another Wednesday's Words story

the second set of words from Delores was:

1. dance
2. France
3. prance
4. romance
5. stance
6. glance

Here goes....

"Dad, we need to talk. I'm taking a stand, this is my stance...." Scott faltered a moment, unsure if stance was the correct word, then straightened and looked his Dad in the eyes.  "You know how much I want this, how much I love to dance, won't you let me take this chance?"

Wayne stood and came out from behind his desk, crossing the room to look down at Scott.
He glanced away for a moment, unable to suppress a twitch that might have been the beginning of a smile......."let me get this straight. You want me to let you go to France, to prance around in tights on some stage in front of hundreds of people?"

Scott took a deep breath, stood his ground and replied, "yes".

"Son, when you first started this ballet stuff, I was disappointed, I admit that, I'd hoped you'd play basketball, like I did. But I've come to realise you're far more like your Mother's side of the family. 
Not a sportsman among them. Artistic, everyone of them. 
Now I've watched you learn and practise for the last five years and I admire your dedication. You Mum assures me you are very good at it and she'd know I guess, her Aunt Margaret being a *Prima Ballerina and all...and it seems to me, from what I've seen, that ballet is a perfect combination of sport and art, but Scotty, son, you've only just turned 14 years old and France is so very far away."

Scott whispered hopefully, "isn't there some way we could work something out? There's three whole months before I'd have to leave..."

Wayne said "before we'd have to leave. You don't think I'm letting you travel so far on your own do you?" He sat down on the couch next to Scott. 

"I've been thinking on this and I can't make any guarantees, but I have some long service leave due soon. I was thinking perhaps we could all go, your Mum has always wanted to see Paris, we could rent a villa and stay for several months. A holiday might be just what we all need, it would help your sister with her French, that's for sure. Her accent is atrocious. Leave it with me for now, I'll talk to the boss Monday morning."

Scott was smiling so wide he could hardly speak his thank yous.
"I take it this an acceptable arrangement then?'" asked Wayne.

"Now, tell me about this dance you'll be taking part in."
"It's Romeo and Juliet Dad, the greatest romance of all time..."

*if Prima Ballerina is the wrong term, please forgive me, I know nothing about ballet.


  1. Good on you, Wayne! I like a dad that supports his son's aspirations even though he doesn't share the same dream. We need more dada like Wayne. I hope the family have a ball.

    As a totally unrelated P.S. When I saw that list of words, I thought of a page from a book my kids loved when they were little called My cat likes to hide in boxes. It begins with "The cat from France likes to sing and dance...."

  2. What a great dad and what a great job with the words.

  3. What a lovely dad, and story. Thank you. It has made my sentimental self a little misty.

  4. Marie; unlike my own son's father, sadly. The book sounds interesting, I'll have to see if I can find a copy for my great-nephew.

    Delores; I based Wayne on my son-in-law, one of the best fathers I know.

    Elephant's Child; tugged your heartstrings a little? Thank you.

  5. A truly delightful use of the words and a wonderful story with a happy ending. Fantastic.

  6. Nice job. Too bad all parents aren't as supportive of their kids...

  7. Prima Ballerina is the correct term. Love the first part.

  8. Mimsie; I do like happy endings.

    Robin; I find more parents are these days. Things are different from when we were kids and the dads went out early and worked late, only seeing their kids at bedtime and on weekends. They're much more hands on now which I think is fabulous.

    mm; thank you for that, I wasn't sure. Can you tell me which part you didn't like and why?

  9. The first halve is believable and very well written, one can see through the words, the exasperation of both father and son.
    The second part, no emotion was conveyed from the dad. Scott's emotion is too simplistic.

    'Scott whispered hopefully...' seemed unrealistic - will a teenager whisper 'hopefully' if he want to convince his dad?

    Also, what is the job of the dad may be useful to understand why he is able to leave for 3 months and laments on his daughter's french accent.

    Sorry, I am just being picky.

  10. mm; thank you, I'll keep those things in mind.


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