Whew! I'm back for now, but who knows for how long?

Sorry to give you all a scare like that, but I was a bit scared myself too, so hope you'll all forgive me.

My sweet little laptop has been acting oddly for  a couple of weeks now, I'm happily doing whatever and suddenly she turns herself off. I let her nap for a while then start up again.

Today? She took a nap, so I went off and did other houseworky things, then turned her on again and all was well for a while, then  off she went again, but with a tiny popping sound this time. 
So of course I got all panicky and texted no-one for help, she talked me through finding blogger on my phone and from there I managed to sign in and leave the previous message.

I have to say, typing on that tiny screen is something I'd rather not do again, so of my lovely does die, you won't hear from me until I replace her.
Let's all cross our fingers that doesn't happen okay?

When I turned her on and she booted up oh-so-slowly, I got busy and wrote, then scheduled, my Wednesday's Words on a Friday post, so you're in luck, there's a story for you to read tomorrow.
With a little more luck, I'll get a Sunday Selections scheduled too, I usually do that on Saturdays and I don't see any reason to change my routine too much.

I should probably start putting aside whatever spare cash I can towards a new laptop, just in case.


  1. Your laptop is quite old, I think. I think a new laptop must be what you are owed by now, even if you have to pay for it. Rather than press each key, I started to use swipe on my moblile and tablet where you drag your fingers across the letters of a word. I have stopped using that as predictive text has become so good and so often knows the word before you start typing. The more you use predictive text, the better it works.

    1. Andrew; later tonight I'm going to look for the receipt from when I bought her, then I'll know just how old she is. I think 6-7 years. I'm never doing another post on my phone, the screen is just too tiny for me to properly see what I am doing. I'll start saving immediately for a new laptop.

  2. I have desktop and laptop computers plus an old Kindle. For Christmas I gave myself a new Kindle Fire 10. It is wonderful because it is voice activated and gives my weary fingers a rest. Yes you better have an alternative plan ready because we miss you when you are gone.

    1. Granny Annie; I don't have space for a desktop, I'd have one if I did, with a bigger screen. My old kindle is still doing well, I read less on it than I used to, I switch between kindle and real books. My alternative plan is to leave you all in the dark until I saved for a new laptop. Hopefully I'll have saved enough before this one dies.

  3. Oh man...I know what that's like. I hope she holds out for you but, yes, best be prepared with some spending money lol.

    1. only slightly confused; I've been through this before with my first laptop, way back when I had only a dial up connection. But I wasn't as attached to that machine as I am to this little sweetie.

  4. My computer is so old. You make me scared for it.

    1. Joanne; if it is a desktop, they are made to last longer than laptops. I've heard most laptops live for only about three years, mine is about 7.

  5. I would hate to have to type much on my phone. I find that tedious. In a pinch, I have used my tablet. BUT my computer is my device of choice.

    Yes...the popping sound sounds ominous. Hope your laptop hangs in there for awhile longer.

    1. Cheryl; I've never done a post on my phone before and never will again, the screen is just too small. My plan now is to start saving for a new laptop and hopefully have enough to buy one before this one dies.

  6. Good luck. I would hate to have to depend on my phone. And am clueless about it too.

    1. Elephant's Child; Turns out I'm not too clueless with the phone as I worked out quite quickly how to do a post once I had a hint from no-one about logging on to blogger.

  7. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you are back for quite a while ... hang on in there computer please!!!

    All the best Jan

    1. Lowcarb team member; I figure I'll need a month or six weeks to save for a new one, longer if I want something bigger with more RAM etc. I don't want to get something really cheap and have it fail before Christmas.

  8. Let's hope your laptop was just taking a nap, and it's nothing too serious. Very frustrating for you.

    1. Lee; it's having far too many naps lately, usually when I'm right in the middle of something.

  9. Have you tried giving it a stimulant, like amphetamine?

  10. fishducky; there doesn't seem to be an injection port.


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