I glanced out the window about an hour ago....

...gosh it looks a lot like winter out there. A sky full of big, fat,  rain-filled clouds in varying shades of dark grey, lots of rain falling, although that has stopped for a while now.
It's even cold inside, so I've turned the heater on.
Just on medium to take the chill off the air, I'll feel warmer after I eat dinner so I can turn it off again.

Meanwhile, here's a couple of questions for you.

Years ago there was a housework poem which went
Monday - wash day
Tuesday - ironing day
and so on.
But I can't remember it now, all I know is those first two days.
There was a baking day, a shopping day, a cleaning day too I think.
Can anyone help me out with this?

And now for a song or three.
I've had this line in my head for over a week now, without being able to recall any more of the song, nor who sang it and when.

"He whistled and he sang till the green hills rang, and he won the heart of a la-a-a-dy."

Does anyone remember this? Can you tell me who sang it and maybe the title of the song?

Two more songs that I'd like to know who sang them and what they are called:-

"heavenly shades of night are falling, it's twilight time..."
this was brought back to me when I read the line on another blog, it was by a beautiful sunset photo.


"catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, never let it fade away..."

I know a bit more of this one, but not the singer.
I'm pretty sure it is called Catch a Falling Star.
I dare say many people have a version of this, but if you can name a few I could maybe narrow it down to someone that sounds familiar.

I'd like to add these to my easy listening playlist.


  1. Whistling Gypsy. The most famous singer, in my opinion, Tommy Makem.

    Twilight Time. The platters.

    Catch a falling star. Perry Como

    The Monday, Tuesday things I've always seen embroidered on towels.

  2. Joanne's got them right .... I remember Twilight Time by "The Platters" and swooney Perry Como singing "Catch a Falling Star" loved them both.

  3. Monday is washing day
    Tuesday is soup
    Wednesday is roast beef
    Thursday is shepherds pie
    Friday is fish
    Saturday is pay day
    Sunday is church

  4. Monday: Wash Day
    Tuesday: Ironing Day
    Wednesday: Sewing Day
    Thursday: Market Day
    Friday: Cleaning Day
    Saturday: Baking Day
    Sunday: Day of Rest

  5. I was going to say Perry Como for the last one but beaten to it.

  6. Perry Como did Catch A Falling Star. He was THE most laid back singer ever.

  7. Come across sheldon's schedule:

  8. Joanne Noragon; Whistling Gypsy! Thank you so much! Thanks for the singers too, I had an idea Twilight Time was The Platters, but had no idea about the others.

    Dianne; I love Catch a Falling Star, I like the idea of being able to pull out a pocketful of starlight when you need one.

    mm; thank you, I love both those versions. mmmm, roast beef....

    Andrew; I'd forgotten about Perry Como and was going to search for Dean Martin, which would have got me nowhere.

    Delores; I'll have to look up other songs by Perry Como.

    mm; OMG!! I'll have to check that out immediately!

  9. All those clever people have beaten me to it so you don't need my help at all. : (
    I know you won't be complaining about the rain any more than we did over here after all that heat we had in both states. It amazes me though how quickly your day temps have fallen. We are still in the low 20s in Perth but the nights are somewhat cooler now.

  10. Joanne is brilliant! Well done.

    Your site is wonderful, and the photo in the header is enticing. Glad to meet you!

  11. Joanne was quick wasn't she? We have a grey day here, and it is cool but very little rain has fallen. Enough so that the towels on the line won't dry, but not enough for the garden. More rain. Please.

  12. Mimsie; It's lovely to be cooler and I've discovered that my tiny north-facing front porch is a bit of a heat trap, with the winds mostly coming from the south at this time of year. So on sunny days I can sit out there for a half hour or so and get my Vitamin D requirement.

    Susan Kane; welcome to drifting. Stop by tomorrow to see my use of Delores word challenge. I can always count on Joanne to help out with questions, she is a veritable encyclopaedia.

    Elephant's Child; my first paragraph was actually yesterday's weather, I wrote it in the evening, today we have sunny blue skies so the weather has moved on, hopefully as far as you.

  13. Wow, yes Joanne is amazing. On your weather, it's a pity, but there ya go, we're still waiting on summer this end of the world, it seems brighter today, still windy, but there you go. Can't wait to see your challenge tomorrow, we've a lot to live up to after seeing Delores one.

  14. The Wicked Writer; Delores really surprised me this time!

  15. I shall have Gypsy Rover running through my head now . . . never mind, it's a lovely tune:-)

    (Thank you for visiting my blog, by the way.)

  16. Thank god everyone else was so clever - that way my ignorance won't show up ...

    'Perry Como' seems to be the answer to MANY music trivia questions - but even so, I didn't know he was the 'Catch a Falling Star' singer!!

  17. ...Hi River... I like your blog....The Gypsy Rover was always a favourite with me ..and I loved Perry Como....
    Barb xx

  18. jabblog; welcome to drifting. I like gypsy rover too.

    Red Nomad OZ; I think my ignorance was greater, seeing as how I'd completely forgotten Perry Como even existed.

    barnara; welcome to drifting, and thank you.


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