Sunday Selections and a heads-up notice

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today we are beginning with something new in my home:

We all know I'm a demon when it comes to "saving with a purpose" and after several years of stashing away a certain amount per week, I have two recliner chairs replacing my old couch which now has a home somewhere else. As you can see, the chairs have the "Monkey" seal of approval.

now we go back to V's home for more of her wonderful ornaments:

a wizard and dragon playing chess

the oldest of her three remaining cats, Ulli is now 22 years old. You may notice his face is a teensy bit misshapen,  his jaw has been broken, V believes from being hit by a car as a kitten. She rescued him from a shelter many years ago.

Baking stuffed apples in her skillet, the smell was heavenly

a tiny gumnut teapot and matching bowl

little wooden containers, I love wooden things too and I also love that cabbage leaf jug in the background.

some of the masks on a wall hanging and you may notice the metal-cut kitty from last week

a pretty woven basket

another wizard/dragon combination

the rug V wove as a wall hanging but is now on her bedroom floor

and this very nicely carved and stained container finishes our journey at V's home

we'll finish with one more new thing at my place:

this mirror from Ikea which I had been wanting for a while but was often unavailable, given as a birthday gift from my eldest child, T. It is now hanging on the wall instead of just leaning against it. 

**I may or may not do a Sunday Selections next week, or for a couple of weeks, I'm having a lot of pain in my hands now the evenings and early mornings are frosty-cold**


  1. Lots of great stuff!! Hope your hands feel better.

    1. fishducky; the hands will be better with rest and once the weather warms a bit.

  2. Who doesn't appreciate a wizard and a dragon playing chess! I can almost smell those apples from here.

    Maybe you can find a good handwarmer to settle down the pain in your hands. Or hold a baked potato or warm rock. My mom gave me something she found at a church bazaar, rice sewn into a cloth bag, that could be microwaved to act as a heat pack.

    1. Val; I'm a big fan of wizards and dragons. The hands are mostly a carpal tunnel problem, I've been doing too much fine-finger work, typing, knitting, unpicking seams to reuse fabric. I need to stop. I've gone back to wearing hand splints as I sleep and it helps. The pain is much less during the day.

  3. I have so enjoyed the tour of V's home. I hope you are up to it next week. Val has some great hand warmers there.

    1. Joanne; I wear fingerless gloves during the day, but mostly the problem is too much 'fine' work, repetetive things like unpicking seams, knitting etc, so the carpal tunnels are aggravated again.

  4. This week I made another visit to the local rubbish dip; one to St. Vinnie's and another to an Op Shop. My de-cluttering continues....

    What a lovely old cat...the dear old fellow.

    I hope the pain in your hands eases, River and soon, very soon, you'll be pain free. Have a good week...take it easy. Cuddles to lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; you're giving stuff to Vinnie's? I do that, but then make the mistake of looking around and coming home with different stuff. My hands will ease with lots of rest. Lola is helping by sleeping close to keep me warm.

    2. Nope...I am not replacing what I'm ridding myself of, River. I've still a long way to go. I don't need or use half - even more than half the stuff - I have.

      If I received a dollar for all the recipe books I've already gotten rid of I'd rich! And I've still lots and lots more to get rid of...they're just gathering dust and taking up room. I can't believe how many recipe books I have/had!

      My needs are simple. I don't need all the stuff I've surrounded myself with through the years. I've no one to leave anything what I don't need or use now is going to aid others who need help...or to the dump.

      Even after all the getting rid of stuff I've been doing these past couple or so weeks...I can't see much of a dent!

      Onwards and outwards...out to others...raising money for the RSPCA; clothes for the homeless and funds raised for the drought-affected farmers and their families.

  5. V's house looks like an eclectic wonderland. I suspect each time you went you would notice (and appreciate) something new.
    I do hope your pain eases off. Quickly.

    1. Elephant's Child; V's house is comforting and cosy, knick-knacks and warmth everywhere. I do see something different every time I visit. The pain will ease with rest and deep heat rub.

  6. More likely if you don't post next Sunday is that you can't be bothered getting out of your comfy recliner. Very nice. Seriously, I hope your hands feel better and we should have some warmer weather for them soon. Did Lola like seeing her reflection in the mirror?

  7. Those are some fun items your friend has, and i sympathize with you on the cold. Hope you do keep warm and toasty.

    1. Now that i'm in the habit of looking for things to post for Sunday selections, i may keep on even if you have to stop for a bit.
      More fairy gardens this week.

  8. Wizards and Dragons - how nice!
    My dexterity is becoming less and less, and my pain continues. I isn't fun when your hands feel more like globs of hardened clay than flesh and bone. I hope your hands feel better when the weather warm and you've given them a rest.

  9. For the past few manicures I have been getting the paraffin wax treatment and I have noticed a great improvement not just in the skin - which in winter tends to crack and become very dry - but also in how the joints and bones feel. I do have a tendency towards stiff joints especially in the cold and especially in my hands which get very cold.

    It is so good I bought the wax for home, from China online. We just need to get a warmer for it, and then I will be paraffin-waxing at least once a week. I can't believe the improvement in the joints. It is pretty magical. I wonder if soaking the hands in warm water might have a similar effect - it is worth a try as it would be free. :)

    My bestie in the US Sephyroth, his mother just had surgery for carpal tunnel, it was very quick and not painful and she is recovering well from it. :)

  10. Loved those chess players. They look serious.
    Hope it warms up and that rest helps those hands. Do what you have to.

  11. Those are some comfy looking new chairs. We've decided we can't get any new upholstered furniture until our cats are gone because they have made such a mess of what we have now. We can't lock them out of the rooms that have forbidden furniture and they're both too set in their ways to train. I hope Lola is not a scratcher :)

    V's house is a wonderful trove of interesting things!


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