the pages up, down, or sideways.
I'm used to using only one finger at a time on the keypad. I'm wondering if this feature is an attempt to prevent RSI in fingers. It's kind of awkward to get used to, but I've had this machine for a week now, so I'm getting there.

Here they are side by side, new and working on the left, (as if you couldn't tell) and my precious on the right, turned off, by me, not by herself. When starting up for the very first time, there's an option to name your computer. The white has a girl name, the black has a male name.

The old girl is a pearl white Toshiba and not as old as I first thought. I thought she was 6-7 years old, but I searched for the purchase receipt and discovered she is only 5 1/2. Still a good age for a laptop I'm told, but I wish she'd stay with me for longer. Another 20-30 years or so would do nicely (*~*)

under her shiny surface is a delicate diamond pattern which may or may not be visible, it's hard to photograph. Enlarging the photo might help.

speakers, which I can't see on the new computer, although it definitely has some.

here we see the ONE single feature which I found annoying on the Toshiba: the left and right click buttons are right on the edge, which meant I had to be careful where I positioned my dinner plate. 

Changing to a new computer hasn't been too much hassle, it's windows10, so the operating system is the same, apart from the two fingers on the keypad scrolling thing. 

I'm having trouble downloading the i-tunes program, obviously I made a boo-boo somewhere, at some point during installation I get a little window that says: 
"an installation for Apple Support is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you wish to undo the changes?"
under that is a small 'yes' box and a small 'no' box. 

So of course I click yes and the little window just winks at me and stays there and nothing happens.
Not being at all tech savvy, I have no idea what I may or may not have done to suspend anything, so I'm stumped. No i-tunes for me. Yet. 
One other feature I don't like is no CD/DVD drawer, but that seems to be common to most new computers; laptops anyway. 'They' assume most people download their music etc these days, I guess, but I'd prefer a drawer to be able to watch DVDs in bed if/when I'm laid up with back trouble.

All I really need to get used to is the look and feel of this new laptop, which has a slightly bigger screen, so that's a plus.

I can say, with 100% certainty, I won't get attached to this machine as I did to the Toshiba.



  1. Many bloggers are talking about new computers these days. I know the time is near for me but I am dreading the day. Once I was technology savvy but no more. My Sunday Selections will be called Today and Yesterday.

    1. Granny Annie; I'll pop over and read yours as soon as I answer these comments. I was never tech savvy, but I do know more now than I used to, just not enough. Yet.

  2. Congrats on your new computer. I hope its upgraded bells and whistles help you get over your grief at leaving your older one behind. It's funny how we can get attached to things, isn't it? Usually, I don't, but my husband talked me into letting my old car go, and I miss her, doggone it! She was a bright red 1999 Grand Am, and the FIRST vehicle I ever bought new and chose myself. She FIT me, ya know? The other car I've since taken over is a 2013, and a nice enough car. Bigger, nice shiny paint, more luxury factors, and all that jazz. (My old car had manual crank windows, which suited me just FINE...) When I came home the other day, my hubby asked me how I liked driving the new car. I said, half-kiddingly, "Okay, but it's no Grand Am." He thinks that's hilarious, but I have a feeling your feelings about having to switch laptops are similar.

    Have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; "she fit me.." that's exactly how I feel about my old computer, we're a perfect match.

  3. I hate having to break in a new computer, and I prefer those trays as well.

    1. joeh; at least my new one has the same operating system, so the change hasn't been too hard. I'll miss the dvd tray though. The old computer isn't quite dead yet though, maybe I can still use her for watching dvds in bed.

  4. But, what did you name him? That could go a long way toward warm and fuzzy feelings. Buddy, for instance...
    You could say, "Hey, Bud, what's the news today?" "Come on, Buddy, let's get to work."

    1. Joanne; well I didn't name him Buddy, I'll wait and see if any warm and fuzzy feelings happen. He's named after a character on a favourite TV show.

