Trees of Christmases past

These are some of the Christmas trees I've had in past years. 

You'll notice some years are missing, that's because there are children or other family members in those photos, so I can't put them here.

1992  All the kids were still at home, mostly, the two oldest ones often stayed with boyfriend/girlfriend for days or weeks. See the blankets on the couch? Hubby taking a well earned nap, after supervising the decorating of the tree and placement of wrapped gifts. 

1998 this is the only photo I have from this year that doesn't have assorted grandchildren in it.

2003 first appearance of Harvey Banana and the puppies Vanilla and Fudge, they're stuck in the tree. 
I'd been sleeping on the fold-out couch because the bedroom was just too hot that summer. 

2004 the purple and blue year (and the usual red and gold)

2010 my last Christmas in that unit. The purple is still there, but the blue is gone.

I have a great photo of my 2008 tree, but can't show it as there are photos of the kids behind it.

2011 the all gold year, my first Christmas in my current home.


  1. 1992 All that staying with boyfriends/girlfriends 1998 lots of grandchildren

    Nice idea to keep records of all your trees.

  2. Every photo album and all the digital folders....regular as clockwork...there's the tree. Lovely memories.

  3. Gorgeous things. We haven't had a tree for a few years now, but there are some treasured ornaments which need to be seen. Next year perhaps.

  4. You've been there since 2011? It seems like just yesterday. I like the 2011 tree best.

  5. A wonderful array, River...thanks for sharing them with us. Have a great weekend; cuddles to Angel. :)

  6. joeh; there were only 3 grandchildren in 1998, but when they went rampaging through the house trailing streamers of tinsel you would have thought there was half a school there! There are 5 now and all grown up, the youngest is 10 already.

    Delores; I like looking back at the tree over the years, sometimes I can clearly see which child did most of the decorating.

    Elephant's Child; I miss having my tree up. Perhaps next year when Angel is two I might give it a go.

    Andrew; yes, three years already, how time flies! I like the gold tree a lot too, then the next year I put everything I had on the tree and it is a gorgeous mix of gold, red, green and silver.

    Lee; you're welcome. I like looking at them and seeing how they've changed over the years. hugs to your furry overlords too.

  7. Oh finally. I had so much trouble getting pics to load today and it isn't just your blog. Has it really been three years since you've been at your current place? Seems like only a year ago! :)


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