Sunday Selections #

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing.

Today we are still in V's home looking at a few of her many, many knick-knacks, she has a fondness for cats and witches, also dragons but I don't have photos of dragons.

this tiny chef looks as if her pot is about to boil over

a closer look at the teeny tiny mouse by her feet, the teaspoon in between them gives an indication of size

a few of the kitchen cats, I love the red and green pepper mill

two witches hanging in the kitchen doorway

here's a better view from the kitchen side

this flat kitty was cut from a sheet of tin and painted

a pair of ceramic best buddies

freckles, or perhaps speckles

this fabric padded kitty sits on the electric spinning wheel, perhaps she once kept a casserole dish warm

this girl reminds me of my own kitchen witch Mavis,  but Mavis is only a third the size of this one

her tall and thin friend looks like her name might be Emma, look in her basket, there is a miniature Garfield

here is 'Emma's" pretty face

nesting dolls but I don't think they are from the same set. I always wanted a set of these 

I like the pretty patterns on this cat

and this is the golden girl next to her


  1. Lots of cute nick knacks! Like all the kitties!

    1. Sharon; her home is packed and I love all of it.

  2. I am anti-knick knack myself but your friend has acquired some delightful pieces. It's so much easier and nicer to admire other folks collections than to have any myself.

    1. Grace; I was anti-knick knack myself for a while, giving away all the little dust catchers, but after a few years my home seemed so empty and I've been acquiring a few new-to-me knick knacks from second hand stores.

  3. I love knick knacks but I hate to dust!!

    1. fishducky; we all hate to dust, but the knick knacks don't seem to mind a bit of fluff.

  4. I love V's collection. I am the only witch in our house, but we have rather a lot of cats.
    And I should dust a great deal more often than I do.

    1. Elephant's Child; I have five witches, six if I count myself, but not a lot of cats. I do have other bits and pieces spread around the place though. I'm ignoring dusting as long as I can. I'll probably do a token dust when I can write my name in it on the surfaces.

  5. That is quite a collection. That gold cat looks ready to pounce.

    1. Arkansas Patti; and it's only a small section. I thought the gold cat was sniffing around for lunch.

  6. My goodness! She certainly has a lot...and they are lovely, but the dusting would drive me insane. I like to look, but I'll leave the knick-knack collecting to someone else. I'm trying to do a major cull around here!

    Have a great week, River...cuddles to Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; what you see is only a small part. I'm collecting a few things myself after being without for too long. I thought I'd prefer uncluttered surfaces, but I feel more homey now with things around me.

  7. I thought maybe the chef was covering her ears to hear no evil. V has an interesting collection of things, but I don't want to do her dusting.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Technology is defeating me at every turn today, sorry.

    Very fun pieces, especially the cats.

    As usual, when my post goes up, my Sunday Selections will be here.

    1. messymimi; technology is sometimes hard to live with, usually when it doesn't perform as expected. I'll pop over later.

  10. The tall blue cat in the third grandma had one like that, only it was striped like a tabby. It sat on her coffee table, and we grandkids broke its neck so many times, the poor thing looked like it was wearing a collar of glue and chipped pieces.

    I was really liking the witch similar to your Mavis, until I noticed her FEET! Too realistic for me!

    1. Val; I don't know what my Grandma had, we lived in different countries so I never knew her. Your poor Grandma's cat would probably benefit from one of those neck stretching bracelet style supports worn by some African women years ago.
      I don't see the witch's feet as too realistic, after all, witches have feet just like everybody else and she isn't using them as hands. Perhaps you'd prefer the usual black boots and striped stockings look.

  11. Replies
    1. Author R. Mac Wheeler; that's good to know :)

  12. How eclectic. How charming. How wonderful.

    1. Joanne; V's home is very eclectic and I enjoy visiting. Every time I go I see something I hadn't noticed before.

  13. Love her collections of little friends so sweet.

    1. Merle; her collections are lovely, she has more than 30 stuffed Garfields as well.

  14. what a lovely selection

  15. I adore all the cats . . . and the teeny mouse :) Thanks for the tour.

  16. Love your friend's quirky ornaments! I have loads of cat ornaments too.
    Around My Kitchen Table
    That's Purrfect


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