I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep,

so I got my computer support tray thingy, black plastic with a padded underside, and my laptop and sat up in bed reading blogs and comments.
 Now I'm sleepy and want to put it all away, but Lola is curled up beside me, purring and almost asleep, with her head ON the edge of the tray. 
What to do?
Do I disturb her, put everything away and snuggle down? Or do I sit here with numb legs and hope I can doze off?

Wait, she's moving...looking up at me and she's off the tray. I can put it all aside and snuggle down.

Later today I have to go and make an appointment for her at the Vet, she needs her claws clipped and a mucky looking sore has appeared on her back just below the neck so I want that checked out. It seems to be spreading and I suspect it is mange or something similar.
Fingers crossed it is something simple to fix.


  1. Replies
    1. joeh; me too and I also hope whatever needs fixing isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. I don't have insurance for her like I did for Angel. Apart from the sore, she seems well.

  2. Good luck with Lola!!

    1. fishducky; her appointment is for next Tuesday morning.

  3. Hopefully, Lola just needs some ointment, though getting that to stay on a cat might be a chore.

    1. Val; I'm pretty sure it's a spot she can't reach, right behind her neck, but probably she'll get an injection of long lasting antibiotic instead.

  4. Is Lola getting snugglier now that the weather is cooler in your part of the world? I hope the sore is nothing too serious. Good idea to get it checked out.

    1. jenny_o; I'm not sure if it's the cold or that she's more comfortable with me now, but she is snugglier. I looked up mange at google and it does look like what she has on her back.

  5. Replies
    1. only slightly confused; I thought I'd get a few minutes but when I opened my eyes two hours had passed. I think Lola will be fine.

  6. Hoping Lola only has a little “hot spot” going that can be treated with a topical antibiotic.

    1. messymimi; topical may not be a good idea if she can lick it off, so probably an injection is what she'll get.

  7. Is mange a transmissible disease or more an allergic reaction or fungus?

    1. Andrew; I'm 99% sure it isn't transmissable to humans, it's caused by mites, but if I start getting itchy I'll be at the doctor before you can say scratch.

  8. I hope Lola is ok. And hope you got some more sleep.

    1. Elephant's Child; Lola will be fine although her appointment isn't until Tuesday and I don't like how the sore is spreading. But she seems well, good appetite and not uncomfortable so far. I got a couple of hours sleep.

  9. I hope Lola is okay...the dear little girl. Perhaps you could bathe the are with a saline solution...just a thought. In the interim until Tuesday....


    I hate disturbing my two when they're snuggled up close to me...they have right of passage, of course. One must not disturb them! :)

    1. Lee; I did think of bathing the area, but without being sure what it is going on there, I thought it better to let the vet take care of it. It's definitely NOT a wound, I would have bathed that, I've done it before for Angel and a previous cat. I'm petty sure this is mange, so she'll need antibiotic and a flea/mite treatment. Then I'll have to vacuum her scratching posts, especially the carpet one, and wash her blankets.

  10. I hope Lola is better soon. Our cat has phases for sleeping places. Currently she snuggles up on our bed. The other night, half asleep, I put my hand out to stroke her and thought she felt different. I put the light on and it was another cat - not ours! He'd snuck in through the cat flap. I gently removed him back outside and we haven't seen him since. The joys of cats!

    1. Around My Kitchen Table; Lola will be better once the vet has seen her. She snuggles into a fluffy blanket on the chair next to mine while I'm up and sleeps there until I go to bed, then joins me once all the lights are out. But I've noticed lately that she stays on the chair longer if the air is warmer in the living room, only moving to the bed when it cools down a couple of hours after I turn off the air conditioner.

  11. Be sure and update us on Lola. I find that Bag Balm heals all my animals wounds.

    1. Granny Annie; an update will follow once the vet has seen Lola next Tuesday. This is not a wound as such, not a cut or puncture at all, bit a nasty looking spreading area where the fur is falling out and there are tiny blister type eruptions. I'm pretty sure it is mange.

  12. It doesn't sound to serious about Lola but we worry and want the best for our fur babies.
    Coffee is on

    1. peppylady (Dora); it isn't too serious yet, but mange can be very bad if neglected and it will take over the whole cat, causing thickened skin and hair loss, even causing the eyes to swell shut. Lola has only a small patch, but it is already twice as big as it was. I'll post an update once the vet has seen her on Tuesday 7th.

  13. Smiled big time at you not wanting to disturb Lola. Been there. Hope her sore is minor and just needs some salve and some time. Let us know.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I remember sitting for hours at the table just reading so that I wouldn't disturb Angel when he was asleep on my arm as a kitten, so I'm well used to it. Usually Lola just lies beside me, she has never laid her head on the laptop tray before. Her sore is spreading, but the vet will treat it, probably not with salve though as she would just lick that off. I'll let you all know what he says and does next Tuesday.

  14. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; no, I've seen ringworm and this isn't it. Also ringworm is contagious to humans and I might have got it by now. so I think this is mange, caused by mites. I'll have to vacuum her scratching post, the carpet covered one which is huge.


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