Sunday Selections

Welcome back to Sunday Selections.

Begun way back in the mist of time by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock and now continued by me, with a drastic relaxation of rules.

Originally meant for showcasing old photos lost on your files, never seeing the light of day, the meme has morphed into photos of your choice, new or old, good or not-so-good, anything you please, but nothing rude please.

If you are participating, please leave me a comment so I can buzz along and have a look.
Elephant's Child always participates, and her pictures are always worth seeing. 

A few garden photos to begin with:

my jades have put on  a better show than I expected, with the flowers lasting quite a long time

here's a close-up in case you forgot how pretty these starry little flowers are

my favourite wind spinner is more visible now the leaves have dropped from the trees, the little cups either side of the dragon catch the wind and as it spins the turning spiral makes the ball look like it is rolling up and down, but of course that is an illusion as it stays in one place.

here's something I haven't had in a long time, roasted potatoes and baked cauliflower in cheese sauce. The brownish stuff sprinkled on the sauce is  sweet paprika. I had this with a pork&veal meatloaf which would have been much nicer if I hadn't forgotten to put garlic in the mix.

These next photos are for Andrew (and anyone else who is interested), my other clothes drying (airing) rack.
I have two of this style:

here is one completely folded, a little smaller in size than the one I showed last week.

and here it is fully opened. the top wings measure 150cm end to end, but the whole rack is quite narrow with each rail being only 51cm wide. So again, only suitable for smallish things.

these side supports just clip under the side rails of the top wings

while this little doohickey is completely wrapped around the support on one side and clipped onto the wing rail. It can be slid over to one side so as not to be in the way when hanging anything.

by placing the support closer to the centre, the wings can be raised quite high allowing for things to be placed on clothes hangers and then hung onto the rails, this way many more items like shirts or t-shirts can be fit onto it. If the support is placed further to the outside edge of the wing, the wing will hang lower, so you see it is adjustable. the lower, smaller wings on each side are also higher/lower adjustable.

the basic frame is an A shape with a few centre rails, but I find those difficult to access with my shoulder/neck troubles. Having to bend down to reach them and crick my neck slightly upward is awkward, so I rarely use the center rails that form the - of the A

you may notice this style doesn't have wheels, but it slides easily and it fairly lightweight, available from Cheap as Chips for around $40
(This is NOT a paid post)

and once again, Lola, doing what she does best.

Next week, V's table loom and her current project, for Joanne, who I hope is feeling much better now.


  1. A handy dandy little gadget. Once we get moved to our condo (wishful thinking) I'll need one of those. Give Lola a snuggle for me.

    1. only slightly confused; snuggles have been given, followed by handwashing until I have that vet treatment underway.

  2. That is an excllent rack. And an excellent cat.
    Love the jade photos too.

    1. Elephant's Child; it's a very handy rack, and having two of them means I can fill the porch with drying washing as well as the living room should I go crazy one day and wash everything I own. Lola happily accepts all compliments and actually accepted scratches from V this morning when she visited.

  3. Your jade is looking very healthy, indeed.

    My two furry rascals are here staring at me, urging me to hurry up and settle down with the Sunday paper so they can read over my shoulder.

    Have a great week, River. Cuddles to Lady Lola. I hope she doesn't get too freaked out having to go to the vet. Take care. :)

    1. Lee; once jade is well established they are very hardy and need little care, just a drink in the summer heatwaves. do Remy and Shama read the whole paper with you or just the pet advice page?
      Lola won't be happy when I put her in the cage but she's well behaved at the vet usually.

    2. Lee; my neighbour V is a Garfield fan and has a large collection of Garfield toys.

  4. Wind spinner does good here we always have a breeze.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); I love windspinners, they add some interest to the garden when the leaves have fallen each winter.

  5. The wind spinner is very cool. We have baked cauliflower often enough. I like it, not love it. I am now a clothes airer expert. Thank you.

    1. Andrew; the windspinner is another Cheap as Chips find. I think if I had baked cauliflower often my love for it might diminish also, largely due to the time involved in creating it.

  6. One of my drying racks is exactly that kind.

    The potatoes and cauliflower look delicious. Scritches to Lola for me.

    1. messymimi; scritches have been given and a cuddle too. I'll pop over shortly to see your post.

  7. Two things I need to do. Plant jade and get some wind spinners. Don't have room for the dryer.
    Hope Lola's vet visit is not stressful for her.

    1. Arkansas Patti; jades grow fairly large, mine aren't fully grown by a long shot, but it might depend on the position. Mine have a lot of root competition from the plum trees behind. They like hot, dry conditions and once established only need watering if the summer heatwaves don't relent. You'll notice when the leaves begin to yellow and shrivel. Holding back on the water brings on more flowers.
      I hope Lola is okay too, the hardest part is getting her into the carrier.

  8. I didn't even know jade plants had flowers! And I've never seen a jade that big. Lola is so comfortable with you that she is catching up on all the sleep she lost before you found her.

    1. Val; not all jade plants do flower, mine are the big leaf ones. I have a small leaf jade in a pot, it doesn't flower at all. My jades haven't finished growing yet. I've seen some in older gardens that are as tall as me and as wide as they are tall. in full flower they are quite a sight. I think Lola is just being a cat, don't they all sleep about 22 hours a day?

  9. I didn't know Jade plants had flowers either. See it's true! You really do learn something new everyday if your mind is open to learning. Are your plants outside or houseplants? Just curious as to how hardy they are.

    Now, I'm with Lola. It's time for an extended catnap.

    1. Mildred Ratched; my plants are all outside, I have allergies so can't have inside plants at all. Not even a vase of flowers. Jades (true name Crassula something-or-other) are very hardy once established and like hot dry conditions. Mine are about four years old and have all grown from cuttings from the original which is also out there, which was itself a cutting I took from a very large Jade years ago. They should eventually reach about five feet tall by four or five feet wide. They do well in pots, but more frequent watering is needed then as pots tend to dry out more.

  10. Your potatoes and cauliflower in cheese sauce is making my stomach growl! I love creamy cheesy sauces but hardly ever make them because I can't stick to wise portion sizes.


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