Words for Wednesday

The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along and read it.

This month the words are supplied by ME and can be found right here.

This week's words are:

1. kitchen
2. long
3. modicum
4. notice
5. overly
6. perfectly


1. quivering
2. roasted
3. strawberry
4. theory
5. umbrage
6. vestige

**let the creativity begin!**


  1. Some excellent prompt words here.....thanks for a great mnth River.....I'm on duty for September.

    1. Cally was QUIVERING with excitement as she took her place for the very first time in Grannies KITCHEN. It was, she felt, LONG overdue. After all, she was very nearly 13.

      “Just a VESTIGE, a mere MODICUM of maturity would be appreciated.” Sissy hissed in her ear.

      Cally took a deep breath. “I take UMBRAGE at that Sissy.” She hissed back. “ You might have NOTICED the care I took with my appearance for this auspicious event.” She smoothed her PERFECTLY starched apron and tried not to look OVERLY anxious.

      Granny smiled at ‘her girls’. “The menu today is ROASTED chicken and STRAWBERRY shortcake” she announced “and I have a THEORY all my own which says if the newest girl in the kitchen works with me personally on the shortcake she will make absolutely PERFECT shortcakes for the rest of her days.”

      There was some grumbling among the girls who all coveted the chance to work directly with Granny but…it was a fact….they all remembered their first shortcake and they were all experts.

    2. A truly lovely story. Thank you. I am also looking forward to seeing what you challenge us with.

    3. Ahhh...I love it, Delores! And now I want some strawberry shortcake! :)

    4. Only slightly confused; this is a lovely story, I can picture Granny's kitchen and the girls in starched aprons. I have never in my life had a strawberry shortcake, don't even know how to make them, but now I want one :)
      I'm looking forward to your words next month.

    5. a wonderful story. I wish I'd had that opportunity!

  2. A quivering chocolate mousse, topped with strawberries. A perfectly roasted chicken, and all the accompaniments. Bliss. Nay-sayers can take as much umbrage as they like but the long and the short of it is that the kitchen is the heart of the home.
    Yes, a modicum of cleanliness is essential (particularly in that kitchen) but I doubt that many people are overly concerned about the decor being 'up to the minute'. It is expensive, and too often removes any vestige of the home-owners personality.
    My theory is that no-one takes any notice of trends and fashions, just so long as they are fed, and fed well.

    1. And that my friends, is the truth. Chocolate mousse....yum.

    2. "Trends" and "fashions" come and go...but the preparation and enjoyment of good food is always in vogue!

      Well done, EC. :)

    3. Elephant's Child; you are absolutely right. The looks of a kitchen are far less important than the food that comes from it. I've heard so many people say they could cook better if only they had a better kitchen, but the knack is in the cook, not the appliances. May I print this out and hang it in my kitchen for a while?

    4. Of course you can print it. I am honoured.

    5. Yes, no matter the decor, if the cooking is good, that's all that matters. Well told.

    6. I love cooking! Can't wait until I get a bigger kitchen!

  3. Thank you for this month's words, River. :)

    "My new KITCHEN-hand should have been QUIVERING in fear after I ROASTED him for continually walking behind me during the busy hours of service.

    I hadn’t wanted to become an ogre, but his inability to listen, to learn, to follow instructions finally broke this camel’s back!

    His latest act of stupidity had ruined a whole tray of freshly-made STRAWBERRY ice cream...ice cream that had been especially prepared for an important private function.

    From the moment he commenced working in the restaurant’s LONG, narrow kitchen, the young man never listened to the advice I gave him day after day, night after night.

    He was there to learn, but that didn’t seem to make any sense to him....nothing did!

    It was his first job. I was fully aware he had much to learn. I enjoyed teaching young staff.

    Working in a busy restaurant kitchen, particularly once the ravenous, sometimes impatient diners arrive, is not an easy task. A commercial kitchen turns into a hectic, dangerous battleground. One has to be completely focused; totally aware of what is going on around them.

    I treated the young fellow with more than a MODICUM of respect when he first joined our crew. He never took UMBRAGE when I scolded him for walking behind me when I was struggling with a large heavy, hot pot full of whatever; or if I had a large sharp knife in my hand, and so forth.

    He also never took NOTICE of any advice given to him, about anything.

    There was not the slightest VESTIGE that anything he was being taught, whether practical or in THEORY. sunk in; not a trace. The space was blank!

    My patience wore thin, and I couldn’t be blamed for letting my feelings be known.

    Time after time, time and time again, I’d made it PERFECTLY and politely clear to him what was expected in such a busy environment, but no matter what I said; how carefully I explained things to him, he couldn’t grasp the seriousness of it all.

    He was an accident ready to happen...or he was about to cause a serious mishap. Someone was going to get seriously hurt.

    The young kitchen-hand became OVERLY confident, darting back forth like an out-of-control bee, believing that was what I required of him. It wasn’t. Speed, of course, was necessary, but erratic speed without looking where he was going was terrifying to those in his path!

    Finally, the day arrive. I had to be harsh. I let him go, but I treated him it gently. I didn’t want to crush his spirit, but a hectic commercial kitchen was not the place he was meant to be."

    1. Lee; oh my goodness! A walking disaster! He'd be more at home in a park chasing frisbees with a dog I think. Then let him come back to the restaurant, but as a customer with an appetite. A very good story :)

    2. I hope he found his niche. And found it somewhere where he (and others) could stay safe. I suspect you are drawing heavily on truth here.

    3. It is a true story...when I was the cook at the Town & Country Hotel-Motel, in Collinsville, up in the Bowen Basin.

      He was a skinny little fellow and I gave him the nickname, "Jockey". He took, literally, my telling him to be quick on his feet! He flew around the kitchen...but never got anywhere or got anything done! lol

      By pure coincidence a couple of years later I ran into him when I was living and working in Cardwell. We had a great old chat. I asked him what he was doing...work-wise. He'd left the hospitality industry when he and I parted ways, and he was working for a nursery (plant nursery), and lovi9ng it. I was happy for him.

      All's well that ends well. :)

    4. Oh, how i know what a busy kitchen can be like! Yes, you have to say "on your back" every time you walk behind someone, so they know. Or whatever it is at your establishment, that one is just very common.

      Good story!

    5. Lee; I suspected there was truth in the story and I'm glad the young man eventually found work better suited to him. Kitchens are dangerous places to be rushing about in.

    6. well done! sometimes the best lesson for someone new in the work force is learning there are boundaries.

  4. Replies
    1. And now I got my story up...http://peppylady.blogspot.com/2018/08/wednesday-meme-number-fifteen.html

    2. peppylady (Dora); I'll pop over in just a minute.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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