In the newspaper today

 "Oprah reveals how she stays stress-free at 67!

Step 1: have a billion dollars"

yep, that would work for me.

I know (well we are told) money can't buy happiness, but peace of mind is a close second along with being able to help out family and friends.


  1. Hehe. That would work for me but under lockdown, it is so hard to spend money.

    1. Andrew; you can shop online and have things delivered, although that might not work well for hot coffees, so you would have to buy one of those ginormous cafe cappuccino machines.

  2. Replies
    1. Elephant's Child; it is, but you could share it around with some charities, just make sure you keep enough to see yourself and your partner though the lockdowns.

  3. Replies
    1. Victor SE Moubarak; possibly, but probably not. It was in the newspaper and it made me laugh.

  4. She had no children so that whole "worrying about someone more than you worry about yourself" thing simply won't happen for her. That is probably #2 on her list.

    1. Happy Elf Mom; that's true, she has no children and I don't think she is married either. I wonder if she donates to charities? I know I would if I had that kind of money.

  5. Yikes, a billion would be a curse to me. Now a million I could handle.

    1. Arkansas Patti; I'd be giving a lot of it away if I had a billion. A million would buy me a house with enough left over to live on for the rest of my life even after giving some to my kids and grandkids. and a couple of charities.

  6. "And YOU get a million dollars, and YOU get a million dollars, and YOU get a million dollars..." She could afford that money as a give-away to her audience members. Maybe attach it under the seat, to reveal near the end of the taping. Too bad she doesn't have a show any more.

    1. Val; for my kids it would be "you get $5 million, and you get $5 million and so on to the grandkids as well. then I would start with the charities.

  7. Be wipe out over medical bill, usual one will sing different song.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; I don't think Oprah would ever be wiped out, she is far too wealthy.

  8. Replies
    1. Margaret D; yes it is but what a nice dream eh?

  9. I would know what to do. Visit you, if you like, on the way to Perth maybe :-)

    1. Iris Flavia; that's a nice dream.

    2. Indeed Ingo wanted to go with the Ghan from Adelaide to Perth.


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