Wednesday's Words on a Friday


The original Words for Wednesday was begun by Delores and eventually taken over by a moveable feast of participants when Delores had computer troubles. Sadly, Delores has now closed her blog forever due to other problems.

The aim of the words is to encourage us to write. A story, a poem, whatever comes to mind.

If you are posting an entry on your own blog, please let us know so we can come along to read it and add a few encouraging words.

This month the words/prompts are supplied by David M Gascoigne and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. plumage 

2. sleek 

3. peripatetic 

4. agony 

5. permissive 

6. pray 


1. duty 

2. colourful 

3. absent 

4. mastery 

5. prey 

6. orchid 

Here is my story:

The agony of losing his family and home still resided within Khoral Kai, but the pain was becoming less, although the anniversary of that day each year was hard. He had decided it was his duty now, to learn as much as possible about his new home, Earth.

His lifestyle had become somewhat peripatetic, although not completely nomadic as he had the lighthouse as a base to always return to. His mastery of Earth’s languages had progressed in leaps and bounds, the more he travelled, the more he learned. He was never absent for long, a few weeks at a time were sufficient, then he enjoyed his time in the village, telling all about his most recent sojourn.

Khoral’s friend Gail, who ran the counter at the bakery took great delight in his descriptions, the colourful array of orchids in the hothouse of the botanic gardens of London, the sleek coat of the black panther as it prowled the enclosure as if searching for prey, the brilliance of the plumage on the tropical birds as he was paddled by natives in a canoe along a stretch of the Amazon River.

Khoral and Gail had many such conversations, he with speech and she with writing her replies and questions. Khoral had drawn a picture of his lost mother, Gaille, to show this Gail how similar they were in looks. Gail had written in reply, “I pray that she is in heaven now, with the angels.” This had led to a long discussion one evening with Gail and her family, even neighbours had dropped in to the garden where they all sat by a small fire discussing their various beliefs on heaven, whether or not the souls interacted with the angels or if the angels just looked after them as parents would their children.

Did souls stay in heaven forever or did they return to earth getting reborn as new babies? Did they all sit around playing harps as was pictured in a children’s book Khoral had seen? Or did they learn new skills? Khoral’s friend Eric declared that souls did get reborn, his neighbours toddler daughter was an exact copy of a grandparent’s sister, in mannerisms as well as looks. Old Pete, who was visiting that day, wondered if that was truly a soul reborn or was it just genetics that made the toddler that way?

The discussion then moved to children and their behaviour, almost all present lamented the permissive parenting that had too many children thinking they were each the most special person on earth and entitled to have whatever they wanted when they wanted it. “Surely this can’t be good for society!” was the general opinion.


  1. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; you're welcome and thank you.

  2. Always enjoy a visit with Khoral as he explores and learns about our planet. It is a good look at ourselves with fresh eyes.

    1. Arkansas Patti; Khoral seems to be fitting in very well. Thank you

  3. Great story River, with really good questions. I am a firm believer in cellular memory as I have had it myself and witnessed it in others.


    1. WWW; would that be the same as race memory?

  4. Good writing! Khoral has a right to live that is moving him him on.
    Children who become so ecocentric are spoiled from the get-go. Peripatetic would have to have some skills to survive.

    1. Susan Kane; thank you. Khoral is doing well now. I personally don't know any such children, thank goodness.

  5. Heaven is full of adventure; Psalm 16:11, "You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fulness of joy, at your right hand pleasures for evermore." To me that means learning, growing, doing, becoming.

    1. messymimi; I'm glad to hear Heaven is full of adventure, I think I would get bored otherwise.

  6. Loved this. Interesting ideas about the souls, my Brother firmly believes in it. To him they stay in heaven. But genetics seems to be the key - looking forward to Khoral´s next adventure!

    1. Iris Flavia; I think they stay in heaven for a while and then get reborn as someone new.

  7. Interesting story River - well done.

  8. Khoral seems to be developing a social circle and support system, which can help him learn as much about Earth as his travels.

    1. Val; the social circle and support system are probably more important than the travels, without them, who would he share memories with?

  9. So many questions for Khoral.

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; Khoral is also getting answers, to many of his questions. He is fitting into Earth life very well.


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