modern ideas

 As we all know, I like to trawl around the real estate sites looking for the perfect home, just in case I win lotto.

Over the years I have found several perfect-for-me homes, but the lotto win is yet to happen.

Recently I have noticed a trend of large flat screen televisions being mounted high on a wall above a functional heater or fireplace. 

Heat rises, we learned this in science class many eons ago.

Surely this placement is not ideal for televisions? 

And what about having to lean way back in your chair or couch and/or getting a permanent crick in your neck from looking up at the screen?

I prefer my screen at eye level. 


  1. Interior design is rarely practical- visual are the hook. Usually folks do not question the set up. You are more discerning. Good luck winning the lotto! My wishes are with you.

    1. Linda Sue; thank you, the lotto is a pie-in-the-sky dream, but I keep hoping.

  2. I hope blogger will relent and allow this comment through. I can't get over how BIG those screens are. I suspect you are right about the placement too.

    1. Elephant's Child; the comment came through. My children have TV screens as big as mine, which some might consider small, I know a few people who have screens two and three times the size, but they have the space for it with huge living rooms. None have them positioned above a heater though.

  3. I agree. Unless your viewing room is large enough that you can push your couch far away from the television it's a bad idea.

    1. Kathy G; even with a big enough room, I still would prefer the screen at eye level or near enough to.

  4. I've wondered about that too. My house is so small that I'd have to sit out side and look through the window to watch one of those. Guess I'll wait for lotto also.

    1. Arkansas Patti; my house is small too, some might say cosy, I'm leaning towards cramped.

  5. Style over substance by the sound of it. Eye level is ideal. Why would anyone want it otherwise.

    1. Andrew; I'm wondering if they put them there just to have something in that space. I years past, those fireplaces etc would have had a huge mirror over them. So why not put a painting or other artwork instead?

  6. I have a house plans all drawn up just incase a lot of money just happen my way. Although it no mansion.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I don't think the heat rising is an issue, the radiated heat is not extreme, also around here people don't seem to use their fireplaces very much (I used to love mine) and most new ones are gas faux fireplaces. Still I am with you on the height issue, I also prefer eye level.

    2. Dora; I have house plans also, not properly drawn up by a builder, just something drawn by me, and it changes as the years go by, I'll tear up one and draw something different.

  7. joeh; even gas fireplaces would exude heat, which would rise, so TV shouldn't be above it. I think eye-level is the best idea.

  8. That reminds me of the time I took little Genius to see "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron" when he was six. The show was sold out, but there were two seats left on the front row, said the usher. The opening credits were rolling. I told Genius we would come back another time, but he was so disappointed that I slumped down in the front-row seat and watched a giant cartoon horse movie. My neck was sore for a week.

    We have a fake electric fireplace, bought after the Great Icepocalypse of '06, because it can be run off a generator to give us heat when the power goes off. Above it hangs a painting made by the bartender at the neighborhood bar where Hick used to hang out before I met him. It's a snow scene with a couple of deer.

    1. Val; do you ever have dreams where you run the heater and the snow in the painting melts and drips on the floor?
      In cinemas I usually head for the seat right at the back, in the centre if it is available.

  9. I don't Iike screen on the wall either River to me they look ridiculous. We have two large screens one in the family room other in the lounge room, can see the screens without any hassle.
    Often look through houses online but don't see what I like. Maybe I'm too fussy.

    1. Margaret D; I mostly notice the furniture and wonder where I can buy stuff like that since the stores I visit have only modern stuff, and I look at the wall colours too.
      I don't mind a screen on the wall if it is eye level, or if it is movie screen size in a huge room.

  10. I sure hope you play the lottery! Interior design ideas are often a source of wondering for me too, I can add this idea to the list. I also go "house shopping" now and then, but seldom find someting I like. But alt least it's harmless and does not cost any money.
    I wopuld place a painting or a quilt or something pleasing to the eye up there as well. But then we do not even own a TV ;)

    1. Charlotte; I play the lottery every week if I can afford it. I often find houses I like when scrolling through what's available in any suburb I'm looking at.
      You must be the only person I know that doesn't have a television set.

  11. Funny, i've wondered the same thing about both issues.

    Maybe the height has to do with it being more like being at the movies.

  12. I agree. I don't want the screen any higher than eye level; even lower is fine with me. And to go one step further, I actually prefer a smaller screen and am not a fan of the newer plasma screens. They don't look "right" to me :)

    But then I don't watch TV anymore anyway. I prefer to read.

    1. jenny_o; Plasma screens cost more to run too, I've been told. I have an LED screen, about three feet wide by just under two feet high. Big enough for me.


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