Sunday Selections # 130

Welcome back to Sunday Selections!

This once-a- week-meme was originally begun by Kim of Frog Ponds Rock, as a way to showcase some of the many photos we all take, but don't get around to showing on our blogs.

The rules are very simple:-
1. post photos of your choice, old or new, under the Sunday Selections title
2. link back to me, River, somewhere in your post
3. leave me a comment so that I know you've joined in and can come over and see what you've posted.
4. hop on over to The Elephant’s Child to see more of her wonderful photos.

Kath and Andrew often join in as well.

I usually go with a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week I'm showing some of the photos I took in and around the Round House at Arthur Head, Fremantle. 

There is a website here which has lots of information and photos if you'd like to know and/or see more.
In the past I suspect most of my links haven't worked, I think I've fixed that now....fingers crossed. 

So, The Round House, which isn't actually round, having twelve sides, began life as a gaol (jail) and some time later a Whalers Tunnel was dug out under it.

Arthur Head information, old photo and map.

clicking on this should bigger it so you can read better.

map of Arthur Head.

The Round House, which is actually a dodecahedron, being twelve sided.

Whaler's Tunnel which was dug out from under the Round House, linking the rail line with the beach.

the beach end of the tunnel.

there are cells dug into the tunnel walls which hold artefacts, this one has the remaining stumps of the original pylons which held up the pier.

if memory hasn't failed me, this cell holds a safe rescued from a shipwreck.

two of the eight cells inside the Round House. The cells were constructed around a central courtyard which held the well that supplied fresh water, the curfew bell, and the punishment stocks. I imagine it was also used as the exercise yard for the prisoners.

the Curfew Bell

I thought I had a photo with all the information about the bell, but this one is all I could find.
There will be more information on the site I linked above maybe.

about the stocks where prisoners were held.

"prisoner" in the stocks, no it isn't me.

the well in the courtyard.

coming out of the Whaler's Tunnel and looking left along Bather's Beach.

a little further around and to the right, these concrete steps down to the water are lined either side with gorgeous big rocks.

over to the left again, looking across Bather's Beach, a forest of masts beyond the rocky breakwater.
looking up we see several flags and the Time Ball which was dropped every day at a certain time to signal something that I can't quite remember.

from the beach side we see the limestone cliffs which were cut back over the years, reducing the length of Whaler's Tunnel from 60+ metres to its current 46 metres.

the cliff directly below the Round House.


  1. That's really cool... I've been to Fremantle a couple of times but never realised this existed!

    (PS, sorry it took a while to publish your comment over on my blog but I've switched email accounts and just getting used to how it all works, so I missed the comment but probably only in the transition, hopefully now I've got it sorted :)

    Enjoy your Sunday...

  2. A really interesting place. Thanks for the tour.

  3. Really interesting and something not to be missed.

  4. What a neat place! But I can understand why they call it a round house. That's a lot easier to say than dodecahedron house.

  5. Great photos River! Memories.

    It's an amazing place to visit - having been there a few times. The first was as a wee girl on a school excursion.
    I recall the atmosphere.
    Must have been an awful, cold, hostile place for the prisoners.

    It's nice to be able to visit here and then head over to Cicerello's and enjoy a plate/bucket of chips while looking over the beautiful harbour.
    Freo... I do miss it :)

  6. River it is with true sincerity that I thank you for sharing all this information about our Round House. It is so wonderful to have some real history so wonderfully well preserved on our doorstep.
    I can't walk much any more but one day I am going to try and visit the Round House once again. There is parking right next to it so if I can manage the steps I will go there. If I don't make it then I have these wonderful photographs that you have so kindly shared with us. Thank you so much.

  7. Gabriella; it's down at the beach end of High Street if you pass that way again sometime.

    Delores; with only eight cells, it's probably one of the smallest jails ever.

    Andrew; so you're going over to have a look for yourself?

    Susan; that was the main reason, plus from the distance of the local settlers homes it did look round.

    Vicki; the atmosphere has changed there I guess because it didn't feel at all jail like to me. To the prisoners, I imagine any place that kept you locked away would seem cold and hostile. I'll have to remember the bucket of chips next time I'm there.

    Mimsie; there are two sets of steps, so you'd need help to get up and down. Apart from that it's worth a visit, but you have my photos and there are websites about The Round House too.

    Did anyone click on the link to see if it worked? I'm curious because in the past my links haven't worked as far as I know and I hope I've fixed that now.

  8. I did check out the (I think it was you meant by the link) and there is so much of interest to read there. It's amazing how much one can learn about one's home town from others. lol

  9. Mimsie; I'm glad to kn ow the link works. When adding a link there's a little box to check so it opens in a new window and I'd never noticed it before. Talk about a head smack moment!

  10. Thanks for the virtual tour! Loved the pictures.

  11. Ramakant Pradhan; you're welcome.


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