Whimsical Wednesday #109

Welcome back to Whimsical Wednesday!

The day for your googled giggle that gets you over the hump that is Wednesday and sliding down into the weekend.

I'm a bit late with this today...we've had gale force winds, over 80km per hour, starting on Monday night, that brought down trees and power lines, blew off roofs and left over 90,000 homes and businesses without power. Many are still without power and crews all over the affected suburbs are working over time to get people reconnected.
There's a good argument for underground power lines!!

I still had power, but no internet connection until this morning.
Because it was Time-Out Tuesday, that didn't matter a lot, but I wanted to pre-schedule today's post and couldn't.
But I'm here now.....

"you don't like my snowman 'house of horror' do you?

I LOVE Calvin's snow creations, the kid's a genius!


  1. A very good argument for underground power lines. Hope all is better now. And that your internet connection stays steady.

    Very good and snow way could I come up with a response.

    Gary :)

  2. The neighbours may have something to say about that display.

  3. lol we have plenty of snow here! No school today or tomorrow.

  4. Totally agree with you about underground power lines, River.
    There are always so many problems here with the lines throughout the year.

    Clever little Calvin :)

  5. klahanie; internet connection is often iffy, I've been lucky with it lately. I had a home with underground power lines once and the phone connection line was underground too, it was nice looking out and not seeing any stobie poles.

    Delores; I'd imagine at least some neighbours would enjoy it. I know I would and my kids would probably build similar displays.

    Happy Elf Christine; send the kids out to create snow scenes.

    Vicki; one more thing, imagine all the street trees being able to grow to the full heights, no more council lopping! Wouldn't that be great!

  6. Love the cartoon.
    Was thinking about you when I saw on ABC24 news about the havoc the storms had caused in your city and hoped you were OK.
    How thankful I am that we now have underground power including street lights. Our telephone has been underground as long as I can remember although that can have problems with ants, mice etc at times. They get into those little boxes under the concrete blocks at times. Otherwise I think it still better.
    I note you have more heat coming your way. Keep cool.

  7. I was reading about the Adelaide storm and the havoc with power cuts because of fallen trees. I guess you can be thankful that those winds were not in combination with an extremely hot day, in which case there could have been a fire disaster like Ash Wednesday.

    We have underground lines in our town, although I think the steelworks has huge, heavy duty pylons for their power needs. The biggest threat for them is ice storms which can cause the metal to buckle and collapse, which happened here a couple of winters ago. I agree that underground is the way to go.

    We have flaky internet in the extreme cold and sometimes flickering power but (touch wood) we've not had any long term cuts, although I'm ready with candles, a camping stove and fuel, matches etc just in case. The Swede would die without his morning coffee :-)

  8. And P.S. I forgot to add that I adore Calvin. His snowman series is hilarious.

    People sometimes build "Calvin-style" snowmen here, generally impaled by a tree. Although you don't see as many snowmwn here as you'd think you might because when the temperature gets to below -3C it’s too cold to make snowmen. The snow simply doesn’t stick together. It's like trying to build a sandcastlke with dry sand. Who knew?

  9. Absolutely! I hate to see trees lopped for power lines. They always look dis-formed when not allowed to grow to their natural shape.

  10. Marie; candles! I've got some somewhere, I should probably find them, just in case. I have two good torches though, so I may not need them. I love Calvin's snowman series too, they're really clever. I had no idea snow couldn't always be packed into snowmen!

    Vicki; imagine a world where all trees reached their full potential.

  11. Calvin and Hobbes rate among the best comic strips ever!

    A university in Pennsylvania has closed down for three days, since there is no power.


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