she died, so I went shopping

And here I am typing on my brand new laptop.

I bought it, carted it out to no-one's house and she got the set up and start going for me.
We thought it wouldn't take long.
Boy were we wrong!

As well as setting up new user names and passwords, windows10 decided it needed to download and install a gazillion updates.

Four hours later, the sun is heading west and the updates were almost finished; at the point where we could close the computer and send me home to finish up on my own.

So I've managed to sign into blogger, after first typing in my url and getting a blog of the same name in the UK and having a mild OH NO! moment.

I have absolutely no other blogs saved in "my favourites", they're all on the old computer.
I also have no songs on the iTunes page; pretty sure I don't even have an iTunes page anymore, I'm going to have to download that, but since this one doesn't have a cd/dvd tray I won't be able to restock all my songs 😞 and why are the emoticons black and white now?

Luckily I backed up all my documents and photos, so I'll spend tomorrow putting all those back on.
And I'll turn on the old computer and get all your blog addresses saved.


  1. As the Chinese curse says, you are living in very interesting times. You know in a few weeks all the stress will be forgotten and you will be so pleased you bought a newie.

  2. Andrew; already there are things I don't like about it. I don't seem to be able to use the keypad to scroll a page up or down, although I can use it to move the cursor around.

  3. Good luck wih the new computer, you will find ways to do everything you need and get comfortable, but it takes time...I hate new setups, if it were not for Mrs. C i couldn't do it at all.

    1. joeh; I got my main problem worked out by remembering to set my preferred browser as default. Just like that, several problems solved themselves.

  4. Hi River,

    I'm looking at replacing my creaky old desktop soon as it is showing signs of age. Bizarrely I've not used Windows 10 yet - and I work in IT!

    I'm a Linux guy but sadly I have to tolerate Microsoft along with everybody else.




    1. Plasman; I read the instruction book last night and it mentioned Linux, but I don't remember anymore without getting the book out again. Is it a good thing? I got used to windows10 pretty quickly, I had 'no-one' to help me through the learning curve.

  5. I can't even remember what it is like to use a Microsoft product. Chrome and xmarks can save all of your bookmarks across all of your devices; gmail probably can save all your email addresses as well, or you can always export them and then re-load them if you get a new computer.

    1. Grace; bookmarks problem was solved as soon as I switched back to my favourite browser. I don't use gmail, I'm with Yahoo and I can add the contacts there myself.

  6. Good luck. This is a bullet I am going to have to gnaw on too.

    1. Elephant's Child; I didn't want this, I wanted my sweet little Toshiba to last forever. she's smooth and shiny and pearly white. This one is a little wider, bugger screen by 1 inch, but matte black, no other colours available. Not in my price range anyway and I didn't see any on the display stands either. A sea of black laptops, very dull.

  7. Replies
    1. Margaret-whiteangel; yep, brand new and not shiny. I don't think I'll become attached to this one as I was to the last one.

  8. I'm happy for your new computer. New computers are nice. faster and some new and different features But I dread having to buy new electronic stuff. It's always a huge problem for my old brain. LOL

  9. Your emoticon was in color!!

  10. So pleased to read you got a new one.
    If you are like me it will take a time to get around the new one as you did your old one ...but I get there in the end!

    All the best Jan

  11. I hated windows 10. And please write down your links, I'm too lazy to do my own and I use yours all the time.

  12. Setting up a new computer can be exasperating for sure but I hope that after you get it set up that it works flawlessly for you. Windows 10 takes a little bit of a learning curve but has some similarities to Windows 7.


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