Sunday Selections #547

 Long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

not so many photos today:

I finally did some more painting, my small stone angel is badly weathered so now has a coat of cream paint and will get another coat tomorrow

also the stone rabbit who is a little more weathered than the angel

this is me reminding myself there is a tomato that needs to be used up

Lola napping in the sun, the blue bowl is her breakfast, she has decided to only eat if I bring her food to her

eating at the table like a proper person

yoga pose?

almost a sphinx, something outside must have caught her eye

turn on your sound for this next one, for messymimi, who lost a brother to complications from Covid. You might need a box of tissues too.

"It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday" 
sung by Aimee Garcia and Tom Ellis (both from Lucifer)

I hope I chose the right one and I hope it plays


  1. Sammich - new word learned - and Lola is so cute.
    Sad song.
    And my Brother fights me over nothing.

    1. Iris Flavia; sammich is what children say before they learn to say sandwich, but I think it's a fun word. My brother and I fought as kids, but not often and not now. He lives so far away, in Fremantle.

    2. Freo is a great place. Hop over :-)
      Oh... "Corinna"....

    3. Been there, visited brother and sister in law for a week in 2013. Loved it and would go back some day.

  2. My heart goes out the messymimi.
    Wouldn't it be nice to be as flexible as a cat?
    And I do love your diligence in painting your stone angel and bunny. They look good.

    1. Elephant's Child; I was quite upset to hear about the death, he'd been getting better. I cried a lot yesterday. I would love to be as flexible as a cat. The angel and the bunny are both dry at last, but I won't put them back outside, they can live in Fairyland.

  3. Deepest sympathies to messymimi for her loss. Parents we expect the time will come for them but not our siblings.
    Yes, I did need a tissue.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I cried most of yesterday for mimi and will again today if I listen to the song. I cried when I heard it on Lucifer when they sang it at Dan's funeral. it is a bit easier when parents go, especially if you have been expecting it.

  4. I've got a couple of tomatoes that need to be eaten, too...part of today's lunch they will be!

    How very sad for messymimi. So much sorrow.

    I hope the week ahead treats you well, River...cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola who is enjoying a good life by the looks of things! :)

    1. Lee; I am sad for messymimi too, her brother had seemed to be improving so much. The lovely Lady Lola is becoming quite spoilt, but I can sympathise. It is hayfever season and she suffers along with me.

  5. The paint for the angel and rabbit has such a high gloss. They look great.

    1. Andrew; gloss paint was all I had enough of, so that's what they got.

  6. Yes, your reinvigorated garden plants (groan) look wonderful.

    1. joanne; thank you, but they won't be going back into the garden unless I get permission to put up a fence.

  7. That was the perfect song. Thank you so much for your kind words and sympathy, and your friendship, i wish there was a way i could give all my online friends an in real life hug.

    1. messymimi; you're welcome. I wish for real life hugs too, but we think of you every day xoxo

  8. Love your Lola, just a beautiful pussy..your painting looks as if it's going well.

    1. Margaret D; Lola is a pretty girl. I'm finished with painting things for a while, most of my colours are used up.

  9. I like the angel and rabbit statues. They look well after painting.

    God bless.

  10. My two cats are incredibly flexible - I am so jealous. They would be yoga gurus.




    1. Plasman; wouldn't it be great to always be that flexible?

  11. Those stautes sure need some paint - and maybe a touch of colour. I hope you're going to show off the final result.

    1. Charlotte; this is the final result, the statues are painted and the cream colour is all they are going to get. They were plain cement and very weathered from being on the porch. I think if I tried to add colour they would be ruined.

  12. I'm big fan of tomatoes in my sandwich. One I like is a grill cheese with tomatoes. But I need to be careful on how much dairy I have.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I love grilled cheese with tomatoes too :)

  13. I love the picture of Lola with the blue food bowl. The very definition of a catnap.

    1. Val; the blue food bowls were Angel's and it took a long time for me to be comfortable using them for Lola. I started her off with some cheap plastic plates.

  14. Beautiful kitty.
    I was hoping to spy a red-hair sister in the background, but no such luck.
    Are they out visiting?


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