today's the day

In our local free newspaper a few weeks ago was a notice/advertisement inviting people to come and try Tai Chi for free at the local community centre.

That's not too far down the road, I can walk there and back easily, so I'm going to give it a try.

If I like it, I'll sign up for long as it isn't too expensive.
I'm hoping Tai Chi will help with flexibility and regaining strength in some areas that have lost it.
Since my shoulder trouble there is a distinct weakness in my upper arms that I'm not at all happy with.
Even just regaining some flexibility will help.
I've had people tell me I could just get a dvd and copy the movements at home, but I think it's wiser to learn to do the moves properly first, then continue at home. That way I'll know if I'm doing them right and there may be specific moves to help with problem areas.

I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. I think there is a bit more motivation involved if you have to actually go out and do it. It will be interesting to hear how you go.

  2. I have a friend, an old man of 80+, who has done Tai Chi for many years. He still loves it. it’s such a gentle activity.

    Doing it with others is probably better than doing it by yourself. It’s more fun.

  3. Agree with the motivation if you actually go - being asked 'where are you, why arent you coming' can be embarrasing/annoying if theres no good reason.
    Yes the dvd money spent can always be in the cupboard for another day but class money spent but not used is lost.

  4. I've heard so many great reports about Tai Chi, River.

    Would be interesting to hear about it when you go.
    I think learning the moves correctly at first is the best way to go - especially if the instructor knows about your shoulder. They could give you beneficial moves to improve flexibility, and help with blood flow, to the area greatly.

  5. Andrew; it looks easy enough, something I could probably do at home with a DVD too, but I'll sign up for the four month beginner classes.

    Friko; I learned there are several different types of Tai Chi, this one will do me to get started.

    Cathy; I've decided I'll go for the beginners classes.

    Vicki; I'm hoping that improvement in the shoulders will also help the stiffness in the neck where I have arthritis.

  6. I tried it once but found I was not coordinated enough. I hope you enjoy the class.

  7. You are so right to skip the DVD and go for an instructors who looks at you and corrects your form and movements.

  8. I've seen people doing Tai Chi in the park. It looks very controlled and as though you'd have to be co-ordinated. I'd be interested in hearing what you thought of it.

    I've tried yoga, many years ago but it wasn't a success - I found the positions screamingly funny and my laughter seemed to distract the rest of the class and I was asked not to come back... story of my life!

  9. Anything that gets the joints working again has got to be good.

  10. Mm, I would go too, River. I did a class a few years ago in Virginia and from what I remember she was often gently adjusting our posture, position etc. Do hope you will enjoy it. Should look for one here.

  11. Tai chi is supposed to be excellent for people with arthritis so do give it a go. Phil and I went once years ago and do you know, neither of us could get the hang of it. I had goo timing when I used to dance but I just couldn't get into the rhythm of it at all. I fear I gave up far too soon.

  12. Delores; it takes time to learn all the movements, perhaps you gave up too soon? On the other hand if you really are unco-ordinated I can see it would be difficult, balance wise.

    Joanne; this is why I went along, for specific information that I couldn't get from a DVD.Once I know what I'm doing, I'll get a DVD of a different style maybe and keep it up at home.

    Marei; it is a very controlled exercise, concentration is necessary so it will help with mind focusing too. I thought about Yoga, but I know already I couldn't possibly get into some of those positions, I've lost too much flexibility. I used to dance...jazz ballet, and I dream of being able to do that again, but probably that won't happen.

    Molly; not exciting so much as a gentle form of controlled movement, I'm hoping it will restore some flexibility.

    Merle; joints working more easily is what I'm after, especially the neck and shoulders. And they don't "push" like they do at gyms, there's just encouragement and the moves will come with time and practise.

    Gillie; I'm sticking with this for the beginners classes, then I may find a different group that does a different style and see how that goes. You could google Tai Chi in your area and see what you can find.

    Mimsie; I don't have much arthritis yet and I'm hoping it won't get worse, this should help. Perhaps you could try again?


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