Musical Monday # 136

 Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: Mike and The Mechanics

Word of Mouth

a little political and we should remember that word of mouth probably can't always be trusted either


  1. No, I don't think word of mouth is that reliable, myself.

    1. S.J.Qualls; it depends on who you hear it from and the subject matter I suppose, but it's always wise to check things out for yourself.

  2. Hi River,

    A little political and a little bit of Progressive Rock too!




    1. Plasman; just goes to show I don't know progressive rock when I hear it.

  3. Maybe the words should be..How I got suckered in...
    Coffee is on

    1. Dora; I remember a few times I got suckered in and that's AFTER I knew this song. It pays to be careful.

  4. Maybe the words should be..How I got suckered in...
    Coffee is on

  5. Another I've not heard for a while.

    I believe in the evidence of proof...and I believe in what is fair and right; but then, I guess one's "fair and right" is often quite different to that of another.

    And I don't believe in everything that I'm told or I read.

    I love Mike & the Mechanics' "The Living Years", too.

    I hope your week is happy, carefree and cool, River. :)

    1. Lee; I hear it because it's on my iPods and for sure I don't believe everything I hear or read.
      I have "The Living Years" on my list, but I may have played it already. I'll have to check.

  6. It's not one I remember.

    1. Andrew; your music lists are probably more cultured than mine. I was a"Top 40 girl" and listened to Rage a lot when my kids did.

  7. Like Andrew I don't remember it. And don't trust everything I see,hear,read.
    Great beat though.

    1. Elephant's Child; the beat is great for walking too, as long as you have a decent stretch of road so you can really get going. Where I am now, every five minutes or less I have to stop because there is a side road with lights and traffic that takes short cuts to avoid the main intersection. It's hard to get a good walking workout.

  8. Can't recall that song but it's nice a bouncy :)

    1. Margaret-whiteangel; it's great for exercise, and the lyrics make you think too.

  9. I had to turn the sound down...way down. Always nice to hear something new.

    1. Granny Annie; sorry I almost burst your eardrums. I like my music loud mostly, but living in flats now has me worried I might upset some neighbours, so I don't listen as much as I used to.

  10. .. hi River, I loved the rhythm of this song.. my father used to say 'Don't believe everything you read .. and only half of what you hear' .... wise words
    Glad your computer problem is sorted.. it's always a hassle to install things in to a new computer..
    .. I felt sorry for your neighbour with her wandering Mum... such a worry .. I hope she is back on her meds again.. xxxxxx
    .... Barb xxxx

    1. Barbara; your Father was wise, my mum used to say similar things. I have a new computer hassle now, trying to install itunes. The process just keeps stalling itself :(

  11. It depends on whose mouth it's coming out of!!

  12. If music makes you want to move, then that is good!

    All the best Jan


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