So Lola went to the day spa (vet)

and had a manicure (claw clipping) and a nice shoulder rub to keep her calm while the spa attendant (vet) prepared a syringe of two-week antibiotic for her skin infection, which is NOT mange!!

Hooray! NOT mange. Just a little infection which has been itching and Lola has been scratching out huge clumps of hair because of it. This is on top of the huge amounts of hair she sheds on a daily basis.

Yesterday, I got home from being out for several hours and the blanket she sleeps on looked like there'd been a cat fight on it, there was so much hair there!

Anyway, we're home again and Lola is out on Angel's big carpet covered scratching post tower pretending to be Queen of all she surveys and when she comes in later for her usual six hour nap, I'll get out there and vacuum twelve months worth of hair and shredded carpet bits off it.


  1. Hooray for the great news! That sounds like what we would simply call a “hot spot,” a small area of infection that the cat continues to make worse by over-grooming. It’s great to know she will be fine.

    And you have my sympathy on the cat hair. With seven cats here, we always have enough hair to knit ourselves a new litter of kittens if we ever needed one.

    1. messymimi; hot spot sounds right. Since we've been home I don't think she has scratched more than a couple of times, the antibiotics are working quickly. I'm sure Lola is as relieved as I am. Seven cats? Yikes!

  2. Replies
    1. joeh; and happier me. I worried so much. I don't like to see her uncomfortable.

  3. Wonderful, wonderful news. And yes on the shed fur. If only I could knit I could assuredly knit another (better behaved) cat.

    1. Elephant's Child; a knitted cat would definitely be better behaved, but would have far less personality.

  4. Good news for Lola! I hope she enjoyed the day spa (vet). Or at least had no fear.

    1. Val; I don't think there was fear, more "where am I what's going to happen", but she didn't panic and I was able to do the holding while the claws got clipped. Last year another vet held her because Lola was still new to me. Now she allows me to hold and comfort her.

  5. You should treat yourself to a manicure, since Lola had one. I'd bet your own would cost less.

    1. Andrew; manicure and antibiotic was under $50. I don't think I'd get a manicure that cheaply anywhere.

  6. glad Lola is happy and healthy !

    being back from outside is always increase value of home sweet home!

    1. baili; I'm glad too and coming home is always wonderful.

  7. There is good news! One of my cats sheds fur as he walks around - it just floats off into the air. Plus he doesn't really like to get brushed all that much, I try to get some done when he sits in my lap. Whereas Miss Frankie would let you brush her until she is completely devoid of fur, she totally loves it.

    1. Grace; Lola sheds like that, leaving a trail wherever she goes. She's not a lap sitter though and doesn't like to be brushed, so I brush off the bed, the table, the chair.....

  8. Great news re the mange...and by the way...she's NOT pretending.

    1. only slightly confused; it is great news and already Lola is far more comfortable and not scratching at all.

  9. So glad it was just a hot spot. Minnie is due for a check up this week--she is peeing too much--hope to have an equally good report.
    Isn't it amazing why cats don't go bald or at least have to manage a comb over with all the hair they lose.

    1. Arkansas Patti; that makes me wonder too, all that hair floating off and not a bald patch in sight. I hope Minnie is alright.

  10. I personally find 6 hour naps to be quite refreshing!!

    1. fishducky; me too, and who says I can't clean and rearrange stuff at night? if I napped all afternoon, I'm full of ideas and energy then.

  11. I love your positive descriptions of the amenities at the vet's office! Glad to hear that Lola is on the mend.

    1. Kathy G; it's my way of saying I don't see any reason for any pet to fear going there. They get a ride or walk in the fresh air, plenty of attention from the 'spa attendant' and a treat on the way home. Lola is much more comfortable now.

  12. I'm glad Lola is all sorted out and on the mend. It's a worry when they have something wrong and are clearly uncomfortable.

    1. jenny_o; I'm happy to see her back to normal too. She's curled up on the chair beside me, fast asleep, not scratching at all.

  13. I'm glad all has turned out well, River. :)


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