Sunday Selections # 546

 Long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

all of today's photos are from home:

my favourite brand has been manufacturing chocolate for 125 years

my hoya is twining itself up into the bare branches, probably won't be able to see it once the new leaves open on the plum trees

eastern sky at 5.30pm last week, three or four weeks ago it was pitch black at this time

over to the west, the sun is just going down

currently watching this TV series

Lucifer, aka Tom Ellis certainly is a hottie cutie hottie

a sleepy Lola obligingly looking at the camera

and curled up so tightly you could almost mistake her for a cushion

my cuttings have almost grown out of their pot, I'll separate them into new pots in a couple of months

the "lady fingers" gollum has developed a fairly thick stem, so should also survive transplanting soon

my "black" pelargonium has grown back stronger since I gave it a trim last autumn, the leaves are much bigger

these ones back by the pot are as big as soup plates, I'm hoping for more flowers this summer.


  1. I hope your hoya is allowed to flower this year, and that no-one pinches its blooms this time. Love your pelargonium too.
    Not only is sunset later, the sun comes up a lot earlier too. Our days are being expanded from both ends.
    Love the cat cushion. We have one too, though the chair it sits on changes throughout the day.

    1. Elephant's Child; I believe the hoya will flower if I water less and I am really hoping for lots of blooms on the pelargonium. My friend's plant where I got the original cuttings has died, so mine is the only black one left here.
      I'm happier to have more daylight hours, but not looking forward to summer heat. Perhaps it will be like last summer, not so bad. Lola has a choice of chairs, but chooses that one most of the time.

  2. I was sorry when Lucifer quit showing here on network. I did enjoy it. Didn't realize Netflix picked it up after Fox cancelled it after 3 seasons. Darn.

    1. Arkansas Patti; do you have Netflix so you can catch up? There is to be a season 6 as well and possibly season 7 but we'll have to wait and see on that one.

  3. I've been eating chocolate for 125 years!

    Lately, I've been watching some very good documentaries on various people in the music and film industries...they've been excellent viewing. I'm also doing some re-runs of some TV series that I've always liked such as the ":Law & Order" franchises.

    River, In case you've not yet noticed "The Blacklist" is back on late tonight!!! Whoo-hooo! :)

    I hope you have a most pleasant week ahead...take good care. Cuddles to beautiful Lola..and beautiful she is! :)

    1. Lee; gosh you certainly don't look that old! 125! :D
      I don't watch documentaries, they put me to sleep. I haven't seen Law & Order for quite a while, I did recently get through the entire CSI and the Criminal Minds "Beyond Borders" and Dr Who. I started watching Vikings, then set it aside to watch Lucifer. I hadn't noticed The Blacklist is back tonight, I hope not too late because I fall asleep around 10-10.30pm.
      Lola has been extra cuddly lately, sticking close by all the time.

  4. Spring comes earlier each year and it gets light earlier each year. Well, maybe not the latter. Lola looks fit as a fiddle and so does Tom Ellis.

    1. Andrew; I hadn't noticed spring being earlier. I still see the first wattles in July, followed by jonquils, then daffodils in August followed by more and different wattles. the hayfever season has already begun for me, I stocked up on boxes of tissues this morning. Tom Ellis does look good with his shirt off, there are a few scenes throughout the show where we see his naked bum too, very briefly.

  5. Whittakers is lovely chocolate, though I prefer my much, much darker.

    1. Joanne; they do make dark chocolate, plain and with a range of flavours, one being ginger.

  6. Started "Supernatural" again yesterday, funny coincidence :-)
    Same reason, too, LOL. "Dean" is just... hot.
    Haven´t seen Lucifer, though!
    Awwww, Lola! So cute!

    1. Iris Flavia; I haven't seen Supernatural, only short bits if it was on when I visited my kids house. I think you would like Lucifer.

  7. Lola is looking comfortable and happy there..

    1. Margaret D; I am pleased with Lola, she has been with me now just over four years and it took almost three of those for us to get used to each other.

  8. You're clever with plants. You must have a lot of patience.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; not a lot of patience required, I plant what I like and watch what dies and what grows. The ones that grow get more of the same planted.

  9. Wow, hoya in a tree! At my place hpoyas are indoor plants ;) And lovely sunrise and sunset. Our days are getting feelably shorter now. :( sigh

    1. Charlotte; the hoya is in a pot which is tied to the tree so passersby can't steal it without a lot of trouble, it has grown so well the pot can't be seen now. My mum told me that hoyas like to be potbound, so keep them in smallish pots. you are heading into autumn now.

  10. Some gorgeous plant shots, River and I love how the cat is a perfect circle!


    1. WWW; thank you. Lola is more often stretched out on her back in front of the bedroom heater, like a big fluffy rug, she doesn't often curl up so tightly.

  11. Your plants are beautiful, and so is Lola. Chocolate is a favorite here.

    1. messymimi; thank you, I can't take too much credit for the plants, I haven't been out there hardly at all since winter set in, I'll have to do some pruning soon, or deadheading at least before the spring flush hits. I was raised on chocolate, so it's a staple in my fridge all year round. I really should eat less of it.

  12. We have Whittaker's candy here also.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I am not surprised to hear you have Whittaker's there too, it is very good chocolate.


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