Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. yellow
2. zinnias
3. adjust
4. boots
5. chicken
6. doomed


1. extensively
2. flagstones
3. gingerly
4. holding
5. investigator
6. jerked

**let the creativity begin!**


  1. Cally gingerly picked her way along the flagstone path, her yellow rainboots half submerged in dirty, debris littered water. "These zinnias are doomed." she moaned.
    Tad jerked manfully on the drain cover in the middle of the fish pond. Massive koi circled him anxiously. "Something is holding this drain cover down." he grunted. "Until I can adjust it the water is going to continue to build up until the entire garden is under water."
    "I had the whole system investigated extensively just last month." Cally said. "I just don't understand what is happening here."
    A purple chicken floated past on a nesting box handing out chocolate eggs to children dressed like flowers. "Oooooooh." Cally said. "That explains everything."

    1. osc: It is lovely to see you playing W4W again. And this is your usual delightful take on the prompts.

    2. only slightly confused; this was an unexpected delight, a purple chicken handing out chocolate eggs! I hope she finishes her job quickly enough to save the garden.

    3. Well, i like that explanation. Perhaps the chicken could help solve the problem, too.

    4. A fun little tale. Love it! :)

    5. Interesting and unexpected direction! I'm wondering if perhaps some LSD isn't involved as well?

    (An exclusive brought to you by our staff investigator who has been researching this story extensively). Don't adjust your set, this story is true.
    The sky is falling. Chicken Little alerted us to this issue. 'We are doomed' she said, holding out very little hope for our future.
    She was sitting outside in her beautifully maintained garden, admiring the yellow zinnias when she heard an almighty crash on the flagstones of her deck.
    'I jerked in surprise' she said.
    Brave Chicken Little picked her way gingerly across the yard to see the damage. It was extensive, and our reporter is going to follow her advice.
    'These boots are made for walking, and that's just what I am gunna do...'

    1. Elephant's Child; another unexpected delight :) A Chicken Little who didn't run around in a panic, but bravely put on her boots and got on with her life.

    2. What a fun take on the story! Let’s hope she can outwalk a falling sky.

    3. Fun! Fun! Fun! I think everyone is going to have fun with this week's words...just like you and Delores have done, EC. :)

  3. Here's mine for this week...

    "The front and side borders of the property were protected by medium to high walls erected with FLAGSTONES. Irregular-shaped paving slabs formed a long, winding path through the EXTENSIVELY-planted well-maintained gardens and hedges.

    HOLDING onto my walking stick firmly, fearful I might slip. GINGERLY, I made my way along the path. There was no one around to assist if I fell.

    The pavers were still moist from the early morning dew. Patches of moss here and there caused me further consternation. I felt a little like an undercover INVESTIGATOR, but I couldn’t walk any faster. However, there was no reason for me to hurry. Time was on my side.

    Bending down to ADJUST my BOOTS, my attention was drawn to a garden bed full of YELLOW ZINNIAS.

    My thoughts immediately went back to my childhood. When I was a little girl I loved the pure simplicity of zinnias, and the variety of colours on offer.

    Each year I planted the beautiful flowers in my own tiny garden plot. And each year I was so proud of the colourful blooms - my reward for the many hours I spent in my little garden.

    Suddenly, I was JERKED back to here and now when a lone CHICKEN came running down the side of the house, wings flapping, squawking its head off.

    Was it DOOMED to become Sunday dinner?

    Luckily, no, I soon discovered when I saw the rooster in high pursuit."

    1. Having just been out in the garden, treading very gingerly because I am home alone and there is no-one to help me if I fall, this struck home.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm always alone, EC...except for Remy and Shama, of course.

      I always tread gingerly because if I fell there is no one to help me.

      Falling is a fear...it's something I never want to happen to me.

      My walking stick is my constant companion. And I'm neither embarrassed or ashamed to admit so. :)

    4. Lee; Thank you for this lovely story and I'm glad to hear you always take your walking stick. I'm not at that stage yet, but I have a stick ready and waiting. I always loved zinnias too.

    5. A lovely story, i hope the chicken gets away. Some roosters are just too pushy.

    6. perhaps it was Chicken Little running from the falling sky?

  4. I am back. But for how long -who knows after you read my story.
    We are having roast Chook today .
    I will be roasted later.

    1. Vest; I loved your story. Roast chook? What time is dinner? Oh, never mind, I'll never get to the airport on time.

  5. Mine takes place in the Maple Dist...https://peppylady.blogspot.com/2018/08/wednesday-meme-number-fourteen.html

    1. peppylady (Dora); thanks for playing, I'll be over to read it in a minute :)

  6. The couple i often write about (i don't even know their names, they need to introduce themselves some time) are thinking of chicken tending.

    Full story here.

    1. messymimi; I'll drop by after I read a few others. I like the idea of chicken tending, but know in reality I couldn't do it.

  7. I've finally posted my story here: yellow zinnias I didn't like the way it was going at first and had to step away to clear my thoughts and refocus.


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