Whimsical Wednesday # 262

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

Yeah! Let them try it for a while, see how they manage without all their perks and rorts.


  1. Replies
    1. joeh; another good idea. With the option of firing them if they don't do the job, just like any other worker.

  2. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; term limits as well as minimum wage, that should see a few of them pulling up their socks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. My fingers cannot spell this morning. I agree, term limits and no more elaborate retirement plan. Let them get by like the average joe.

    2. S.J.Qualls; the elaborate retirement plan REALLY gets my back up. It's so unfair, to receive a really hefty pension and still qualify for extra benefits.

  4. A very popular sentiment at the moment.

    1. Andrew; "the moment" seems to be the longest moment in history as I know more than a few people who have voiced this sentiment for years now.

  5. Minimum here is just over $9 an hour and jobs that hire for that much refuse to schedule you more than 15 hours/ week. (You can thank Obama for that because Obamacare rules are such that over 30 hours/ week means one has to provide health insurance for employees.) So the politician would have to have three jobs and no insurance.

    In this state? It doesn't matter how poor you are - there is no medical help unless you are documented as disabled (often one needs a lawyer to twist such documentation/ decision from Social Security).

    SO zero health insurance for them or their families.

    We'd be left with politicians who are 16 and saving for college or middle-aged ladies trying to help with the bills during the time their kids are at school. :)

    1. Come to think of it... not a bad idea. Ha ha ha!

    2. Happy Elf Christine; minimum here is about $15 unless they've changed it since I was working, and everyone is covered by Medicare with a small co payment now unless they have a government (Centrelink) health care card because of low income.
      As far as I'm concerned, THEY think we common people can survive on low wages, so we think they can too. Of course most people here on that minimum wage are juniors still at home and probably going to school so only working part time, but I wouldn't mind the politicians getting a taste of that for at least a year.

  6. No arguments here. And I would also like to add in the capacity to fire non-performers, without having to wait two or three years.

    1. Elephant's Child and fishducky; YES! Instant dismissal, with no hefty pension and no recourse to unfair dismissal pleas.

  7. Replies
    1. Lee; glad you agree with us. I've heard it said they work hard for their money, but when you see them on TV bickering like children then jetting off all over the place and buying up this and that, but not seeing any, or not much, progress with things they've promised the people in order to get elected, it just seems so wrong to us and we all go about muttering "let them live on $xxx a week, see hoe they like it"

  8. Yay, I learned a new word. Had to look up "rort" and found out it is a drunken party. Politicians couldn't exist without those:-)

    1. Granny Annie; rort has a different meaning here. It means ripping off the people and ripping off their expense accounts for as much as they can without getting caught.

  9. Oh come now they don't work a full year should they get the minimum wage they deserve less.

    1. Merle; I think a minimum wage is low enough, most of them have wives and children to support.

  10. Our politicians makes a lot more then I do. They usual get a raise a lease once a year. Little ole me I haven't seen one in four years. Last one when it was all done and said. We got penny...Coffee is on

    1. Dora; our lowest paid politicians, the Members of Parliament (I think) and Senators, get more than ten times what I do each year.

  11. they do... minimum yearly wage a week in travel expenses.

    1. Kelley; ha ha, so true. But let them try minimum wage without all the expenses, the same wage that a lot of us survive on.

  12. yep about time they stopped rorting our system. Everyone else has to pay their own expenses and then claim them back from their employers company. They should have to wait until 65 or older for the pension and should only be able to do two maybe three terms.. Mind you that would be long enough for some of them to become buddies with business leaders and line up a job for when they leave parliament.

    1. Anna; welcome to drifting. I agree they should wait until 65 to get the pension and then get just the same pension as we do, not the hefty entitlements and huge payouts they get now. Retired politicians get about twenty times what I do, as well as having all the money they managed to stash away while they were working and of course they all own their own homes etc.
      As far as I'm concerned, if they leave Parliament and go straight to another job, that new job should be their sole income from then on, but that doesn't happen, they still get an allowance for being a "retired" politician.

  13. I think politicians deserve a reasonable wage but the perks are something that should be very limited, if any at all.
    I feel about their pensions as I do about the heads of big corporations who are really paid a fortune per annum and then receive a huge golden handshake when they retire. They are the ones that really make my blood boil.
    Phil only said today that to be a politician he feels someone has to be an egotist and have a thick skin and I feel he maybe right.

  14. .. I have to agree with what everybody here is saying .... they get too much money when they retire.
    .. but... I know that all the money in the world would not entice me to be a politician and live in a fish bowl 24/7 ..... I'm just glad that somebody does the job....
    ... Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; I couldn't do the job either. I'm not thick skinned enough and I barely understand politics as it is. I'd have the country in a right mess from day one (*~*)

  15. Mimsie; I agree the pensions and those golden handshakes are far too much. They earn enough to be able to save enough to support themselves, like we are all expected to do.

  16. Now there is a sign with some truth in it. LOL

  17. Minimum wage varies by state in the U.S. State laws dictate labor laws. As far as politicians go...I agree with a lot of thoughts from your very wise commenters. I think that politicians should be required to show positive job performance. Recently several politicians were re-elected but hadn't shown up for work routinely and missed the majority of times that they were supposed to vote on pending legislation.


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