2021 August Week One

 All week, NSW has experienced high numbers (yesterday 291) of new virus cases, with many of those having been out and about in the community, possibly infecting others. 

Victoria has rising numbers.

Yet idiots people are STILL marching in the streets, unmasked, yelling about their rights and freedoms.


Freedom to become ill and infect family and friends who will then suffer?

Freedom to become ill and possibly suffer lifelong effects after recovering?

Freedom to become ill and die?

Wouldn't it be better to vaccinate, stay at home, wait it out and enjoy REAL freedom when the country is Covid free?


  1. You are preaching to the choir.

    What really bothers me is the numbers who claim to follow Jesus, as i do, and then blatantly disobey the law of love which says not to use your freedom for yourself but to inspire you to serve one another in love. What you are advocating is serving others in deep, deep love, they kind they are supposed to be practicing.

    1. messymimi; there are those who see God's "free will" as a license to do exactly as they please with no thought for others.

  2. It would have been so simple if in the beginning people just listened to science and hopefully their hearts and did as they were asked. We could be past this by now but instead we are looking at the beginning of another trial that will cost many more lives. I do not understand their concept of freedom that threatens their families, friends and every other person on the planet.

    1. Arkansas Patti; yes, the listening to science and obeying the stay at home rule would have seen us all in a much better position now.

  3. Sigh. I see that as a very selfish version of freedom. The marchers seem to believe that they are invincible and care nothing for anyone else.

    1. Elephant's Child; I'm wondering now how many of those marchers are in the new ranks of the infected. Headline on the news page this morning says 319 new cases in NSW :(

  4. You will get universal agreement in comments as the types who would march for 'freedom' will not be reading your wise words.

    1. Andrew; true, they're probably completely unaware of my little blog, which is fine with me.

  5. Replies
    1. Joanne; when I first saw the marchers I did wonder which USA city it was. Imagine my astonishment to find this was happening in my own country!

  6. I am shocked at how absolutely insane people are but then again many of them don't believe in science and think Jesus will save them as they are so special. Let's hope The Rapture grabs them before they infect the innocents.


    1. WWW; sadly I think many innocents are already infected, there have been stories in the news of children and a couple of toddlers who caught the virus.

  7. This virus is going to be around for a while. Some people I just shake my head.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I agree the virus will be around for a long time, with the new variants evolving from the original. But it didn't have to spread so far and so rapidly, if only people had done the right thing from the beginning.

  8. Totally agree with you River - such selfish people are some who do that wrong thing. Guess they don't like being told 'NO' you can't do that, can't do this etc...so they rebel. So sad that these 'rebels' can put other peoples lives at risk.

    1. Margaret D; I wonder if they were ever told "no" as toddlers?

  9. Praying for your safety and your family.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; thank you, and thank God I don't live in NSW! No family there either, but a couple of friends are there.

  10. How many people live in NSW? In Denmark we're down to 940 cases in a population of 6 million - and we think that we're well off - people actually listened to the authorities here. Over 75% had had their first shot and more than half both.
    I am astonished that anybody is protesting that vaccination and face masks is an attack on their freedom - we have those selfish ... here as well. I hate, hate, hate! wearing a face mask, as I can't breathe well in one, but I do so even if I could claim exemption.
    Until 1976 you could not go to school without the smallpox vaccination, and nobody ever protested.

    1. Charlotte; I have no idea how many people live in NSW, but it is a large state. Most, or all, of the current cases are in the greater Sydney area, Sydney is the capital city and is so much more crowded than my little Adelaide, I think the suburbs are wider spread too, with a larger in all of them.
      I am wondering how many of the new cases are those who marched, unmasked, in protest. I don't mind wearing the mask, although the fogging up of my glasses is a nuisance.
      I also wonder if they have travelled overseas in the past and had the necessary vaccinations for that? If yes, why protest this?

    2. Charlotte; have just googled and Sydney in NSW has approximately 4,991,654 people, while Adelaide SA, has only 1,345,445 people.

    3. I googled a bit too, and NSW has more inhabitants than Denmark ;) (5,840,045).
      And you say Adelaide has 'only' 1,345,445 people. It's a bit larger than Copenhagen, our capital and largest city with its 1,336,982 inhabitants.
      Denmark is a mini-country :)


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