in lieu of Whimsical Wednesday

I bring you WAHL (brand name) Wednesday.

Because I still haven't bought extra storage space at Picasa, so can't upload any whimsical pictures.

The WAHL is a hand held hair cutter/trimmer that I bought for my son when he was thirteen.
It also trims beards and moustaches. 
It comes neatly packaged in a box with a range of combs for different hair lengths and a spare blade, plus little cleaning tools and instructions on how to best clean the trimmer.

J has very curly hair which he didn't like much back then, so he started shaving his head with a regular shaver.
I went to The Shaver Shop here in our Adelaide Arcade and asked the assistant what he would recommend for a teenaged boy. He showed me a couple of trimmers, then said if I wanted a gift that would last much longer, I should buy the WAHL.

I surprised J at Christmas with  the WAHL. 
He was ecstatic! He loved it!
And has loved it ever since. 

Since that Christmas, he has trimmed, shaved and carved patterns into his hair to his heart's content.
And he has gotten really good at it.
He is more comfortable with his curls now though, and sometimes lets his hair grow almost to his shoulders.
In the intervening 18 years, J has replaced the blades twice, but the little machine itself is still going strong.

So I can highly recommend this brand if you're thinking of buying a home hair cut kit.

This is not at all a sponsored post, I simply saw an advertisement for  WAHL on TV a half hour ago and thought I'd let you all know what I think of this brand.


  1. He's probably saved more than the cost of the unit by not having to go to the barber.

  2. Delores; I remember it wasn't all that expensive to buy either. A little more than I'd planned to spend, but still affordable and it certainly has paid for itself. I don't think J has been to the barber in his whole life.

  3. sounds like a fantastic wee device, the wife cuts her own hair, she uses one of those trimmer thingy's as well, and will no longer let me cut the back ends of her hair, as I cut it a little off, once...but that once was all it took...*le sigh* me being a shoulder lengther, has no use for it.


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