Sunday Selections # 545

 Long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

today, just for a change, we go all the way back to February 2016, when my brother and sister-in-law came visiting:

nothing at all to do with my brother's visit, this is one of three foam heads I once used to hold some of my hats and jewellery

the underside of the (then) newly built pedestrian bridge across our River Torrens

 a different view, the bridge links Adelaide city with North Adelaide, an even older section of Adelaide. The white roof you see in the top right corner is the new football stadium, the bridge is an easy access walk across the river for those going to the football.

near the northern end is this viewing platform with a waterfall, you can stand on the top level or walk down and around to stand on the lower level under the waterfall and get quite damp if the wind is in the right direction

one of the river fountains

one of the black swans that swim up and down the river all summer

this is a better look at one of the domed roofs of the football stadium, it's a big circular stadium with many such roofs, plus open seating areas

not a good shot,  but some of the seating under those domed roofs, I had to poke the lens through the locked gate for this

this building, sometimes known as the cheese grater, is SAHMRI, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institiute

brother, his daughter and grandson paddling along the river

hitching a ride on grandpa's shoulders, aged three here, this child is now almost 8 years old

finishing with this ivy covered building, I don't remember what it is, restaurant or club rooms, meeting rooms, something, right next to the football stadium, but a much older building.


  1. the river bridge is gorgeous. I would live under that bridge! The river! Some beauty there!

    1. Linda Sue; it is pretty, much nicer than it looked during construction.

  2. All lovely but it is that beautiful bridge which draws my eyes time and time again. I can see where the name 'cheese-grater' comes from too.
    Where does the time go?

    1. Elephant's Child; time, who knows? Seems like just last week I was 17 and carefree. A few people called SAHMRI the pineapple, but the cheese grater name stuck. most people now just call it SAHMRI. The bridge is lovely, when I saw it during construction it was just concrete.

  3. Hey, River. I hope all is well with you down that way. Take good care. Have a relaxed, happy week ahead. Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. :)

    1. Lee; well enough, healthwise Lola and I are fine, but wearing a mask to enter every single store is getting annoying. I keep having to wipe fog off my glasses or walk around blindly.

    2. Yep! I know what you mean, River re masks! I'm sure I will suffocate one of these days. When entering my local newsagency the other day, I waved my walking stick in the air and declared..."This is a stick up! Hand over your Eftpos machine!!" ;)

  4. I was wondering but you answered my question about the waterfall. Damp or not, I'd have to try it. That little one has really grown.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I've been meaning to try the lower waterfall ledge, but I think I will wait until high summer. The little one is apparently growing quite tall this year. I haven't seen him since before our first lockdown.

  5. Great reflections on the underside of the bridge and the waterfall looks like fun. I wish you would get out to show us more of Adelaide. It must be time for us to visit again, time.

    1. Andrew; I'd like to get out but masks must be worn on public transport which means constant cleaning of fog off my glasses until air, face and spectacles temperatures even out. And I am avoiding the city because of the medi hotels, there are several and I don't know where all of them are, I don't want to walk the streets in case there are virus germs hanging around. it's also recommended that we don't get out more than we have to even though we are not in lockdown now.

  6. We don't have black swan here.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; do you have white swans? They are just as pretty.

  7. It looks like a good time was had, i hope it gets safe enough for you to have a visit again soon.

    1. messymimi; my brother drops in about once a year on his way to somewhere else. He does contract work and goes where that takes him, and he has lifelong friends in a town about an hour away from here, that he visits so comes to say hello then too.
      The time will come when that happens again.

  8. That bridge is amazing from underneath, love that swan and all the photos - thanks.

    1. Margaret D; it is pretty, and walking along the topside is just as pretty with the views.

  9. Whew! I was relieved to read that the first picture was a foam head! For moment, I was about to say that your sister-in-law looked rather pale... The bridge is beautiful, and the cheese grater so aptly nicknamed. Nothing pineappley about it at all.

    1. Val; I have three foam heads, all packed away in the garage now as their space has been taken over by something else. The cheese grater did look a bit like a pineapple during construction, from a different angle. Sister-in-law does have paler skin than we do, with red hair and freckles too.

  10. Great photos. I've never seen a black swan.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; so this is a first for you :)

  11. You live in a pretty place, even if some of those modern buildings are a bit... they are better than the ones in my place.

    1. Charlotte; a lot of Adelaide is pretty, but there are areas that are more rundown and not cared for. Places where I wouldn't go on my own too.

  12. I'll have to come to Adelaide when (if) I next travel Down Under.




    1. Plasman; you'll find it much less crowded than the Eastern States cities. Sydney in NSW has almost 5 million people, Adelaide has less than 1 1/2 million.

  13. Wow that bridge is breathtaking. What an excellent design and I love that it is for pedestrians only AND a waterfall to admire on the way :)

    I adore black swans, they are part of Irish legends.


    1. WWW; many people were against the bridge in the beginning, but like everything else, it soon became a favourite spot for walking. I didn't know about black swans being part of Irish legends. I don't know much at all about Ireland and its stories.


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