Wednesday's Words on a Friday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

2. banishment
3. cavalier
4. wheeled
5. empirical
6. fondness


1. gently
2. hats
3. irksome
4. janitorial
5. kindness
6. laughed

Here is my story:

God’s Observation Deck 3

“Why so sad God?” said Peter. “You haven’t heard the latest escapade?” replied God. “He’s gone too far this time, I’m going to have to banish him.” “Lucifer? What’s he done now?” “Take a look,” said God. “He’s been down there sowing seeds of hatred and jealousy again. Greed too. There’s so much resentment and fighting amongst the people, no one has the time to appreciate any of the good anymore.”

“I see,” said Peter. “Shall I send him to you?” “Yes, please,” said God. He paced back and forth, frowning, as he tried to work out the nicest possible way to banish his brother. When Lucifer arrived on the deck, he immediately began screeching his discontent, showing just how well the seeds of his own jealousy, hate and greed had grown within him.

As God began to speak, Lucifer screamed, “I’ll finish you off first, you can’t do this to me!” and threw a giant fireball at his brother. God halted the fireball with a single frosty look, causing it to explode into millions of fiery gems which fell to the earth below, to be discovered many centuries later in Australia, as opals.

Momentarily silenced, Lucifer had no choice but to hear God’s words. “Your irksome behaviour, your cavalier attitude to our janitorial position has gotten way out of hand, Lucy. Word has come from the empirical being that you are to be banished, to live in a fiery hell of your own making, since that is the way you seem to think things should be.”

A single bolt of lightning from far above the deck had Lucifer cowering momentarily, then he straightened his spine and marched toward the gap created in the heavenly mist.

“Fine! I’ll go, but this isn’t the end you know,” and he stepped through, beginning his fall into the fiery depths of hell. “Let his banishment be complete,” said God and the misty gap closed once more.

Peter stepped forward and gently guided God to his favourite chair. A moment later Mary came through the gallery door with a wheeled cart bearing cups of tea and many small cakes.

‘Well?” she said. “What do you think?” God glanced up and, startled, almost fell off his chair. Mary preened as he said, “I see your fondness for silly hats continues,” where did you get this one?” “Those ostriches down in Africa dropped a few feathers and allowed me to take them. The cupids-in-training stitched this up for me.”

“Hmmm,” said God. “Perhaps they should stick with their training instead.” “Now, now,” laughed Mary. “Taking a break from all those arrows and targets is a kindness they won’t forget. Everyone should have more than one skill if it is at all possible.”

As God helped himself to more cakes, Mary asked, “is there anyway Lucifer can achieve atonement?” ‘Not in my lifetime,” growled God, biting into another chocolate covered petit-four. “It’s a good thing we’re in heaven where there are no calories,” said Mary.


  1. Smiling broadly. No calories sounds a pretty good definition of heaven...

    1. Elephant's Child; no calories sounds perfectly like heaven to me.

  2. Such fun. You go get him God. Lucy needs handcuffed.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I think handcuffs might be a bit extreme.

  3. Clever, clever! There is a reason God is the One in Charge. I hope it is dark chocolate from Switzerland.

    1. Susan Kane; in this one God isn't the one in charge. There is an Empirical Being who sent the word to God and the lightning bolt to open the portal to hell. Even God has a higher power...
      Any good quality chocolate will do.

  4. Well written and exciting to read.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; welcome to drifting and thank you.

  5. Some things just can’t be atoned, can they. It would be nice if Lucifer were locked up.

    1. messymimi; he is locked up. In hell. But now and again breaks loose or ends a few minions to do his dirty work.

  6. Replies
    1. peppylady (Dora); thank you. I enjoy the challenge.

  7. I know where Lucifer is! He's on Netflix!!!!

    Good story, River. :)

    1. Lee; is that why people with Netflix are having so much trouble lately? Thank you :)

    2. Could be! I've been having trouble with Netflix for the last couple of days...but not with Foxtel Now or Stan!!

  8. Brilliant! You always let your imagination run wild and have such fun with these heavenly posts. It shows... and makes them fun to read.

    No calories? Sign me up! Have a super weekend.

    1. Susan; I like my God's Observation Deck series and have plenty of ideas for it.

      No calories would be heaven indeed.

  9. Another good one. I like the tea and cakes details!

    1. Val; thank you. I'm a fan of cakes myself, but prefer coffee over tea.


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