Musical Monday #40

Musical Monday

I was introduced to Musical Monday by Delores who copied the meme from another site.

I think it’s a fun way to show off some of the music we like and brighten up our Mondays at the same time. 

I’ll be finding my clips on you tube, so will simply credit that site since there are often so many versions of everything and I wouldn’t want to accidentally credit the wrong artist.

Today’s clip is: surprise, surprise; Boney M! 

Auld Lang Syne

and the lyrics.


  1. Never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

  2. I hope that everyone's cup of kindness is filled to the brim this year.

  3. The ONLY holiday that gets to me is New Year's Eve, and not because of the dancing and kissing and lots of partying. because I never went for that. It's hardwired in my DNA to stand at the front door and stare outside. (kinda weird, but it's a necessity). I think of the stages of my life spent staring out that door. Hoping my husband would someday love me. Hoping for an early death to get out of the mental, emotional, and physical pain. And now? Just thankful, due to Joe totally making my life into a 180 degree turn.

  4. Wow! I've not heard Boney M for ages and ages! :)

    I'm a bit like lotta joy re New Year's Eve...

    I was never one for all the fuss and kissing people you don't want to kiss or have kissing you at midnight. Come the bewitching as everyone excitedly waited for the clock hands to tick over I used to go off by myself (and have a quiet little cry - Auld Lang Syne has a tendency to stir the emotions - and I'd ponder about life in general...pensively...alone) .

    I've always found New Year's Eve parties to be "forced" - parties where everyone feels they have to have fun. So I tried to dodge as many as I could through the years. I always see the New Year in...but I prefer to do it alone.

    Late afternoon-early evening on New Year's Eve I am joining my landlords for a wine or three over some tasty tidbits, and then I'll return back to my two furry rascals. My landlords' home is up the other end of the property...three acres of land...and my cabin is down the other end. So I don't have far to travel. We can't see each others' abodes because of all the wonderful
    foliage surrounding their large waterlily-covered pond.

    And now that I've managed to write a novella...I shall shoot off and make myself a cup of coffee...have a good day, River...cuddles to Angel. :)

  5. Love it and so many don't know that Robbie Burns wrote it or the meaning of Auld Lang Syne. :)
    Perfect for the new year River.

  6. Delores; one of my all-time favourites.

    Elephant's Child; me too!

    lotta joy; even with the 180* turn, are you still staring out into the universe?
    Wonder what your soul is searching for?

    Lee; New Years Eve doesn't mean a lot to me either, just another day. Like you said most people are having fun because they feel they are supposed to on this night, I'm just glad to have made it safely through another year. I usually fall asleep well before midnight anyway.

    Rose ~ from OZ; Robbie Burns? Our Aussie Robbie Burns?? How about that! I don't know about the meaning of the song apart from wishing everyone kindness and happiness. Perhaps you could do a post about it.

    Everyone: it's bucketing rain down here and I've put my pyjamas back on over my shorts and t-shirt because of the cold. :)

  7. oh River I can feel the hot damp. I hope we get it next as we usually do.
    We have a Robbie Burns monument at the main intersection here in beautiful Ballarat. For old times sake and why oh why does it make us all get teary?
    It is always Musical Monday at my conjoined twin Marshall Stack's blog. No post there yet for RIP Joe Cocker but his version, of all the versions of Cry Me A River, is actually the one that makes me cry. Gosh he picked the right songs and made them all better.
    Take a cup of kindness dear River. Hogmanay, Scots wha hae! and take a lump of coal over the doorstep on NYE.

  8. Ann ODyne; it's cold here, but the rain has stopped and the sun is shining again. I'm going to have to google Robbie burns and find out more. I wasn't a fan of Joe Cocker, but I liked that song. Sad to hear he has passed on. I'll pop on over to Marshall Stacks and see what's there.
    I've heard of this lump of coal thing before but don't know why, I'll be googling that too.

  9. Boney M I don't know but always love to hear Auld Lang Syne. Phil and I always spend New Year's Eve alone at home and we are in a very quiet neighbourhood so not many sounds heard at midnight. Let's hope 2015 brings a semblance of peace to our troubled world with more love shared than the hatred we seem to see on a daily basis. This is a time in history when I feel mankind needs to stick together rather than fall apart.

  10. Mimsie; the love and hate might seem more balanced if the news programs showed good things happening instead of only the bad.


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