I'm told there's a new computer scam going around where the scammers call people and pretend to be from a bank, phone company or the police, and tell people they need their help catching scammers, then get remote access to the computer and steal bank details. 

Be aware, and be careful. Do not give out any details. 


  1. Ugh! They just keep coming up with stuff!

  2. THese people could be caught and prosecuted, but somehow these are viewed as "victim-less crimes" and not investigated as vigorously as they should...they are as bad as masked stick-up crooks!

  3. Good to know. Always one bugger or another, out there.

  4. That's one scam call I haven't gotten. Yet.

  5. I never answer any phone call unless it is from someone I know so I have avoided the scams. Thanks for the heads up though.

  6. Once I get a call like that, I block them.

    Also, be careful of warnings about your computer crashing. Some can even disable your compute, hold it hostage. If that happens, take it to Best Buy or some equivalent. Vicious.

  7. If a number calls that doesn't come up on my call ID, i don't answer. If it's important, they will leave a message. If the message is anything about "we need to contact you in regards to your bank account/computer/etc., i just don't call back.

    If they want my help catching scammers, they must be desperate!

  8. I never give my details to anyone. And when I receive a phone call from an unknown person/source. I give them very short shift; and slam the phone down on them after sometimes advising them to have a relationship with their own self!

    Thank you, River. :)

  9. We are always getting warnings about that here in the UK but people, especially the elderly, are still getting scammed. I can't repeat what I would like to do with these scammers - scamming scum all of them.
    Around My Kitchen Table

    Around My Kitchen Table

  10. NEVER give out your personal information!! Period.

  11. Thanks for the warning, River. The scammers are getting too clever -- and too numerous.


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