Happy Birthday!

You know who you are

Happy Birthday to you  🎝

Happy Birthday to you 🎜

Happy Birthday dear JahTeh 🎶 

Happy Birthday to yoooouuuuu!!

Extra cakes in case people drop around

or just save some for later

afternoon tea perhaps,

tea with Mother and the others at the nursing home

a blue one in case Andrew drops in, (blue for boys and maybe he'd love the shoes)

and this one just because I like it.

❤  💜   💙  💗  💚  💛  💝  💖  💕  ❣  💟  


  1. And you are aware it is a significant birthday. She won't see fifty again. While I could drop in, she has her sights set at my partner and would steal him in an instant, so I certainly would not take him with me. It is a large shoe, and may very well fit my dainty feet.

    1. Andrew; significant birthday? I thought she was 25...
      Probably a good idea not to take R along then, but would he be amenable to being 'stolen'?

  2. What a lovely array of delicious cakes! MMmmm ...

    1. Sharon; aren't they just gorgeous? I wish I could decorate a cake like that.

  3. It's all a mystery, but so lovely.☺

    1. Joanne; it's the birthday of one of my very best friends here in Australia, but in a different city and state. She lives in Melbourne, Victoria, and LOVES cake.

  4. Three grandsons birthdays are over the next three days. 6th, 7th and 8th. None would appreciate those cakes like I would. Oh how beautiful!

    1. Granny Annie; I have a similar array of family birthdays in February and another in March. I don't bake cakes for them though. I do love a beautifully presented cake such as these here.

  5. May I have a bite, please?

    1. fishducky; you may have as many bites as you like.

  6. I think I am full just looking. Yummy.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I always hope the cakes inside these creations is as delicious as the exterior looks.

  7. Good thing looking at pictures of cake can't add any pounds. :) (Those look too pretty to EAT!)

    I finally got back around to check on your Friday story. Good job! It was nice seeing you return to your old story.

    1. Susan; virtual cakes have no calories at all so we can look for hours. They do look too pretty to cut in to.
      I was happy to be able to add a new chapter to the old story, it's been about six months since I last looked at it.

  8. A VERT, VERY Happy Birthday to the lovey JahTeh.

    1. Elephant's Child; one year we will have to get together and bring her an actual cake.

  9. Wishing Jah Teh many, many happy returns of the day!

    1. messymimi; I hope she has many, many, returns of this happy day.

  10. I know you're not a Seinfeld fan, but this reminds me of the episode where Elaine ate a piece of cake she found in her boss's mini fridge, and it turned out to be from the wedding of Kind Edward VIII to Wallis Simpson. Bought at auction for $29,000 and from 1937.

    1. Val; I've seen quite a lot of Seinfeld, years ago when the kids watched it, but I don't remember that episode. And Elaine eating cake that doesn't belong to her without even asking whose it is makes me want to smack her. A lot of what Elaine did made me want to smack her. I believe she is played by Julia Dreyfuss, who is a very convincing actress who truly becomes her character.


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