  5. I hope you can get used to the new laptop without too much discomfort. I remember when I had to get the one I am on now - I hated it. After 3 years, I still miss my Acer and wish I could somehow resurrect it. Some things should not be improved upon, but sometimes they break. Ha Ha.
    You can buy a usb plug in drawer for your movies. I am going to have to buy one for my blue-ray movies. (another something to keep track of on my desk)
    I know what you're saying about the car ... It's been years but I still miss my El Camino and my Nova.

    1. The car thing was for Susan :)

    2. S.J.Qualls; I know I'm going to miss my old computer for a long time, I still miss my walkman cassette player from the 80s. I remember not at all missing my first laptop when it died, I was happy to let it go.
      I've got plenty of usbs for movies, it's easier to carry a couple of those when I visit family to babysit the kids, than it is to carry a bagful of actual dvds. I know how Susan feels about her car, the same as I feel about my Toshiba, and now you join the club with the El Camino and Nova. It's heartbreak isn't it?

  6. I really don't enjoy changing computers.
    Thankfully it doesn't happen too often - fingers crossed!

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; I didn't mind changing when my first laptop died, and I did get over five years with the Toshiba. If this one lasts that long, and if nothing else goes wrong, that will give me plenty of time to save for something I'd prefer next time.

  7. A bullet I will have to bite. Soon. Ish.

    1. Elephant's Child; I know exactly how you're feeling. Do you have a tech friendly someone to help with the transition? I hope when you get a new one you're able to choose something that 'speaks to you' in the store. Something that says "I'm yours, take me home" like the Toshiba did for me.

  8. My PC is called 'Edgar"...every desktop I've had has been called "Edgar". The name passes on from one to the other.

    They've been so named after the computer in the wonderful, fun movie "Electric Dreams". Still love the move and the song.

    I'm typing this in a whisper because I've not yet christened my laptop, probably because I very rarely use it. I might now take this opportunity to christen "him" - "Pee Wee" the HP....hmmmmm....I won't make it official just yet!

    I hate change...liking things to just go along smoothly without any hiccoughs/hiccups...I guess that makes me the same as us all.

    I hope you're happy with your new laptop, River and soon all will be smooth sailing! Have yourself a good, hassle-free week...cuddles to Angel. :)

    1. Lee; I did that with my dogs :) I had Mad Max 1, Mad Max 2, Mad Max 3, and for several years every cat I had was named Sam. Electric Dreams is one of my favourite movies :D
      I'm not happy about change either, most of the time, it often depends on whether the change is my idea or if it's forced upon me.
      Pee Wee is a good name if the computer is a small one. Mine is Reddington.

    2. Hahahahaha! Raymond aka Red would be very pleased with you, River!! :)

  9. Might be time to visit the daughter with your new laptop.

    1. Andrew; I took it to her the same day I bought it, she helped with set up and start, but forgot to mention I need to make Firefox the default browser, which is why I had trouble to begin with after getting home. Once I made that change, everything was as simple as before. I will take it to her soon though, to get help with the i-tunes problem.

  10. Oh dear I too think computers should last a lot longer than they do, but that's mainly because I do not like change, mine too is getting old and does funny things when I'm not expecting it.

    1. Merle; I'd like computers to be "built to last", similar to cars, but like many other small appliances, they're made to last only a few years, so people have to buy new ones. even the programs are continually upgrading. I remember starting with windows 98 on my first computer, a big desk top machine that took up a whole corner of the kitchen. The windows XP, windows 7, now windows 10.

  11. Wha an interesting post..... reads like a romance story.
    You won't get as attached, huh? We'll see. I've said the same thing about the new pup and we'll see. LOL

    1. Belva; getting attached to a living animal that shows love and companionship is a far different thing from a machine. I think the machine has to "match" the person. It's the one you keep coming back to when you're browsing the possibilities in the store, the one that says, "take me home".

  12. Computers do take time when new to adjust yourself to, I'm still getting used to my laptop and it's nearly been a year since I purchased it.
    Like the looks of yours - keep going you will get there.

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; I'm 'there' already, since the browser and operating system are the same, and I got the i-tunes worked out too. Just need to finish installing my songs.

  13. The lap top I'm on is an HP and been happy with it.
    Coffee is on


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