dream message?

 I had a dream in the early hours of this morning, I'd been up for a drink of water, then instantly fell back to sleep. 

I dreamed I had a new baby girl (at my age and with no father?) and when I held her with her feet on the ground, she took off walking. On her first day! walking and a little running, all over the house. 

On her second day, in the dream, I was at a chemist shop waiting in line to pick up my prescriptions, and watching through the large shop window as she toddled all over the plaza, then headed across the sand to the water's edge. She walked along the shore, laughing as the waves splashed her and blowing raspberries back at the ocean. 

In the dream I wasn't at all worried about her, but the dream me was still waiting in line to be served, while other people pushed ahead of me, like I wasn't even there. I would proudly point out the baby, telling them 'that's my baby girl, she was born yesterday", but no one was listening. It was like I was invisible.

As the baby sat down to play in the wet sand, I got to that stage where I knew I was awake, but my eyes wouldn't open yet. When they did open I got to thinking perhaps the newborn indicates a new beginning, and the baby was/is me. I had to start over and get out walking again. On the beaches where I love to be. 


  1. What a beautiful dream!!!❤️❤️❤️

  2. What a beautiful dream!!!❤️❤️❤️

    1. Fresca; it was a great dream and happy too.

  3. A great interpretation, and a great place to walk.

    1. Joanne; I'll be out walking as soon as the last of my ordered goods arrives. Should be sometime today, a bulk supply of cat litter, so I don't have to lug home heavy bags from the shops.

  4. That is a wonderful (and hopeful) interpretation of a beautiful dream...

    1. Elephant's Child; when I woke up I had a strong feeling that was the intended message. I know I have been sitting far too much and not getting out because of the cold and the covid.

  5. Bad mommy not watching after your own newborn self.

    1. joeh; she was perfectly safe, being just a dream baby.

  6. I think that's a valid interpretation. As for the people ignoring you, maybe it's a clue that other's needs are being taken care of ahead of your own, so you should put your own needs first. Like resuming the beach-walking.

    1. Val; definitely resuming the beach walking. But not on rainy days.

  7. Wow, that sure is a great message!!!
    Funny. I dreamed of that horrible colleague - I was working again with him and... he was nice.
    Maybe - after having talked to my ex-teamleader who said, don´t apply there again, they do have your data already... I should apply again?
    Thank you, your dream helped me.

    1. Iris Flavia; you could apply there again, if it doesn't work out and the colleague is still awful, you could quit or transfer?

    2. We have a new boss and he´s an as#hole. He threw me out cause I cannot bring in Volkswagen-money no more (I was an external and with the Diesel-affair my project died). He´s 30-something, his parents bought the company for him. Several colleagues have quit cause they have had it with him. He has a horse-ranch in the South, a spoiled kid.
      The best quit!! (I still am in daily contact with my ex-teamleader and am up-to-date, hence - he can work from home, so he stays).
      P.S., thanks to you (positively, LOL) I edited my post! :-)

  8. What an amazing dream that is - the sea is calling you to walk on it's sand.

    1. Margaret D; the sea always calls to me. When others dream of flying, I dream of being underwater.

  9. I think dreams are often made up of bits of things you may have been directly or indirectly thinking about during the day. Some times there doesn't seem to be a connection but I think there is. Anyway, it was a nice dream.

    Is it hard to get to Victor Harbour for a day trip?

    1. Andrew; I agree, and I have been thinking of walking again, always on the beach of course, but around the block will do too. I haven't looked at getting to Victor Harbor, I think the early start might be a problem, the bus station is in the city. I should investigate further.

  10. Not only a happy and peaceful type dream River but it seems it was quite vivid as well. Was it in colour? I've heard people say they dream in black and mywhite...for myself, I never remember.

    1. Rose~from Oz; yes it was in colour, I remember the baby wearing brown leggings and the sand colour, the grey granite tiles of the plaza.

  11. This sounds like a wonderful dream, and a walk along the water is pure bliss. Happy walking your inner baby :)

    1. Charlotte; walking beside the sea is always happy.

  12. To dream the impossible dream ... ... ...

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; not all dreams are impossible.

  13. Indeed, i do pray you have a joyful new beginning of the rest of your life.

  14. What a lovely dream and I really like your interpretation of it.

    1. Arkansas Patti; it makes sense, I am supposed to be losing weight, but haven't made progress with just sitting by the computer for most of the day.

  15. it could be a life from one of your past life.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I don't think so, this is a message to go forward I think.

  16. I think that is a great interpretation of the dream. I'd like to know what I was dreaming about the other night when I woke myself up by kicking myself in the calf. I'm sure the meaning wouldn't be nearly as nice as yours.

    1. Pauline; welcome to drifting; perhaps you were kickstarting yourself into something you have been putting off?

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    Let me know if you have any difficulties.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; I will check through all the titles later.

  18. I do dream analysis and have for a long time and you have nailed it. A baby is always self, doing stuff sometimes that is challenging or needy. But this is a wonderful dream showing you possibilities of joy.


    1. WWW; thank you, I was hoping that was the case, not knowing anything at all about dream analysis.

  19. Sounds like a good dream. I don't know what it means but maybe you're right, that it's telling you to go out and have fun. I like to think positive thoughts with dreams.

    Have a lovely day.


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