manna from heaven

A very close friend of mine, renting a house, lives right next door to the landlord.
Said landlord and his wife have an extensive fruit and vegetable garden.
My friend, my lucky, lucky friend, gets to share in this home grown bounty.
Not all the time of course, but often enough things are brought over.

Grapes, red and green, or the nearly black, tiny currant grapes.
Tomatoes, and bottles of home made tomato sauce.
Gallon bottles of cold-pressed olive oil from the home grown olives.
Baked goodies at Easter and Christmas.
The latest offering?

My very favourite fruit.

My friend has received an enormous bowl full of these golden fruits. Easily 5kg.

I was visiting the day after and asked if I could bring some home. Yes, of course!
I have a full kilo of apricots in my kitchen and have just eaten two of them.
Two apricots that is, not two kilos.
They are delicious!

From the tree to me, no truck miles, no warehouse storage, certainly no cold storage involved. And no inflated supermarket prices.
Sweet, full flavoured, juicy, manna from heaven.
I'm saving the seeds. (Don't be acting all surprised here, you knew I would.)

Between these new seeds and the ones I got from my neighbour V a while ago, surely I can manage to grow at least one tree?

In other news, I went to see how Missy was doing yesterday. Only eight days since the vet saw her and the change is great.
Already enough hair has grown back on her hind legs that the bald spots are almost gone. There is no sign at all of the raw and scabby sores. Her coat is softer and beginning to shine again. The best part? Her bright yellow eyes are once again shiny and alert.


  1. It's good to have a friend with a neighbor.

  2. Lucky you--I love apricots, too!!

  3. Wonderful news about Missy.
    And yummm to fresh, home grown apricots. A sadly underrated fruit.

  4. joeh; it's also good to have a neighbour who shares the home grown bounty.

    fishducky; I'm really hoping to get an apricot tree started this year. I'm also going to buy one so I can pick my own sooner.

    Elephant's Child; missy is much more amenable to being held and patted now too.
    Apricots are underrated because most people only know the dry tasteless ones available in supermarkets.

  5. ... lucky you, River... what a great friend.... my husband's favourite fruit is apricots... Hugs .. Barb xx

  6. I love apricots as much as marzipan and fresh pressed olive oil! What a nice treat. Did the vet diagnose Missy or just cure her? I am glad she's on the mend.

  7. So glad to hear the kitty is doing well now.

  8. Barbara Neubeck; you'll have to give him a tree for Christmas. In September when they are in the nurseries. Or is it Autumn?

    Joanne; I think he cured her with the two injections, he did say if there is no improvement in three weeks to call him again.

    Delores; I'm glad too, she looks so much more comfortable and happier too.


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