Sunday Selections #544

 Long, long ago, in days of yore...Kim of Frog ponds Rock, (who no longer blogs), dreamed up a meme called Sunday Selections. 

A place where those who were willing could put up photos they wanted to share, new, old, good, bad or indifferent, any photos you please. 

Nothing rude or vulgar though.

And we don't mind at all if overseas bloggers care to join us.

The meme is now continued by Elephant's Child and I occasionally join in as do a few others. Andrew is one.  Messymimi is another. Drop in to Elephant's Child and have a look.

(Elephant's Child may not join us this week, she is having blogger troubles)

we'll continue walking around the block:

early jonquils are out

early roses too

look at that glorious yellow

spikes of bluebells in my garden

no one knew what this plant was with its big soft stem leaves

turns out it is a lily and should probably not be in a hanging basket

house boundaries have been marked out on that block next door. I hope they are also planning on extensive storm water drainage, the block is covered in huge deep puddles

acanthus leaves are lush everywhere, this one has a flower spike already, above centre and to the right a bit

a place to sit and watch the world go by?

I love heavy machinery, giant toys for boys

a spot of red less commonly seen these days

chimney pots are also quite rare now, I remember Jayne used to love them

these signs are everywhere, but it seems more than a few people can't read or even understand the image

buckets and bowls of water for dogs are plentiful too

Lastly, be careful walking down this street! Watch where you put your feet, instead of watching the clouds.


  1. That is a very glorious yellow, it was a pleasant walk. Chimney pots are never seen here, i wish they were.

    It's the refusal of the city/parish to keep up the drainage and insist builders work it into plans that has caused so much heartache from flooding here. May it not happen in your area.

    1. messymimi; chimney pots are rare here too, only a few of the oldest houses have them and many of those get sold and replaced by "lego cube" apartments and townhouses. Most builders here do incorporate stormwater drainage into the plans, with pipes from house blocks running to the street gutters. I don't know how that works when multiple townhouses are built close together with little yard space.

  2. Wonderful photos, achanthus leaves, I only know them form the top of columns ;) Nice of somebody to place a chair rigth there, and that street sure need some tender loving care, it's worse even than the one I complained over to our municipality some weeks ago.

    1. Charlotte; acanthus are very common around here, they grow so thick and so green, they fill many corners. The chair is probably unwanted and put out for anyone to take. The street is worse than it used to be, tree roots expanding have lifted the pavers, it won't be fixed unless people who live there put in their own complaints.

  3. Jonquils are signs of approaching spring for sure. That is thoughtful to put buckets of water out for the dogs. We should do that here.
    Yikes on that pavement. Not too sure watching your step even would work.

    1. Arkansas Patti; water left out for dogs and birds is a very common thing here, most cafes near beaches have them too, so people sitting and having coffee or ice cream can get their dogs a drink and the practice spread through the suburbs, especially in areas where many people walk their dogs. Bird baths and low wide bowls of water for the birds are seen in gardens too, I have one on my garden, a shallow dish with pebbles so bees can land and drink without drowning.

  4. That's a dangerous footpath! It'd be safer taking your chances walking along the road, I reckon!! That chair doesn't look that comfortable, either! lol I'd feel like a bit of an idiot if I sat outside on the side of the street...or this lane here. I'll think I'll remain being an idiot and stay inside! :)

    May the coming week treat you kind, River...Cuddles to the lovely Lady Lola. Take care. :)

    1. Thanks for the walk, River, love the flower and the dog notice reminded me of a Twitter feed from aliens visiting our planet and doing their very best to translate our weird.signs.


    2. Lee; that footpath is dangerous, I don't often walk on that side, across the road is much smoother. The chair doesn't look comfortable to me either, I think it was put out hoping the council would collect it when they go out for registered hard rubbish pickups. Around this area, quite a few of the elderly use bus stop seats to sit and chat when the weather is nice.
      WWW; I wonder what the aliens would make of this sign.

  5. Early blooming in your city. No, I can't say I've seen arum lilies in hanging baskets. I too can remember Jayne like chimneys. I think I took a couple of photos for her. That was a nice wander in your 'hood.

    1. Andrew; an arum lily, thank you. I probably won't keep the plant now that I know it is a lily, I'll offer it to a neighbour far enough away so I don't have to smell it, although I am probably not allergic. It should be in a garden not a pot. I think about Jayne every time I see old chimneys and especially those with chimney pots.

  6. The trees sure have disturbed the pavement!

    1. Joanne; it's been happening slowly over the years but now it's bad enough the people who live there should notify the local council.

  7. Does anyone actual get fine, not cleaning up after their dog.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Dora; if someone reports them with actual proof, they get fined, but proving who is hard.

  8. Arum lilies don't have a scent so you may be able to keep it.
    I loved walking with you. We have jonquils, but roses are months away.
    Some of our footpaths look like that one - and scare me.

    1. Elephant's Child; no scent is good, but don't they grow fairly large? I could put it in a ground level pot and see how it does I suppose, but I'm not so fond of lilies although the small tiger lilies are pretty.
      I thought roses would be a long way off yet, these two yellow ones have surprised me.
      We have too many unstable footpaths.

  9. Lovely selections, what a gorgeous rose and the daffodils are beautiful, my trumpets are out and more coming they do look pretty.

    1. Margaret D; no trumpets here yet, not many people have them anyway, most gardens around here have the jonquils, with one just down the road having a driveway lined with them in full bloom. I should take the camera there a bit later.

  10. A great selection of photos. Love the flowers. Intrigued by the chair. Confused by the notice - does it say do not have a small dog or else you'll have a bad back?

    God bless.

    1. Victor SE Moubarak; how can you be confused by plain English? The sign says you must clean up after your dog, so you must carry plastic bags and pick up the poop.

  11. So we are in summer here - heading towards Autumn. I still find it odd that our seasons are the opposite.




    1. Plasman; i've got used to the oddity of the seasons and you will too.

  12. A great walk! I´ve learned the hard way to look to the ground... dog poo, you know.

  13. It's a good thing The Pony doesn't deliver mail on that street! He broke his ankle on a SMOOTH sidewalk! I love the yellow rose. I used to have a yellow rosebush, but the goats liked the taste of it, and my lilac bush as well.


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