Sunday Selections # 79

It's Sunday Selections time again!

Brought to us by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, Sunday Selections is the perfect showcase for all your previously unseen photos.

Here are the oh-so-simple rules.
1. post your photos under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to Kim in your post
3. add your name to Kim's linky list

(edited* Kim may no longer be participating, there's no linky list ....)
I usually have a theme to my Sunday Selections and this week I'm showing you:->

The Winter Garden

The roses have all been pruned, but there is still colour to be found.

In the flowers of this pelargonium.

I love colours this deep and velvety.
I just had to snip a couple of tips to put on my desk.

In these small bushes covered in pretty pink daisies.

And let's not forget the lavenders, those hardy little bringers of sweet scents to our gardens.

I snipped a few tips to perfume my kitchen.

Please feel free to join Sunday Selections anytime.


  1. A lovely selection from the garden, nice that you snipped some to bring inside - nothing like the smell of blooms. Sorry to read the sad news in the post about your friend. I've been down that path, it is not an easy one...

  2. The garden looks to be well maintained. Having a lawn nowadays is a precious thing.

  3. gaby; I like blooms inside the house, but I need to be careful what I bring in as I have allergies.

    Andrew; most of the plants are the type that look after themselves and the mulch keeps everything looking neat. The lawns are cut by a man on a ride-on mower, he zips around leaving muddy gouges in the grass and slashing to ribbons any pots accidentally left too close to the grass edges.

  4. My Lavender has only just begun to bloom, but it's looking good after some TLC

  5. Tempo; lavenders don't need much TLC. Once they're established a light trim now and again to remove dead flower heads keeps them looking good. They'll live for years.

  6. I happened to have the hedge trimmer out doing a bush and decided to swipe at the Lavender with it as I walked past. *Swipe,swipe,hack,chew....bush now 200mm high. Here we are a month later and it's thriving.
    *(mans idea of TLC)


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