Sunday Selections #21

It's Sunday Selections time again!
Time to post photos that have been hiding away in your computer files, photos that you may have completely forgotten about.
Have a hunt through your files and find them.

This idea comes to us from Kim at frogpondsrock, who realised one day that she takes many more photos than she uses, as we all do, and wanted to post some of the older ones on her blog.

A once a week meme seemed like a good idea, so Sunday Selections was born and anyone at all can join in.

I often choose a theme for my Sunday Selections and this week my theme is >


 What to do with leftover pastry and fruit mince.

 Fresh from the garden and steamed for dinner.

The onions are ready, are the burgers cooked?

 The beginning...

 ...the middle....

 I'll just stir these...

 ...and these...

 Time to get the tuna mornays out of the oven.

 ....the ending. Mmm, gingerbread cake.

Mince pies.

To join in with Sunday Selections, post photos of your choice under the Sunday Selections title, then go to Kim's site, add your name to her linky list and leave her a comment.
Then have a look at what others have posted for their selections.
There are some really good photographers out there.


  1. Yummo. Don't even know which ones look best.

  2. Yum, can I come over for tea?

  3. EC; they're all good!!

    Kakka; anytime. Just warn me first so I can put my teeth in....

    no-one; I knew you'd say that. I reckon it must be about time I made some more of these.

  4. It just had to be food, didn't it!
    No consideration for those of us in DietHell who will probably resort to licking the screen.

    And what's worse, this morning I bought the last Pineapple Freddo at the shop. I'm in mourning.

  5. They all look yummmmy i'd eat the lot no problems at all, then suffer tomorrow :-).

  6. JahTeh; I'm so sorry. It's just that food is one thing I'm really good at. I'll keep you in mind next Sunday and do something different.

    Windsmoke; If you paced yourself, spread the intake over a full day, there might not be too much suffering.

  7. That reminds me River, can I have your fruit mince pie recipe. please?

  8. Oh yum gingerbread cake! That has to be worth a try!
    Love the fresh vegies. Beautiful :)

  9. I sooooo feel like one (okay, two) of those tuna mornays followed by gingerbread cake for dessert.

    In our hotel room we're about to have carrot soup and cheese on toast!

  10. Wow, there's some amazing food going on there!

  11. Now you're making me hungry! left over pastry and fruit mince! - I'd forgotten I have a jar of fruit mince in the pantry and I have frozen pastry in the fridge - I'm thinking with a good dollop of rich cream.
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  12. Kim; it's home made sweet shortcrust pastry, plain flour, butter, caster sugar and eggs, and shop bought jars of fruit mince. But it has to be the MacRobertson's brand.

    sleepydwarf; I'll put up the gingerbread cake recipe soon.

    Kath; I know another Kath who is probably going to be asking me for tuna mornays soonish. I'd better get those ramekins out of storage.

    Kristy; I like to eat....

    Dianne; frozen pastry? no, no, no. Oh alright, if you must. Home made is better and sweeter.


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